One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and twenty-three. Tear!

123. Tear!

"Axel!" the girl in the vest exclaimed. Axel is indeed very strong, but the strength of his body is at most able to withstand those punches. Facing these bullets, as long as he is hit If it hits, it will definitely be a shot and a hole, and the shuttle will definitely be the sieve that the humanoid robot population said!

Perhaps it was a mistake to come to the rescue this time.

The difference in strength is too great.

Relying on the current strength alone, it is simply impossible to fight against the stronghold of the organization with hot weapons.

The pincer robot looked at Axel coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person. He was too lazy to make a move, so for a hero who has not even reached the B level, a shuttle of bullets is enough.

Bullets are indeed powerful, but Axel is not helpless!

The two fists were launched, as if facing the wind blade in the crack, and the fists were smashed out with a cyclone, forming a cyclone barrier in front of his body.

"What!?" The humanoid robot was shocked. What he didn't expect was that the cyclone created by Axel was so powerful that it could block the penetration of those bullets.

"Ding ding dong dong..." Those warheads were shot down by Axel and fell to the ground and scattered all over the place.

"Huh..." The girl in the vest let out a long breath, she tied the gate, and it was still difficult for the robots outside to attack with brute force, and she was trying to figure out a way.

The normally calm pliers robot glanced at the warheads on the ground, and couldn't help but gasp, for no other reason than those warheads on the ground were completely deformed!

That's right, the warhead, which was originally a cone, was twisted into a twist-like shape by some unknown force at this time.

What a joke.

Those warheads are alloy metals!

What kind of power is able to twist these warheads into twists?

No, the young man just now seemed to have shot some kind of white cyclone. Could it be that this kind of cyclone has such power?

Oh my god, is this still a C-level B-level hero?

The pincer robot couldn't calm down anymore, he suddenly realized that even the organization didn't underestimate the intruder who suddenly rushed in!

"This guy is not easy, we have to go together and kill him as soon as possible!" The humanoid robot has completely lost its calmness, such a powerful force, once he gets close to him, his metal shell looks very Hard, but simply not enough to watch!


What a mistake!

This guy is a monster at all!

No wonder, no wonder two people dared to attack the organization's stronghold, without any level, this is simply death!

Fortunately, it's not too late to find out, suppress him with a hot weapon, and the two join forces to kill each other!

Thinking of this, the humanoid robot has no reservations anymore, and the finger machine guns in both hands fell like raindrops. Even if Axel can block it, it will definitely hinder his pace. On the other side, the pincer robot with a very high tacit understanding also launched its own offensive. His attack method is very special, those small pincers actually fly from his body like small rockets.

"Is it a bomb?" Axel frowned, his fists fluttered, expanding the range of the cyclone, and the sound of the wind whizzed suddenly! In this confined space, the sound of howling the wind was like a ghost crying from hell, it was creepy.

"Damn it, who the hell is this guy? He actually has such great strength!" The humanoid robot kept shooting backwards as it strafed wildly. His bullets couldn't penetrate the cyclone defense wall formed by Axel's fists at all.

"Hmph, so what if it intercepts my rockets?" The corner of the pincer robot's mouth showed an imperceptible smirk,

In the original design, this small pincer rocket is used to clamp the enemy's body, and then attach to the enemy's body to explode. However, due to the Axel cyclone defense wall, this pincer rocket is also unable to get close. However, he is not worried...

It was not shot down like a bullet. When being attacked, those pliers rockets exploded in the air, and immediately set off a huge air wave. The air wave was extremely fast, and hit Ah Kessel's cyclone protection wall.

"So that's how it is!" Axel was startled, the fighting purpose of this pincer robot is now very obvious, that is to rely on the impact of this fighting to injure himself!

Obviously, the collision between the cyclone and this air wave is like two forces colliding, and the force of the collision will eventually be transmitted to Axel behind him, causing certain damage to his body, and this The damage value is determined by how much the impact of the air wave can be offset by the cyclone.

"I don't believe it. Could your cyclone be stronger than the air waves caused by rockets?" The pincer robot looked at the smoke and dust in the distance coldly, full of confidence.

"Huh, I finally killed him. It is impossible for a human body to resist such destructive power." The humanoid robot heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that he will also need to install some rocket-type weapons in the future, but , The recoil of this kind of weapon is too strong, and it is not easy to install. Based on the design and positioning of my current body, I use these light weapons.

"Axel!" The girl in the vest exclaimed while resisting the impact outside the gate. In front of her eyes was a cloud of smoke and dust, and she couldn't see the situation clearly. It has been crushed by the fire and air waves generated by the explosion.

"Captain, let's go, you can't fight against them who have hot weapons!" The armed staff chief didn't want to let himself hurt everyone, his brain was severely impacted last time, and it was already very difficult to recover. I already have half of my life left, so I can't implicate my good partners anymore.


"Iron Fist! Breaking Wind Howl!" A roar came from the smoke and dust, and a whirling tornado blown away all the flames and air waves in front of him with the momentum of thunder, and a figure rushed out of the smoke and dust like lightning come out.

"What!?" The humanoid robot was stunned, he even forgot to raise his hands to shoot.

"He's fine! Not good!" The pincer robot turned pale with shock, this time the judgment was too big a mistake.

However, Axel would not give them a chance to breathe, and rushed to them like a swimming snake, the iron fist of his right hand hit Huanglong directly, and roared, "Rock! Iron! Broken!"

With a "bang", it hit the pincer robot's chest firmly.

Axel knew that the robot with rockets was the biggest threat to him. Relatively speaking, the threat of bullets was much smaller.

"Crackling..." The ear-piercing voice sounded, and the special alloy shell of the pliers robot was torn apart by Axel, revealing a large number of electronic structures inside.

"Impossible, impossible, no!" The pliers robot roared, he was completely different from those ordinary robot security guards, but it still couldn't resist the iron fist, the alloy plate armor was like this, like bread The same was torn apart! ?

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