146. The Crazy Asura Unicorn

The fighting power of the Evolution House is indeed severely damaged. After all, Snek is also an A-level hero, and Jill Fubuki's super power is not vegetarian. If it weren't for the Asura Unicorn, could the Evolution House be able to defend? Living is still a problem.

"How's the situation at the base?" Dr. Genos asked in a deep voice. He didn't expect the other party to come so quickly. He has already made the monsters shrink their range of activities recently.

Clone No. 31 opened his notebook and reported, "The number of monsters killed is 202. However, fortunately, our main force has not suffered any losses. Mosquito Woman No. 3, Armed Gorilla, and Beastmaster are all just injured. , and now they are still in the adjustment tank for recovery work."

"How about the Asura Unicorn?" The sweat dripped from Genos' forehead. This was the problem that bothered him the most. To be honest, it would be no problem if all the other weirdos were dead.

"This is a tricky thing. After encountering Hell Fubuki and broke out in Asura mode, he is now completely crazy..." There was a frightened light in the eyes of the No. 31 clone, as if seeing this The most terrifying thing in the world is generally, "He killed crazily, and ten of our clones have died..."

Genos frowned. Of course he knew his clone very well. It also possessed the power of a monster in it. Once transformed, it also had the strength of a tiger-level monster. However, this was just for Asura Unicorn to kill It's just a tool to vent anger.

"How much longer will he last?" Dr. Genos asked.

"According to the data we are studying now, I am afraid that it will take another day! If it continues at this speed, I am afraid that we will kill sixty of our clones, that is to say, all of our clones will be wiped out!" Clone No. 31 had an indescribably sad feeling of a dead rabbit and a fox, and his face was a little sad.

Dr. Kinos folded his hands on his chin, and the sweat on his forehead slowly slid down, "Undoubtedly, the Asura Unicorn Fairy has shown us extremely powerful power, if the superpower insight we studied Grafting his own ability to him, he will become even stronger! However, this is only the evolution of strength, he can make his own strength extremely strong! However, he has this character flaw, once If he explodes with all his strength, he will lose himself..."

"However, his strength is indeed too strong. At first we thought he was at the elementary level of the ghost level, but in fact he was at the intermediate level of the ghost level. She has no power to fight back. Once we have fully digested the data this time, I can be sure that Asura Unicorn Immortal can definitely be promoted to the level of a dragon!" No. 31 clone said with certainty.

Dr. Genos waved his hand, "We'll talk about the future, the important thing now is to complete the research and digestion of these data," he looked at his clone very seriously and said, "Then, our defense strength now is roughly What level is it?"

"I'm sure, unless someone with the strength of an S-level hero comes, including the top four A-level heroes of the Hero Association, other heroes will only be sent to death!" Clone No. 31 said with certainty.

"Okay, hurry up..." It could be seen that Genos was very worried, afraid that something would go wrong during this time.



The moon hangs in the sky like a silver basin.

Axel made an appointment with a car and drove to the vicinity of the House of Evolution.

"If possible, I still hope this is just a reconnaissance operation." Axel said, flipping a USB flash drive handed over by the Heroes Association in his hand a few times.

Using this USB flash drive, a virus can be used to destroy the entire system of Dr. Genos, temporarily paralyzing his research.

According to the inference of the Heroes Association, this kind of paralysis will last at least about a month before it will be cracked. By that time, most of the powerful heroes have been liberated, and they can come to wipe out the House of Evolution.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to copy the required data and provide it to Sykes. She needs these data to improve her level of superpower manipulation.

"I'm here!" Sykes said confidently.

"Nonsense, it's because of you that I'm more worried. If I'm alone and single, I can rush if I want, and retreat if I want!" Axel gave her a contemptuous look.

Afterwards, the two entered through a secret passage in the House of Evolution. Before entering, Sykes used his super power to make the camera staring at the secret passage still, until they completely invaded the passage inside the House of Evolution. After that, the picture started to be normal, but they couldn't be seen anymore.

According to the information Sykes obtained from the weirdo, the two proceeded very cautiously.

This house of evolution is like an underground labyrinth. The passages are extremely complicated and extend in all directions. If you enter without a map, it is extremely easy to get lost. Moreover, there are still cameras staring at some intersections and throats of the passages. Easy to spot by monitor freaks and clones of Evolution House. But all of this is not a problem, Sykes' telekinetic power is like a fan-shaped radiation area, as long as it touches the camera, it will immediately make it completely still for a short time until the two pass through safely.

Axel took a deep breath. He had fought Hell Fubuki before and experienced that terrifying super power storm. However, he found that Sykes' telekinetic power was even more terrifying and bottomless... .

"The contest between Hell Fubuki and Sussex, if it wasn't a coincidence, the loser must be Hell Fubuki!" Axel felt emotionally in his heart, and he even vaguely felt that Sykes was thinking I am afraid that his power attainment will not be weaker than the trembling tornado in the future! It is no exaggeration to say that the trembling tornado is almost the existence of a hero. "Unfortunately, if the plot is normal, she will go astray. I don't know if there will be a little change after meeting me... I hope I can give her some positive energy."


In the office of the head of the Second Operation Department of the Heroes Association headquarters, Markle was looking at Axel's position with a smile.

"Just accepted the investigation task, and immediately went to the House of Evolution, how impatient are you?" Markle looked coldly at a wall-mounted TV with Axel's location on it, and a small red dot was It kept flashing, "Arrogance will lead you to the grave." His one eye flashed a cold light, "I'm so sorry, I forgot to release a piece of information, that is, it is said that there is a strange man named Asura Unicorn Immortal , went mad during the battle with Hell Fubuki, his fighting power is crushing the existence of Hell Fubuki, the most important thing is that he has lost his mind now, killing madly inside the Evolution House, regardless of enemy or friend... I think our Hero Tomb will welcome a new guest, haha."

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