One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and thirty-five. Who is that man?

135. Who Is That Man?

"Ah!" Sykes screamed, she couldn't help backing up, and hit her back against the wall. She looked at Axel's back in horror, her whole body began to tremble violently, and even her teeth began to sag. Shaking uncontrollably.

"Huh?" Axel frowned. He turned around and saw the terrified scene of Sykes. His eyes couldn't help but widen because a third eye appeared on Sykes' forehead. !

Third eye!

It is said in the original book that Sykes used to study the third eye day and night, and then saw what the future would look like, and it was because of this that she changed her entire view of the world—no longer going to Conquer the whole world, but think that human beings in this world are basically garbage, garbage that must be eradicated!

This point of view coincided with those weirdos, so she started to organize the weirdos association...

"Your third eye can be opened at any time!" Axel was also extremely horrified. The original book only said that she only peeped into the future...

Axel took a step forward, looked at Sykes and said, "What did you see?"

"I..." Sikes covered her cheeks with both hands, and desperately closed her third eye. Her breathing began to become rapid, her eyes kept widening, and the pupils also It started to slack off.

"Uh..." Sikes seemed to have some difficulty breathing, and cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

"Sexel!" Axel hurriedly took a few steps, grabbed her shoulders, and shook her body desperately.

"Ha...ha..." Sikes' feeling of suffocation slowly eased at this time, and her slack pupils slowly condensed, but at this time, she was like a puddle of mud Slowly lying down on the ground, he passed out directly.

"Huh?" Axel frowned, and looked down. At this time, the third eye between Sykes' eyebrows had completely disappeared, as if the third eye had never appeared on the forehead, " Sykes?"

Axel called a few times, but there was no response, probably because he was too frightened just now and passed out directly.

Frowning, Axel carried Sykes on his back, then returned to the ground, and found the girl in the vest.

"Who is this?" The girl in the vest looked at Axel very strangely, how could she recite a person.

"A psychic."

"She was the one who controlled the Mechanic God G2 and killed the armed staff chief?" The girl in the vest was furious, and was about to come up and tear Sykes apart.

Axel stopped the girl in the vest, "It's none of her business, it's the research institute of the Super Power Research Institute that manipulated her ability, not her own initiative. This is similar to the situation when the armed staff chief destroyed those villages it's the same..."

The girl in the vest raised her hand high in the sky, and slowly lowered it. She was not an unreasonable woman, but a good partner around her left just like that, which made her feel a little bit hard to control herself.

"Let's go, we still have a lot of things to do, a lot, a lot..." Axel walked ahead with heavy steps, "There are many unfulfilled dreams of armed staff leaders, we need to use Hands to do it for him, and, his hatred... and, the corruption in this world, the evil in this world!"

That's right.

If, without the name of the research institute, it is a super power research institute with the purpose of using super powers to strengthen itself and attempt to control the world...

If you don't have a name for your own dreams, but do not treat human beings as human beings and look at organizations...

If there is no so-called evolution of human beings, it is the evolutionary house that treats human beings as guinea pigs and does weird research...


There won't be so much sorrow in this world, and there won't be such tragedies as armed chiefs.


What exactly did Sykes see, why, why she was so terrified when she saw herself after she opened her third eye.

Among the original works.

Sykes saw the inertia of human beings, and saw that human beings lived like garbage. She thought that even if she stood at the apex of such "human beings", it would be meaningless at all.

She was extremely terrified and terrified, her thoughts began to twist, thinking that it would be better to delete the file and start over.

Ever since, she started the plan to exterminate mankind.

However, in the original book, she doesn't seem to be so frightened to this extent...

"What did she see? It seems to be related to me..." Axel suddenly looked up at the sky, narrowed his eyes, and walked into a dense jungle with the girl in the vest .


"This guy, did he discover us?" In the sub-control room of the Heroes Association headquarters, the boss was inexplicably depressed. In this way, the satellite tracking lost the other party's trace, and the other party entered a large jungle. tracked.

"If that's the case, it's probably someone who knows the Heroes Association very well?" an operator guessed.

"It's possible, otherwise, he wouldn't raise his head and make such a move."

"Maybe it's a coincidence, but I'm getting more and more curious about this person's identity. Strong strength, keen insight, fearless spirit..." A female operator looked at the ceiling with some nympho, and was Imagine.

"It doesn't matter, keep an eye on this area for me, and if you find any suspicious person, report it immediately." The boss was a little depressed, and turned around to rest. This surveillance made him extremely tired.


After entering the jungle for about ten minutes, Axel took out his other mobile phone, which is his personal mobile phone, and then dialed the customer service number of the Heroes Association headquarters to give a general account of what happened at the organization's stronghold. After reading it again, they were informed of the news that some innocent people detained on the second basement floor were waiting to be rescued.

"We'll be there soon!" The purpose of the Heroes' Association is not only to kill monsters, but also to undertake the responsibility of rescuing and helping the weak. Therefore, a helicopter and a large number of heroes were quickly sent to the organization stronghold, and this group of hosts Also got rescued.

After talking about the situation, Axel and the girl in the vest took off the set of clothes, which was already damaged anyway, and threw them directly into the jungle, and then Axel helped Sykes who was still unconscious Slowly walked towards his home.

"What's the matter, I found the C-level hero vest girl and the iron fist man in the cloak!" The operator in the sub-control room exclaimed, but she had been staring at this area all the time.

"What's the name, isn't it just two C-level heroes?" The boss who just fell asleep on the chair said dissatisfied.

"However, they came out of the jungle, exactly three of them, and the Man in the Iron Fist Cloak was very similar to the one with the black cape who used boxing. The girl in the vest was very similar to the one with the red cape who used grappling... Finally, they There are also three people, and the number is the same!" The female operator added again, with little stars flashing in her eyes, could it be that Axel is the strong man in the black cloak? God, I can't imagine...

The boss jumped up like a needle stick, rushed directly to the front of the operating table, and then pushed the female operator aside, ignoring the female operator's almost murderous eyes, opened the screen, and clicked the video playback.

"Unbelievable... Impossible, is it really them? How could they be so strong? I don't believe it..." The boss was talking to himself, and the operators next to him couldn't believe it.

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