150. Lion cut

After Mosquito Girl No. 2 sucked blood, it reached the tiger level and above, which almost killed Axel. At this time, the armed gorilla and beast king were even more weird and powerful than Mosquito Girl No. 2.

"With Armed Gorilla No. 1 and Beastmaster No. 1, we can rest easy." No. 31 clone took a long breath, "Facing two exhausted heroes, we only need to use the last One hit! Hehe."

Dr. Genos looked at the surveillance screen, but remained silent.

Armed Gorilla No. 1 is a gorilla with a set of extremely heavy armor. The whole monster looks somewhat similar to Mech G1. It uses thick armor to resist enemy attacks and protect the internal gorilla body. At the same time, the heavy fist It is his most important means of attack.

Beastmaster No. 1 is a ferocious lion-like monster with disheveled hair, a pair of falcon-like eyes fixedly staring at his prey, two finger-thick iron chains tied all over his body, and his animal skin clothes are like primitive people. The wildness exudes a more terrifying aura than armed gorillas.

"Target...Sex...I want...to blow you...into pieces!" Armed Gorilla No. Mobility is slightly impaired.

"Hey, come if you can." Sykes said coldly.

"Kill the armed gorilla first." Axel made a killing order on the side. Of course, he knew that the strength of the beast king was far different from that of the armed gorilla.

"First...get rid of me...haha...what a...joke!" The armed gorilla was angry. He was the NO.3 in the family of evolution, almost standing at the apex, while the two tiny The human beings dared to say that they wanted to kill themselves, "You...you can't even break my... armor...!"

Armed Gorilla No. 1 rushed forward with great strides. He crushed the corpses of those strange people along the way and the tables and chairs in the laboratory. He casually grabbed an adjustment tank, which weighed hundreds of catties. It is as heavy as an ordinary shot put in his hands.

"Give me...die!"

The adjustment tank hit Sykes hard.

"Iron fist crushes King Kong, rock and iron shatter!" Axel roared, jumped up high, and punched the adjustment slot with a fist, directly smashing the adjustment slot made of metal, countless parts The shards of iron and steel fell to the ground, and the nutrient solution adjusted by the weirdo was also scattered all over the ground.

"Gaba...the tiger-level power limit has been broken!" In Axel's heart, an inexplicable voice sounded.

Axel was taken aback, but he didn't have time to observe his dial during this battle, because the voice was very familiar.

"Sikes, get ready for the back!" Axel didn't stop, a heavy pendant in the air, like a meteor falling to the earth, directly blasted towards the body of the armed gorilla No. 1 that rushed over.

"Understood!" Sykes looked serious, she knew better than Axel the strength of the two guys in front of her.

"Hmph... you guys... are really... ridiculous!" Armed Gorilla No. 1 clenched his right fist and blasted at Axel who fell in the sky, "I want...to blow you...into... ..meat pie!"

It's too late to say it.

Axel's "Shard of Rock and Iron" collided with that steel fist with a strong penetrating mystery.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise.

"How is it possible, no, this is my armor that can defend against any attack!" Armed gorilla No. 1 looked at Axel's fist in horror. He couldn't believe it was true. The intermittent tone of voice also returned to normal.

In front of Axel, this level of armor is not even as good as Mech G1,

A punch bombarded the past, and with the help of Sykes' telekinetic power, it was even more invincible. The steel armor became broken inch by inch, and the three-meter-high armored body suddenly shattered, revealing the adult-sized gorilla inside!

The powerful force threw the gorilla up like a small boat in the ocean, threw it heavily to the corner, and passed out.

one strike!

With just one blow, the NO.3 of the House of Evolution was defeated!

In the control room of the House of Evolution, the No. 31 clone looked at Axel on the screen in horror. He couldn't believe that this was Axel who had been extremely difficult to deal with Mosquito Girl II before.

Sweat slowly dripped from Dr. Kinos's forehead, "This guy, the speed of evolution is really amazing. Could it be that all my research is in vain, and the real evolution should be like Axel walked through the same way?"

This punch actually shook his belief in studying evolution for decades.

"Gahahahahaha..." Beastmaster No. 1 was not at all depressed because his companion was defeated, but was extremely excited, "You are qualified to be my opponent!"

"Frankly speaking, not as your opponent, but as the one who took your head!" Axel snorted coldly, dodged, and rushed directly to Beastmaster No. 1.

"Gahahahahaha..." Beastmaster No. 1 looked up to the sky and laughed, waving two palms with extremely long nails, and slashed towards Axel. The air that the nails slashed was like a blade tearing the air into pieces. two halves. "Lion chop!"

At this time, Sykes did not know when it started, she was already floating in the air, her blonde hair stood on end, and the majestic spiritual power was released, covering Axel's body, Immediately, Axel's speed was greatly improved.

With a soft sound of "Hoo...", the cold light of the lion cut across Axel's body, but after a while, the smile of Beastmaster No. 1 froze on his face, because it was just Axel Shadow of Serre.

"Gaba...the tiger-level speed limiter has been destroyed!" Another voice rang out.

At this time Axel had turned around and came to the back of the Beastmaster No. 1. The strong wind lifted his cloak high, and his feet lightly stepped on the ground, but the reinforced concrete ground was cracked. The thick and thin steel bars of the arm were also bent exaggeratedly, and the iron fist of the right hand enveloped a huge whirlwind. Surrounding the whirlwind were the terrifying wind blades flashing with cold light, like sharp knives trying to tear apart the opponent!

"Iron Fist Breaks the Wind!" With a roar, the Iron Fist with the increased spiritual power of Sykes blasted towards the Beastmaster No. 1 heavily.

At this time, the Beastmaster No. 1 had already put away the calm smile just now, and his incomparably dignified expression even carried a sense of crisis. He turned around extremely quickly, his five fingers spread out, and the nails flashed with terror. The cold light cut fiercely at Axel's iron fist.


Just like two sharp blades meeting each other, dazzling sparks burst out!

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