One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and forty-nine. Beastmaster!

149. Beastmaster!

On the large screen in the control room of the House of Evolution, compared to the headquarters of the Heroes Association, they have cameras tracking the whole process, and they can clearly see the battle between Axel and Sykes.

"Dr. Genos, should we temporarily retreat our monster troop?" Clone No. 31 was about to tremble seeing the death of so many experimental monsters.

"It's okay, keep attacking!" Dr. Genos's voice was very cold, he squinted his eyes, and there was a cold light in the corner of his eyes.

"But, we have already sacrificed almost 30 weirdos..." Clone No. 31's heart was trembling.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many people die, they are just a few experimental subjects. Our goal is to defend this base and wait for our data to be fully analyzed." Genos said, "The two of them are human after all, whether it is A Both Kessel's physical strength and Sykes' mental strength will be exhausted at the moment, even if they use crowd tactics, they will wear them down!"

"Understood!" Clone No. 31 gritted his teeth and said, he wanted to catch both of them, and even turn them both into weirdos, so that he could relieve his hatred.

"Let the armed gorillas and beast master not attack for the time being, and wait for their weakest moment!" Dr. Genos remained extremely calm.


In the front, Axel's battle is still extremely fierce. There are piles of dead monsters in front of him, and the blood has drenched him all over his body, like a **** of hell, just looking at it will make him feel palpitations.

Axel's iron fist swings, with the profound meaning of the iron fist crushing King Kong, the penetrating power is extremely strong, and ordinary non-defensive weirdos can't hold it at all.

"The enemy is coming wave after wave of fearless attacks. It seems that they want to consume Sykes and me at the wheel station." Axel knew that Sykes' excessive consumption of mental power would also There will be great side effects. In the original book, the battle between Sykes and Jigoku Fubuki is not actually lost, but because of his excessive release of mental power, and also because of Jill Fubuki's strategy.

Axel took a step back, as if his physical strength was a little weak, his shoulders shrugged, and he gasped heavily.

And in the back, Sykes also frowned. Although she didn't spend much time with Axel, she knew what shit he was going to do just by looking at Axel's butt. After cooperating, he sat down on a stool in the room and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This guy in the cloak, it seems that he won't be filming!"

"Hmph, I should be tired. This is a good opportunity for us to make contributions!"

"Go, kill them!"

The monsters became even more fanatical, rushing up one by one without fear of death. Axel's iron fist swung, but it was the first time that he failed to penetrate the weird man in front of him, and it took several punches in a row to finish him off.

"Haha, he's really dying."

"Come on, don't give him a chance to breathe!"

"Come on, when he regains his strength, it will be our nightmare!"

The monsters rushed in, and Axel seemed to be desperately trying to guard the gate, so as not to cause them a face-to-face battle scene.

"Hmph, it seems that the two of them can't do it either." Clone No. 31 gritted his teeth and said, he was already thinking about how to deal with these two guys. "I think, at this time, we should send our armed gorillas and beast masters to deal a fatal blow to the opponent, right?"

Dr. Kinos propped his head on the back of his right hand, looked sideways at the big screen in the control room, and shook his head, "No, maybe, this is the enemy's tactic to lure the enemy, we need more reliable tactics. "

Genos' orders were absolute, and the clones executed them without any hesitation, allowing those weirdos to charge forward fearlessly.

Axel took a few steps back.

Finally, he gave up the position of the gate. At the same time, he gasped heavily, and his sweat dripped down.

The rest of the dozen or so weirdos immediately squeezed in four of them, staring at Axel one by one, and surrounded him, while the other weirdos approached Sykes. They knew that this woman She looks weak, but it is even more terrifying, she can control the actions of the weirdo!

"Psychic Storm!"

"Iron Fist Breaks the Wind!"

The two used their unique moves at the same time, and in an instant, a powerful storm rolled up in the small enclosed space of the room, which immediately caught those strange people by surprise, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

In an instant, he was killed by Axel and his body fell to the ground.

"Ha...ha..." The two gasped heavily, and they were back to back together. Axel didn't even have the time to photograph the monster's corpse, but instead recovered his strength as soon as possible.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, but the physical exertion is too much."

Dr. Genos looked at the two on the screen, and at the same time, the pickup transmitted the conversation between the two into his ears, "Hey, it seems that you are really exhausted..."

"Now is a great time to hit them." Clone 31's heart was bleeding. These two guys have killed almost 45 of his weirdos. It's a massacre.

"Send armed gorillas and beast kings to kill me!" Dr. Genos snorted coldly, "Remember, record the data. After we have analyzed the last data, we will analyze the data this time."

"Of order, hehe!" The No. 31 clone sneered, and immediately notified the armed gorilla and Beastmaster, and these two powerful monsters were already impatient, and after getting the news, it was as if they had been beaten to death. General, yelling and rushing over.

"Shua Shua..." The beast king's claws like sharp knives directly chopped the wall into pieces and rushed in.

The armed gorilla was even more domineering, smashing the wall with its strong body and standing in front of the two.

"Tell me, do you want me to chop you up and throw them into the pot to cook, or do you kill yourself?" The Beastmaster looked at the two with a sneer.

"I'm going to...slap their...heads...slap...slap!" the armed gorilla said in a staccato mechanical voice, like a robot.

"It's two powerful weirdos!" Axel gritted his teeth and said.

"Be careful!" Sikes reminded.

"Hmph, Sykes, you traitor, I've caught you, and I'll cut you into a thousand pieces!" The Beastmaster gave Sykes a sideways look, and said in a cold voice.

Sykes did not speak, but a drop of sweat fell from his forehead.

"One person, one kill!" The Beastmaster roared, and rushed towards Axel, while the armed gorilla rushed towards Sikes. They had already seen from the battle just now that Axel and Axel were two people. They are fighting together, once they are separated, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!

Facing the onslaught of two tiger-level mid-level and above monsters, Axel and Axel are extremely dignified!

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