136. The perfect machine god

"Put me through the call of Iron Fist Man in the Cloak." The boss took a few deep breaths and said very seriously. If Axel has regained his current strength, he can definitely apply and directly send Axel The level of Axel was adjusted to B level, and this adjustment brought not only Axel's level improvement, but also a reward for him from the headquarters. To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to him being Axel's Bole...

Soon, Axel's hero cell phone was connected, and when he changed his clothes again, he had already turned on his cell phone.

"Hello, this is Axel the Iron Fist Cloak." Axel said without hesitation, and opened the hero card and hero phone, so the headquarters already knew his geographical location.

"Hello, I'm Cassandra, the leader of the logistics cooperation team. Why was your phone turned off just now?" asked Cassandra, the leader.

"The signal is not good at this location. My team members and I have been near the current location. Just now, we found that both of our mobile phone signals are gone. Now that we have walked out of the forest, the signal has recovered." Explained.

The other party was silent for a moment.

"Are you looking for another team member, Chief Armed Staff?"

Axel felt a pain in his heart, the armed staff chief was blown up and couldn't find anything at the moment, even if he wanted to be encoffined, he couldn't do it.

"Do you have anything to do? If you don't have anything to chat with, I won't accompany you!" Axel's tone was a bit unfriendly, and no one would be in a good mood at this time.

"Sorry." As a logistics staff all the year round, I have developed the ability to bend and stretch. "I just want to confirm that an organization stronghold near you was destroyed by you?"

"Organization stronghold? Are you kidding me, I'm a C-level hero, can I do that?" Axel hung up the communication angrily.

"Is it the interrogation call from the headquarters?" the girl in the vest asked.

Axel shook his head, for the sake of unnecessary trouble, he chose to deny it. Moreover, the organization stronghold is not a weirdo, killing the robot inside will not bring him any bonus. In the end, this place became the burial place of the armed staff chief, making him want to leave here as soon as possible, and then buried the little pieces of Mechanism G1 collected by the girl in the vest.

"Beep beep..."

Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Cassandra slowly put down her receiver, "He reacted so quickly and hung up angrily... It feels like this is the matter It can't happen to him. However, the reasonable position, the reasonable reason, and the feeling that he did it. These two analyzes are completely contradictory. Could it be worrying, the organization's revenge and the Heroes' Association? responsibility?"

He was talking to himself alone, and the operator next to him also frowned. It is their responsibility to dig out good heroes and heroes with high growth potential. Of course, this is also linked to their monthly performance bonus, otherwise their The enthusiasm will not be so high, after all, it is an economic lever.

"Don't give up, you must keep track of their whereabouts, um..." Cassandra thought about it, "Within a month, lock a screen for the two of them, if it is still impossible to judge that they have a B-level If you don’t have the strength, then give up.”

The sub-control room has a total of 21 screens. According to the regulations of the sub-control room, 12 of them are used to monitor the situation in the area where the sub-control room is in charge of the city. The remaining 9 screens are decided by the sub-control room itself, but most of them are used to locate B-level and A-level heroes, and some are used to display monster battle situations.

Therefore, if you want to appear on these screens, you must either be a dangerous monster or a powerful hero. At least, since the establishment of the sub-control room, there are not many C-level heroes who are qualified to appear on the big screen. Moreover,

There is a monitoring period of one month.

"If, if it weren't for them, the performance appraisal at the end of the month would be a bad review!" Some operators put forward different opinions.

"Yeah, that would be a big loss, which is equivalent to wasting a month's screen utilization." Now the Heroes Association's assessment of these logistics personnel is becoming more and more strict, and it is impossible to do it if you want to dawdle.

"Believe me, everyone, get ready to get the bonus at the end of this month!" Cassandra looked at Axel who was walking on the big screen with burning eyes, "You won't let me down, Iron Fist Cloaked Man. ..I think that a B-level hero is not your end point at all, you should be an A-level hero, and the speed of growth will be very, very fast!"

Hearing this, the entire sub-control room fell silent, and the operators looked at their boss in astonishment, whether there is something wrong with the boss's mind today.

Class A hero?

What a joke, there are only 47 A-level heroes in the headquarters now!

This Iron Fist Cloaked Man has been in the limelight recently, yes, but is it that powerful? Or, is his potential really that great?

Tut tut!


this day.

The organization was very angry. One of their strongholds, or according to their own words, that is, one of their scientific research institutes was destroyed. They quickly found their partner, the Heroes Association, and said that the perpetrator was most likely a hero Association heroes.

Of course, the Heroes Association strongly denies it, saying that the framework agreement signed by the Heroes Association and the organization is still valid. Do your best to help the organization find the real culprit!

The Association of Heroes refused to admit it, and there was nothing the organization could do about it. The two intruders were also wearing various disguise props, so it was impossible to tell who they were, but judging from the signs of their moves, they also locked on Ah from the Association of Heroes. Kessel and the vest girl, and later sent a message to the Heroes Association.

However, the Heroes Association once again denied it, and at the same time, Axel and Axel refused to admit it. In addition, the Heroes Association also produced evidence that the two of them were not present...

This matter can only be done on the surface.

"Give me a look at Axel and the girl in the vest. Once we find out that they are them, we will immediately send powerful robots to kill them. Regardless of the reaction of the Heroes Association, we can also kill them if we are held accountable." I don’t admit it.” A senior member of the organization said angrily.

"Well, it's possible to do this. In addition, the test of Mech God G2 failed, and the plan must be restarted." The old scientist said with a frown. He now has very little information on hand, which is not enough to support his research.

"There is no problem with this. The cooperation with the Institute of Superpowers, I think, will continue... But, I hope that the preparations made this time are perfect. Don't be like this time, the machine god G2 was created, It’s just for the other party’s self-destruction, you know, it’s a lot of money!”

A look of embarrassment flashed across the old scientist's face, and this had indeed become a problem for him, "Give me half a year, and I will definitely come up with a machine-god work that satisfies you!"

"Okay, I hope you won't disappoint us when the time comes." In a secret meeting room of the organization, several high-level holographic projections voted in favor at the same time.

This time the blow to the organization was too great, causing the organization to wait half a year before taking any action, and only wanted to steadily create a perfect machine god!

"Damn it, the guy who destroyed my stronghold, Axel, just wait!" The old scientist's teeth were about to snap.

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