One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and twenty-eight. Even in heavy siege

128. Even if you are in a tight siege

Second-tier first-tier Broken King Kong!

Iron fist moves, rock and iron shatter!

Axel quickly condensed all his cyclones on his right fist, and the fire dragon wrapped around his right arm. The sound of dragon chant continued, and the terrifying cyclone rotated at a super fast speed, turning into a The white whirlwind drill bit is visible to the naked eye, and the piercing howl of the wind is like the cry of hell!

"Even if we are outnumbered!" Axel roared angrily, his eyes flashing with the characteristic white light of Feng Xiao.

"Even if you are in a tight siege!" The cyclone of his right fist became more condensed. One can imagine how terrifying it would be to condense a cyclone with a diameter of several meters to a diameter only around the thickness of an arm.

A move that combines Rock Iron Breaking and Dragon Roaring Sky Drive!

"Long Xiao Rock! Iron! Broken!" Axel roared, and punched the robot in front of him frantically, "Gah..." The fire dragon roared full of fighting spirit, bringing With the cyclone wind blade spinning to the limit, it rushed forward.

The speed of this blow was so fast that the robots had no time to react, and the terrifying Long Xiaoyan Iron Shard expanded rapidly after Axel released it, pounced on the robots like a cone .

The power of Yantie smashed through the armor, and quickly penetrated the armor of those robots, exposing the deadly electronic components inside. Afterwards, the indestructible wind blade quickly smashed those wires and electronic boards into pieces.

In just an instant, more than 60 robots were damaged in this attack, turning into a large number of mechanical and electronic fragments scattered on the ground.

After the sound of howling wind.

There are broken robot heads, robot arms and robot legs everywhere, sparking electronic components, and unnamed metal parts.

Seeing this situation, the remaining 16 robots backed up several steps at the same time, releasing a feeling of "fear" from their electronic boards.

"Evolution?" The old scientist looked at some data on the big screen in horror, he felt incredible. Robots are divided into two types: cyborgs and robots. Cyborgs seal human consciousness in the body of a robot. They are basically human beings, but they use another body. They have their own Feelings, sensations, and consciousness, like Genos, cyborgs like Drive Knight.

The other is robots, all of which are mechanical and electronic components. They have no emotions of their own, but only carry out activities according to inherent procedures, just like these robot security guards and robot soldiers. Fear, fear, joy and other emotions, but today, in the face of Axel's attack, they actually broke through this common sense.

"Perhaps, they may be able to evolve through some kind of stimulation..." The old scientist's eyes became extremely hot.

"But, isn't this attack too terrifying?" The young scientist's sweat dripped down, and his eyes were locked on the waterfall-like data on the big screen. I even forgot to breathe, that data is comparable to a powerful thermal weapon attack!

"I'm getting more and more curious. Who is this guy who uses boxing?" The old scientist's eyes were burning. What kind of difference?"

"Yeah, it's really exciting!" The young scientist's eyes also glowed, "His identity also fascinates me..."


At the headquarters of the Association of Heroes.

The operator in the sub-control room who was monitoring the world yelled in horror, "Oh my God!"

"What's the name, what a fuss!" Beside,

His head slapped the back of his head violently, let out a haha, and sat up straight.

"Boss, look at the huge energy response from the organization's No. 1 stronghold!" The operator covered the back of his head and said aggrievedly.

"Organization stronghold? Isn't it normal for them to have energy reactions there? They have thermal weapons..." The head frowned and looked at his subordinates, "You didn't mean to tease me on purpose? Huh , do you want to look good!?"

"No, boss, what I said is true!" The operator almost cried, "I don't know where the thermal weapon is, but this time the energy is not caused by the thermal weapon!"

As expected of the rich experience, the boss immediately understood the meaning of the subordinate's mouth, "You mean, like the attacking energy produced by a hero?"

"Yeah!" The operator covered the back of his head and hands, and said in a miserable tone, "Damn it, if you don't figure it out, just beat me up."

The boss bounced off the chair like an electric shock, and then quickly transferred the data just now to the big screen, "Oh my God, incredible power, it's too powerful..." he roared, "Give me Check, is the Fubuki team around there!?"

Soon, the operator gave a response, not near that!

"What about the other heroes, are they around there!?"

"No, there's no sign of hero activity there!" Since Axel and the others had already blocked the hero cards and hero mobile phones, the Hero Association couldn't detect them at all.

The boss wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and his eyes showed a strange look, "Perhaps, it's some folk expert, so if we can catch his whereabouts and let him join the Heroes' Association, that would be a great achievement." One piece!"

"Quickly, quickly locate the satellite of the Hero Association to that location, I need the clearest picture!"

Soon, a group of pictures were displayed on the big screen——

It was a man wearing black clothes, a black helmet, and a black cloak. His right fist actually created a powerful whirlwind like a fire dragon. People are all destroyed at the same time!

"Fire dragon? Boxing? Whirlwind?" The boss looked dull, and he suddenly thought of Axel who was very popular not long ago, that is, the Iron Fist Man in the Cloak. Isn't it exactly this kind of attack? It's just that the form of the Long Xiaotian Drive last time was a bit different from this attack...

"Who is this guy?"

"Yeah, it's mysterious, and it's wearing a helmet, so it's hard to see clearly!"

"Follow his whereabouts, I need his true identity!" The boss ordered to die, but he was also extremely puzzled, "Is it the Iron Fist Man in Cloak? Or is it someone else?"

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