One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

one hundred and thirty four. The third eye

134. The third eye

"The future? Hmph, can you see it?" The researcher sneered, "If you could see it, why didn't you save yourself? Hmph, although I know what's going on outside, I want to tell you that no one I can find it here!"

"That's right..." The woman walked slowly to the door of his room with her hands behind her back, "You should know that I can control things outside from here..."

"Nonsense, of course I know your ability!" The researcher sneered, "Don't talk nonsense, sit back for me, I want to study your battle data just now, it will be of great use to improve other superpowers .”

The researcher turned around and walked towards his office. He needed to turn on his computer and ponder over the data.

"I kindly remind you, I have seen your future, that is, death!" The woman shook her head and said, "The world is really stupid, they are reminded, but they still don't save themselves..."

"Crazy, shut up!" The researcher angrily took off his shoes and smashed them outside the door.


Axel frowned. When he took the earth dragon out of the body, he heard a call, which was a kind of wave, which was directly transmitted to his mind, asking him to go to a certain laboratory save her.

However, I searched the laboratory all over, but I couldn't find it!

"It's strange, that Nian Libo still exists... It's very clear, it seems, it's still under this deeper layer." Axel frowned, and he returned to the elevator, but he didn't press the floor number, but pressed the He touched the floor of the elevator and knocked.

Then, his fist slammed down suddenly, punching a big hole in the elevator.

According to common sense, there is an inspection pit under the elevator on the lowest floor, which will not exceed a depth of 2 meters. It is used for maintenance personnel to work, and it is a dead pit. However, there is a gust of wind coming from below. Obviously, this below seems to lead to other places.

"Hmph!" Axel snorted coldly, and jumped down.

With a sound of "Boom!", his feet landed on the ground. Unexpectedly, what he landed now was the real inspection elevator pit. With a swing of the iron fist in his right hand, he inserted it directly into the middle of the elevator door, like tearing open bread. Generally, the iron gate is torn open.

"What's the situation?" The researcher rushed out of his research room, looked in horror at the hands stretched out from the elevator, forcibly tore open the metal iron door, and walked in. A murderous human came out, his words were a little unclear, and he began to tremble, " are you? How did you find this place?"

Axel didn't speak, but walked forward step by step slowly. His eyes moved and fell on the only glass room. Inside the metal door, there was a man with eyes. The blond woman was standing there quietly, but it seemed that the glass was one-way, and the inside could not see the outside.

It seems that the one who led him here was this woman. At the same time, this woman is also the real host, the one who controls the earth dragon. However, she is far away, and she can't see her true face clearly.

"Don't come here, this is a private research institute!" The researcher took out a small pistol and pointed it at Axel.

"Scum!" Axel rushed forward suddenly, the weak researcher's reflex arc couldn't react at all, he threw an iron fist and immediately let go.

Axel frowned, and came to the door of that room, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, and pulled hard, directly tearing the whole door away.

"Thank you for saving me!" The woman inside smiled and stepped out with her hands behind her back. It could be seen that she was in a good mood.


Axel grabbed her by the neck and picked her up like a chicken.

Obviously, the woman on the opposite side didn't expect this to happen. She grabbed Axel's wrist with both hands, and looked at Axel whose eyes were almost burning with horror. She had difficulty breathing, "You ...what are you doing?"

"What's your name?" Axel's voice was very cold.

The woman's body suddenly shivered, as if her naked body was suddenly thrown into the ice cellar, a chill ran from the soles of her feet to the ends of her hair.

"Say!" With a loud shout, Axel's hand increased a bit.

"Ah..." The woman obviously became a little breathless, she desperately held Axel's hand, and then kicked her feet non-stop.

"Say!" Axel's hand loosened a little, "If you don't tell the truth, you should know what will happen!"

"Cough cough." The woman coughed a few times, and she was in a rather embarrassed state. The golden hair was scattered in front of her eyes, and the strands of bangs were glued together by sweat, sticking to her forehead.

It took her a long time to recover, "My name is Sykes."

Axel's eyes widened.


super powers!

I didn't expect it to be her! ?

"You know Fubuki Jigoku, her classmate?" Axel confirmed again.

"Yes, how did you know?" Sykes was obviously also very surprised.

"You have no right to ask me questions, you just need to answer my questions." Axel said in a deep voice, and his questions continued, "Why are you here, tell the whole thing. "

Sykes didn't dare to hide anything, so she explained the agreement between the Superpower Research Institute and the organization. Of course, she couldn't know some details. At the same time, the Institute of Superpowers has also reached a certain agreement with the House of Evolution, and the House of Evolution will provide monsters with high physical and physical strength to the Institute of Superpowers as objects of mental control. In contrast, the House of Evolution will You will get some research results in the field of telekinetics from the Institute of Superpowers.

"These three guys actually got together, and if Evolution House gets the telekinetic data, it is likely to graft this result onto the weirdo. At that time, the weirdo will be even more difficult." Axel Er frowned. It seems that it is extremely necessary to kill Dr. Genos before the House of Evolution grows up.

"I was forced. They manipulated my mental power. To put it bluntly, my mental power has many abilities, such as manipulating a huge storm of thought power, or remotely controlling something. However, the Institute of Superpowers I have obtained a method to control this ability. For example, just now, they can manipulate my mental power to control the earth dragon, and these will not be controlled by me. To put it bluntly, I am just a puppet of them now.. .”

Axel frowned, what Sykes said should be true, if she could actively manipulate her abilities, she would have already used the telekinetic storm to attack herself at this time, with her mental power At this time, she is far from her opponent.

Think about it.

In fact, Sykes was also a victim, and was also studied as a guinea pig by the Institute of Superpowers.

With a sigh, there are grievances and debts. To put it bluntly, it is like an organization. The source is those researchers, not these poor people who are controlling.

"Let's go, you are free." Axel turned around, he was very lonely and ready to leave, for him, there was nothing more depressing than the passing of the armed staff chief, and he was not a The wrath of God is unleashed upon the innocent.

Sykes looked at Axel's back, and suddenly, a third eye appeared between her eyebrows...

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