One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and thirty-two. God blocks and kills gods and Buddhas blocks and kills Buddha

132. God blocks and kills gods and Buddhas blocks and kills Buddha

It's Machine God G2!

This guy is still alive!

However, Mech G2 suffered great trauma. After all, Mech G1 self-destructed at close range. Even his super-alloy armor could not withstand the force of the explosion. His left hand was directly blown off. A large number of sparking wires were exposed at the elbow, and his breastplate was the most damaged. After all, it was the closest position to the self-explosive core. The breastplate with a diameter of half a meter was completely melted, exposing the host inside... Well, it turned out to be a weirdo with the appearance of a mole!

The mole-shaped weirdo was obviously also injured a lot, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but a pair of small eyes were staring at Axel firmly.

"Damn it, it has pushed me to this point." He walked step by step, the cloak on his back was completely burned, his steps became staggering, and the position of Axel's constantly attacking knees was even more serious. It broke apart, making him walk with a limp like a lame man.

"Strange, when he spoke, he didn't move his mouth at all." Axel's eyes were fixed, "Besides, his voice was extremely sharp, and when it didn't come out through the armor, it was more like a woman's voice." sound..."

"I'm going to kill you!" The tone was full of resentment.


In the control center of the organization's stronghold, the old and young scientists watched all this in horror. They had no idea that the self-destruct device mounted on Mech G1 would become the biggest weapon to destroy Mech G2! Although the machine god G2 armor at this time is very strong, but in the case of self-explosion just now, under the condition of high temperature burning, the structure has become much weaker, and in addition, the chest and knees were originally damaged by rock iron. The broken attack made those parts more fragile, and the self-destruction this time directly made those structures loose. It can be said that the structure of the current machine god G2 is not much stronger than that of the humanoid robot.

"Let Megod G2 come back!" The old scientist said distressedly. The manufacturing cost of Megod G2 is not comparable to that of those garbage robots. He is already a headache for the funds. Once he loses Megod G2, it will It will be the most troublesome thing.

"Hurry up!" The young scientist roared at the operators, "Give Mech God G2 a compulsory recovery order!"

"Dididi..." One after another extremely rapid sirens sounded, and Mech God G2 received an order to retreat quickly.

"No!" Machine God G2 let out a roar, and he actually resisted that order.

"What's the situation, he is actually resisting our mandatory order?" The young scientist couldn't believe it.

"Her super power mind wave is still growing, and has completely suppressed the command waves we sent in the past. Now, her mind wave is still controlling the machine god G2!" The operator is also helpless, it's like Two strings are manipulating the same puppet, and which side is more powerful will naturally be the one that successfully manipulates.

"Damn it... this super-powered host still has this kind of hidden danger!" The old scientist's face became extremely gloomy, "Contact them immediately, no matter what, stop her from continuing to use Mechanism G2 to attack, let She retreats, we cannot lose this machine god G2 with a production cost of up to 100 million!"

The old scientist roared almost in a roaring voice. The operators in the control center were horrified. It has been several years since the old scientist roared like this...


"It actually blew itself up." In the Heroes' Association, at this moment, there was silence, and they did not expect that it would end in this way.

"The power of this self-destruction is too strong, even the machine god G2 can't bear it."

"However, if this is the case, those two people should be able to escape, right?" Another operator said,

This made the boss's eyes brighten. Isn't their purpose this time just to recruit each other?

"Continue to follow!" The boss said in a deep voice.

"Boss, didn't you just say you gave up?"

"Nonsense, continue to follow, lost, goodbye to your salary this month!"

"Okay!" Kuanghan.


"You don't want to let us go?" Axel's anger had reached its peak, "We don't want to let you go!"

Amidst the roar, Axel and the girl in the vest had already rushed forward.

"Rock and iron are broken!" Axel's iron fist smashed out a whirlwind of white drill bits, and hit the opponent's left knee fiercely. Sure enough, the strength of the alloy structure dropped significantly after being burned by high temperature , the alloy knee was instantly crushed by Axel, Mech God G2 staggered forward a few steps, barely raised the giant sword in his hand, and slashed towards Axel.

"You die!" At this time, the girl in the vest was already red-eyed. She entangled herself and sat directly on the arm of the opponent's right hand. She turned her wrist, pulled it, pulled it, and twisted it. Immediately, Mech G2 The elbow of his right hand was released, and the hand holding the giant sword suddenly fell down.

The Mech God G2, which lost its powerful defense ability, was vulnerable to a single blow. Axel and the girl in the vest attacked like crazy. After a while, the entire huge Mech God G2 turned into a pile of scrap metal and lay on the ground. .

With a "bang", Axel pulled out the mole-like weirdo from his chest, and he shook violently a few times. Suddenly, the mole-like weirdo seemed to wake up with a start, and opened his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at Axel in front of him.

"I...Where am I?" Mole Monster said in horror, he hadn't figured out the situation at all.

"Tell me everything you know, otherwise, I'll let you die!" At this moment, Axel was full of hostility.

"I said, I said!" said the mole-like weirdo, "My name is Tulong, and I am a weirdo from the Evolution House. One day, a few people came to the Institute of Superpowers and talked to Dr. Genos. After a while, I said that I want to give them a few weirdos for research purposes, and the Institute of Superpowers will provide the family of evolution with Nian Libo's research data..."

"So, you were given to the Institute of Superpowers as a trade item?" Axel said with a frown.

"That's it, I don't want to." Tu Long looked innocent, and then he looked at Axel, "I am innocent, you put me down, and then I will tell you the details slowly. "

"Let you down, land?" Axel looked down at the earth dragon, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tu Long looked at Axel's smile, and his heart trembled inexplicably, as if his thoughts had been seen through by the other party, "I am innocent, I was in that big guy unconsciously at all, I..."

At this moment, Axel suddenly threw the earth dragon into the air, and then punched him on the head. Immediately, his head burst open, and the blood rained, "Put you down, Then let you escape from the earth?"

At this time, Axel is like a god of killing with max anger value, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddha!

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