One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and forty-five. Don't you want to take revenge? (ninety-five-one)

145. Don't you want revenge?

The Fubuki team is fully dispatched!

This news is like a reassurance for the Hero Association. This Hell Fubuki is nominally a B-level hero, but she has stayed at the B-level to stand at the top. Her real strength is still unknown. I know, but facing this evolutionary family, there should be no problem.

"Fortunately, the Fuxue team has already dealt with that strange person and rushed back in time." Markel, the chief of the second operations department, said in a deep voice. Otherwise, the higher-ups might be held accountable for the loss this time.


"There is Fubuki group coming out, I guess, we don't have anything to do." Axel frowned, that Asura unicorn is in the basement, Hell Fubuki may not encounter this enemy, maybe after beating the Beastmaster Finished returning.

When it came to Hell Blowing Snow, Sykes' usual expression was gone, and he turned his head to look out of the window, as if he was recalling something, but Axel didn't ask, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.


The atmosphere of an afternoon was very dull.

The two of them didn't speak, they were doing their own things, but it could be seen that both of them were a little absent-minded.

Suddenly, the hero's mobile phone beeped in a hurry, and Axel quickly picked it up to take a look—it turned out to be an emergency notification from the Heroes' Association.

"The Fubuki team failed?" Axel was taken aback. "The announcement from the Hero Association said that Evolution House's strength assessment was wrong, and the opponent still had a strong hole card. If it wasn't for Hell Fubuki's powerful super power Ability, I am afraid that the Fubuki group has been completely wiped out this time! For this reason, the Heroes Association headquarters decided to take a long-term plan and integrate the information of the Evolution House, and at the same time prepare to send heroes to reconnaissance again, focusing on reconnaissance to collect comprehensive information before evaluating the next operation .”

Turning off the hero phone, Axel frowned. Hell Fubuki's failure was probably due to meeting Ashura Unicorn Immortal, right?

However, in this announcement, no obvious answer was given!

"The Fubuki team of Hell Fubuki is actually relying on her alone. The other B-level heroes have quite limited real combat power. Moreover, I heard that they have recently expanded quite powerfully. All cats and dogs have joined in. It seems that there are a lot of people. In fact, the fighting power is low..." Axel said while touching his chin.

"However, our goal has been achieved. From the first round of the A-level hero Sneck's attack to the Fubuki team's dispatch, it is enough to show that the fighting power of the Evolution House is extremely strong." Sykes said expressionlessly from the side. , once Hell Fubuki appeared in the topic, her expression and speech would be extremely unnatural.

"You really asked other people to detect mines!?" Axel's forehead burst out with veins.

"It's not that I encouraged them to go, I just provided a gathering place for weirdos, and they are aiming at the bonus!" Sykes shook his head, disagreeing with Axel's point of view.

"Forget it, now it seems that if we used to give it away, it would be for nothing?" Axel didn't think that he could defeat Hell Fubuki now.

Sykes did not speak, but his face was not very good-looking.

At this time, the hero's mobile phone rang again, and it was another notice from the Heroes Association about the Second Operations Department, which was specially sent to Axel - although Jill Fubuki's attack failed this time, a message was detected, that is The House of Evolution is experimenting with grafting superpowers onto monsters, and it has reached the critical stage. If they are not defeated, the strength of the House of Evolution will be greatly improved. By then, the House of Evolution will be Even more difficult to deal with. For this reason, the Second Operations Department made a decision to appoint Axel to go to the base of Evolution House to investigate the intelligence again.

"Send me?" Axel sneered,

"Isn't this just false public benefit, public revenge? If I don't go, what else can you do to me?"

At this moment, over there, Sykes pulled the hero's phone and quickly pressed an "Agree" button.

"Damn, you bastard..." Axel was too late.

"Agreed?" At the headquarters of the Heroes Association, Markle has been paying attention to the feedback information from Axel Hero's mobile phone. His one eye widened and he laughed, "Haha, it really is An arrogant guy, do you know what happened to Jill Fubuki? A monster who is almost like a devil, he is known as the Asura Unicorn Immortal, and he defeated Jill Fubuki! Haha, you will die, bastard , I didn’t force you to go, you agreed to it yourself! Arrogance and arrogance will send you to the grave with your own hands..."

On the other side, looking at Sykes, I am speechless. You must know that once you accept the mission and go back on your word, the Hero Association will punish the hero. and implement tasks.

"We're just investigating..." Sykes wanted to quibble.

"Nonsense, after a series of wars, the House of Evolution is probably already at the highest level of security. What's the difference between going for an investigation and going for a direct raid?" Axel sprayed Sykes all over his face with saliva.

Sykes calmly took off his glasses and wiped them.

"Think about it, the bonuses here are quite generous, and besides, isn't it your hero's ambition to eradicate violence and bring peace to the people?"

"Don't talk so brightly," Axel said angrily. He was not afraid of going to the House of Evolution, but was angry at the "decision" made by this guy, "Tell me, are you going this time for evolution? Those super power research data of the family?"

Sykes was stunned for a moment, in order to conceal the signs of her heart being torn apart, she quickly put on her glasses and covered her face with her hands, but she was still terrified by Axel's needle-like eyes.

"Okay, okay, let me say that, I am indeed researching data for this time's super power, these data are very important to me, with these data, I can become stronger, maybe, I can surpass That pair of sisters!" Sykes' face became a little fanatical.

Axel was silent, he knew who the sister she was talking about was.

"Moreover, I have already heard some news through weird people using my superpowers. The House of Evolution has suffered heavy losses under the two blows of Snek and Hell Fubuki. Except for those high-level combat powers, which are slightly weaker and almost All dead! At the same time, the organs of the House of Evolution have been destroyed by the first two waves..." Sykes' meaning is obvious, and now is a great opportunity to advance. "Also, in addition to super power data, Evolution House also has a lot of information about the organization." A golden light flashed in Sykes' eyes, "You...don't want to take revenge?"

"Get ready, let's go at night!" Axel clenched his iron fist, organize, I will kill you sooner or later!

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