One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and twenty six. Heavy damage

126. Heavy damage

The three of them stopped running at all, instead they stopped and faced these robots and motorcycle robots directly. With the armed staff chief serving as a meat shield in front, those robots had no chance of winning.

In less than ten minutes, those robots suddenly turned into scrap metal all over the place.

"Boom..." The exploding motorcycle was burning, and the cheeks of the three people were red.

"Hee hee, today is really a great victory, and everyone's combat experience has also improved a lot." The girl in the vest was extremely excited, and the cooperation of several people had improved a lot.

"I think, can these things be collected and sold for a good price?" Axel asked while touching his chin, looking at the mess on the ground. What surprised him even more was that there was a motorcycle The car just fell down, and the soil here is relatively soft, and it didn't suffer much damage.

lift up.

Put on the vest girl.

The softness stuck to his back, which immediately made Axel feel a little weird...

"Well, I'm always a little worried, let's get out of here quickly." Axel said with a frown, he always felt a little weird.

"You think it's too smooth, but I don't think they have any backup." The chief of the armed staff said with a sigh of relief. Although it is a set of armor for the manipulator, it is also expensive for his physical strength. Great, after a big battle, he is the most tired.

"Anyway, there's no benefit to staying here, let's go." The girl in the vest patted Axel on the back, "Old driver, let's start!"

"Hey." Axel smiled, feeling a lot more relaxed.


Just as he was about to set off, he heard an extremely piercing sound of piercing through the air.

"What is it?" Axel raised his head to look at the sky in horror, his eyes couldn't help but widen a little - it turned out to be a rocket launcher!

Sure enough, they didn't let us go so easily!

However, the speed of the rocket launcher was really too fast, and, obviously, it had been prepared for a long time. When Axel found out, the distance was already very close.

"Damn it, look at the direction the attack is coming from, it's the opposite direction of the organization's stronghold. In other words, they have already set up an ambush!" Axel's doubts in his heart were finally resolved, but who is it? Leaked the news about me, let them know that I was going to make a surprise attack today, and set up this trap at the same time, just to let myself use this large-scale and powerful weapon to kill three of myself in one shot at the moment when I was careless!

"Not good!" The girl in the vest said badly in her heart, but it was too late to escape now.


on that side of the screen.

The old scientist chuckled, "The test has just begun. It was just about twenty appetizers. Now is the first test. Can you solve the rocket launcher this time?"

"Hmph, just rely on them?" The young scientist shook his head, "Impossible, with the power and speed of that person's boxing we calculated just now, it is impossible to shoot down those rockets. They have to wait to die. It's just a pity. Their aptitude is nothing more than that, but they are wasting our first wave of robot troops."

"It doesn't matter, those robots are already old, just apply for a replacement fee with the headquarters..."



A ray of red light flashed through the electronic sounds of the armed staff chief, and the black armor all over his body suddenly became fiery red, and the terrifying heat bloomed, and even the light in the air around him began to distort immediately.

"Beep beep..."

The mechatronics quickly locked on to the rockets flying in the air, and the body of the armed staff chief sank slightly,

The huge long sword drew a trace on the ground.

"Wu..." Axel and the girl in the vest looked at the armed staff chief in horror. They already understood what the other party wanted to do, but time was running out, and it was too late to think about a more secure way of fighting.

It's too late to say it.

At the moment when the rockets were about to fall, the armed staff chief's huge body jumped into the air, swung his huge sword, and slammed into those rockets fiercely.

"Boom..." After the loud noise, several groups of huge flames erupted in the air, and the terrifying heat wave pushed the armed staff chief's body of hundreds of kilograms to the ground.

In contrast, Axel and the girl in the vest were only slightly affected by the cover of the armed staff chief's body in the air.

With a muffled sound of "Boom...", the huge body of the armed staff chief actually smashed a huge deep hole in the ground, a lot of smoke and dust floated up, and the soil and walls on both sides of the hole were burned until black smoke came out. , The life and death of the armed personnel inside is unknown.

"Armed staff chief!" Axel and the girl in the vest rushed over.


The deep hole that was smashed out was three meters deep. If it was an ordinary human being, it would have been crushed to a pulp by the thrust.

"I... am still alive!" The slightly weak voice of the armed staff chief came from below.

"Great." The girl in the vest let out a sigh of relief, but what should she do next? What if the opponent continues to use rockets to attack?

The armed staff chief turned over from the deep pit and stood up. After making some adjustments, he inserted his giant sword into the wall next to the deep pit, and slowly climbed up to the ground. "Be careful, they may have another round of attacks!"

It's okay to face some hot weapons like bullets, but facing such a powerful hot weapon, the three of them are a bit stretched.

"It's been so long since the second round of attack, I don't think they will do it again." Axel said in a deep voice. It has been several minutes since the first round of attack, and the other party did not Any sign of attack gave the three people a chance to breathe, which still seemed very unusual.

Axel's gaze swept across the body of the armed staff chief, and he couldn't help frowning. The special alloy armor of the armed staff chief has now been seriously deformed, and the left wrist seems to have been severely burned. Under the simultaneous action of huge force, it distorted. The armor on his chest was deeply dented, and the high-temperature flames even burned through several holes in the armor. You could see the eyes of the armed staff leader blinking, and he asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, I can't die. Cough cough..." The armed staff chief coughed violently a few times. Obviously, the thrust and high temperature had a great impact on him.

"We need to get to the Heroes Association as soon as possible, and it is the best policy to let them treat well." Axel frowned. From the sound of his voice, the chief of the armed staff had already suffered serious internal injuries. It will cause immeasurable damage, "Leave the next battle to me and the vest, you must never fight again!"

"This..." The armed staff chief knew that the opponent couldn't be the end of this round of rockets, and this time the battle still needed his strength.

"Listen to Axel!" the girl in the vest said in an almost commanding tone.

"Stop being hypocritical, no matter whether you are fighting together or alone, you are going to die here!" At this moment, a voice not far away sounded.

The three of Axel looked up at the same time, their eyes widened several times, and they were speechless in horror!

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