One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred twenty-seven. Outnumbered and Outnumbered

127. Outnumbered and Outnumbered

Another machine god!

However, there is still an essential difference from the armed staff. The machine god in front of him looks even bigger, with a height of four meters, with a disc on his back, and a long red cloak flying in the wind. The silver-white armor shone dazzlingly under the sunlight, and a pair of blood-red electronic eyes looked down at the three people coldly, as if looking at three prey.

"Is this the Mecha God G2?" Axel thought to himself, it was already too much to fight against the armed staff chief in the state of Mecha God G1, but now it would be even more fierce if the three of them fought against the even more powerful Mecha God G2 Dorje is less.

"You have passed the test, then, next, you will be extremely honored to be my test subjects in actual combat, you should feel honored..." The voice of Machine God G2 is very strange, like some kind of sharp voice The animal's voice... Maybe to put it bluntly, it's like a mouse that can speak human language.

The body of the armed staff chief swayed slightly, the load from the physical trauma made it very difficult for him to stand even if he continued to fight...

Axel reached out and stopped the armed staff chief, "You rest, the rest of the battle, leave it to me and the vest!"

"But!" The armed staff became anxious. The other party was a more advanced machine god than himself, and the strength of its armor was unimaginable. Axel might not even be able to break through the other party's armor!

"Haha..." On the opposite side, Megod G2's sharp and uncomfortable laughter sounded, "It's really a touching scene, but it's a pity that you all have to die here today. However, now you Not enough for me to make a move..."

As the voice fell, a large number of robot soldiers slowly appeared on both sides of him, there were seventy or eighty of them!

Axel's complexion changed drastically. Sure enough, the information about the driving knights was correct. There were more than 100 robot teams, but more than 30 were used as bait. The real combat power is here!


That side of the big screen.

The young scientist shook his head, "This machine god G1 is really stupid. It actually blocked that wave of rocket attacks with its own body, but that's it."

The old scientist laughed and leaned back on the chair behind him, "I hope they can help us digest this batch of old robots this time, otherwise, it will be really difficult to apply for funding..."

To put it bluntly, let these robots die again and again, but they don't want to use these robots at all, and there has been no good reason for the allocation of funds in previous years. If you are influenced by Axel this time and apply for funding under the pretext that the defensive team of the receivers is completely wiped out, and at the same time need to strengthen the defense of the organization's stronghold, it will kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, the rubbish has been cleaned up, and on the other hand, funding can be obtained...

"Should we thank these three unsung heroes? Hehe." The young scientist smiled triumphantly. The funds in the organization are very tight, and the competition for funding between several organization strongholds is almost head-to-head. And they also racked their brains to come up with this method.

"But it's a pity that if they die too quickly this time, they won't be able to do the actual combat test for Mech God G2." The old scientist frowned.

"It doesn't matter, we have recently tracked the whereabouts of several A-level heroes, and we can let Mecha G2 challenge..."

"Will that cause conflicts between the organization and the Hero Association? I don't want to be held accountable for this." The old scientist frowned, this was a headache for him.

"Otherwise, you can also challenge the old guys in those dojos."

"good idea."


"Enjoy it..." The slightly mocking tone of G2 penetrated into everyone's ears.

But he turned around and quickly retreated to a place more than ten meters away, looking at Axel and the others as if enjoying a performance.

"There are too many enemies, without me, you will die!" The armed staff chief struggled to take a step forward, but the severe pain in his body made him break out in a cold sweat.

"Don't move, this is my order as the captain!" Axel yelled sharply, and at the same time, he dodged and rushed forward. The girl in the vest didn't need to remind at all, the tacit understanding between the two had reached the point where no words were needed. Go up softly and follow Axel closely.

"Oh, can you attack directly? Can you withstand the wheel battle of 89 robots?" Machine God G2 looked at Axel as if looking at a fool, and waved his right hand. The tide rushed over.

Kill one by one?


Axel and the girl in the vest are like two dots, and the opponent's 89 robots will soon form a face to face each other. There is no chance of winning at all. Hit by a bullet or hit by a stick.

Now, before the opponent has formed a frontal attack and completely surrounds the two people, use the good opportunity when the opponent rushes over like a tide, and kill as many robots as possible at once!

"It's this time!" Axel suddenly shrank his eyes.

Tier 1 Tier 1 Broken Wind Howl!

The iron fist moves, the wind whistles and breaks!

His forward posture remained the same, but the sand and stones along the way flew up and spun as if they were pulled by some kind of traction for a moment, and a gust of wind swirled around him without warning, and the terrifying cyclone force was going crazy The condensed, wind howl sounded, like a wild wolf roaring in the mountains!

The cyclone came extremely fast, and at the outermost periphery of the cyclone, small wind blades like silver-white flying knives were spinning rapidly, like a huge meat grinder flashing a frightening cold light.

"Oh?" The young scientist looked at the abnormal movement on the screen, his eyes glowed strangely, he turned his head and shouted at an operator, "Quickly, pass his data to the big screen for me!"

"It's unbelievable. He is not a superpower user, but he can do this?" Even the old scientist was a little horrified. The coffee cup was tilted, and the coffee spilled on him without realizing it.

I saw that a large amount of data was displayed on the big screen like a waterfall, and the eyes of the young scientist couldn't help but widen again.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Xiaotian Drive!

Where the wind howls, the wild dragon dances!

"Gah..." A dragon roar sounded, and from Axel's feet, a fire dragon soared into the sky and wrapped around his body. A pair of burning eyes stared at the robot rushing in front of him, and the terrifying power suddenly appeared. descended on this area.


The "hearts" of those impacting robots trembled.

That's right, these intelligent beings also have the feeling of "fear" and are almost not controlled by the electronic board. They all stopped in place and stared blankly at the fire dragon staring at them. Like an ordinary human being, a chill emerged from the depths of "the bottom of my heart".

"Oh?" A cold light flashed in the electronic eyes of the machine-god G2, who had always been very indifferent, and even he was a little horrified.

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