One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

one hundred and thirty one. heart hurts

131. Heart hurts

Seeing that the girl in the vest was about to be split in half, Axel appeared out of nowhere, and with a tiger pounce, the girl in the vest was thrown several meters away, narrowly dodging the attack of the opponent's giant sword Slashing, and the position where the girl in the vest was standing just now was cut into a big hole by the giant sword of Mech God G2, and the sand and rocks flew away, hitting the two people painfully.

"Dodged once, can it be possible to dodge the second time?" The time for Megod G2 to adjust his body balance was also greatly shortened compared to before. He jumped up high and vertically, and the giant sword in his hand stood upright. , A current flowed directly from the body into the giant sword, and the current swam around the giant sword like a lightning snake, making the strange squeaking sound chilling.

Axel and the girl in the vest lying on the ground were even more doomed.

"Not good!" Axel turned around, and hit the "Broken Wind Roar" with all his strength at the machine god G2 in the sky. He didn't want to penetrate the opponent's armor, but only needed this whirlwind to generate enough to create enough escape time for myself and the vest girl.

However, after the 50% increase in the link system of the Mech God G2 exploded, the power became too strong, and coupled with the impact of the vertically leaping Mount Tai, it was even more overwhelming.

With a sound of "Boom...", Axel's Pofeng Xiao slammed into the opponent's body, but the next moment, that force was quickly defeated by the falling machine god G2, and his The body just slowed down a little bit in the air, and it was not affected by the essence.

Axel gritted his teeth, and taking advantage of the almost instantaneous short blocking time, the girl hugged the vest and rolled to the side, and the two rolled to the side with a "gurgling".

"Boom..." The giant sword slashed at the original position, and the hard rock on the ground instantly shattered, forming a deep pit half a meter deep. The black clothes of the two were instantly torn, and blood flowed out from the cut skin and muscles.

The aftermath alone could injure the two of them. If they were hit directly, they would probably turn into a pile of flesh!

"Can you still escape?" After landing on the ground, Mech God G2 took advantage of the opportunity to lift the giant sword, and the three-meter-long sword could directly cut the two people who were rolling aside from the ground in half!

The difference in strength is too great!


In the sub-control room of the Heroes Association headquarters.

The boss shook his head. The difference in strength is too great. What I didn't expect was that the machine god G2 could still explode such an ability. After the speed and strength increased significantly, these three people had no chance of winning at all. Now, I'm afraid even There is no chance of escape.

"Forget it, there's no need to investigate who the two of them are, they won't survive anymore." The boss sighed.

The operator also shook his head, "It's a pity."

"Damn it, this damn organization." Another operator gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't be impulsive, now is not the time to tear yourself apart with the organization, record this video and send it to the higher-ups." The boss was in a bad mood. Originally, he wanted to recruit these two people to become heroes, but, Now it seems that these two people will soon become two dead men...


"The test should be over now." The young scientist looked at the picture on the big screen very satisfied. The first actual test, the link system was turned on to 50%. This is an unimaginable value at all. .

"Very good, hehe, it can be said that this actual combat test is quite successful." The old scientist lifted up the already cold coffee, and smiled slightly as if drinking a celebration wine.

"When we digest these data well, and then make some adjustments to Mech God G2,

I think, it is time to find a more powerful opponent for testing, and by then, the Mech God G2 will show a more charming demeanor. "

"It's really exciting..."


On the battlefield, life and death are just a thin line.

The armed staff chief who had been ignored by Machine God G2 did not know when he appeared behind him, and a pair of iron hands tightly hugged the opponent's body, so that the opponent's attack on Xiang Tian was abruptly stopped.

"Machine G1!" G2 roared angrily. "You trash, want to stop me too?"

The armed staff chief coughed, and a mouthful of blood spat out from the corner of his mouth. His internal injuries were too severe, and he had barely used his whole body's strength to hold the opponent back just now, and the force of the collision made him unable to bear it at all.

"I'm not trash, I'm a member of Abeiwu's team!" The armed staff chief roared, his body began to turn red, and the surrounding air began to become distorted.

"What do you want to do, are you crazy?" Machine God G2 said in horror. As a robot of the same type, he certainly knows what this Machine God G1 is doing now——

The armed staff chief is about to blow himself up!

"Armed Staff Chief, don't force it, let's defeat him together!" Naturally, Axel didn't know what was going on, and thought that Armed Staff Chief had created a great opportunity for him to control the opponent.

"Let's go together!" the girl in the vest also roared.

"Don't come here!" The armed staff chief roared, "I'm going to blow myself up!"

His body changed from red just now to as hot as white, and an incomparable energy is frantically gathering and waiting for the final eruption.

"Explode!" Axel looked in front of him in horror.

"You're a good captain, I'm not mistaken..." The armed staff chief said with a smile, not at all as if he was about to blow himself up, "It's a pity that I didn't follow you and saw you all the time On the day I become an S-class hero, if there is an afterlife, I hope we will still be brothers and kill monsters together!"

"What nonsense, we don't need to blow ourselves up, we can solve him!" Axel roared, he no longer wanted to lose any of his brothers.

"Don't come over!" The chief of the armed staff shouted, "Now the self-explosion has been activated, and there is no way to stop it." After a pause, his eyes fell on the girl in the vest, "The vest...the captain is a good person, Don't let him down!"

"Armed staff chief!" The girl in the vest yelled sadly.


As the voice fell, the armor of the armed staff chief burst out with extremely dazzling light, just like the light when a star exploded, making it impossible for everyone to open their eyes.

With a loud bang, a small mushroom cloud rose above the plain, and the huge heat wave blew Axel and the girl in the vest away, falling more than 20 meters away, if it wasn't for the meat. Bo Pai's body is extremely tough and strong, otherwise the aftermath alone could seriously injure the two of them.

"Armed Staff Chief!" Axel turned over and stood up, staring blankly at the burning armor. He couldn't believe it, and kept fighting side by side with him. The armed staff chief who rushed out of the organization's stronghold just now was wiped out.

"Ah!" The girl in the vest knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Heart hurts.

It was as if a piece of my own heart had been taken away abruptly.

Suddenly, the place where the armed staff chief blew himself up was originally a raging fire, but a figure stepped out step by step.

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