One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and fifty-eight. There is still hope!

158. There is still hope!

Axel's fighting method is nothing more than condensing the cyclone, and then using the cyclone to push the body to launch a powerful Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist. This is also the most fundamental meaning of Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist. , the greater the power of boxing.

However, this fighting method also has an inherent defect, that is, it needs to condense the cyclone. In the process of cohesion, the opponent is given a chance to react.

"Whether it's Pofengxiao or Yantiesha... can only be used as an ultimate move to head-on with the opponent!" Axel has already seen the disadvantages of his unique move in this battle, if The speed of the opponent is fast enough, and it is a breeze to avoid it. For example, Asura Unicorn is a good example.

what to do?

Axel remembered his cultivation in the fist crack.

That is fast!

The opponent is fast, you are faster than him!

Opponents don't need to condense their strength, so they don't need to condense the cyclone!

Keep the cyclone around his body all the time, so that he can maintain a very high combat effectiveness in every minute and every second of his battle!

However, this way of fighting also means that it consumes a lot of money!

Because it takes a lot of physical strength to imprison one's own cyclone, which means that Axel cannot fight for a long time, and must defeat the opponent in a short time!

But it doesn't matter, because I have to maintain a faster rhythm, even if the overall time is shortened, but if I attack the opponent uninterruptedly and attack at a faster speed, the total amount of attacks caused will not be affected by that kind of continuous attack. The condensed cyclone constantly finds opportunities to attack the weak way!

After figuring this out, Axel didn't use his own tricks, but took out the way he used to fight Tyrannosaurus Brother, using his fighting skills to fight Ashura Unicorn Immortal!

"I'll help you speed up and improve your combat power!" Sikes gritted his teeth, resisting the severe pain in his chest and abdomen, and continuously created strong winds around Axel's body to help him improve and increase his strength. power!

"Very good, very strong, very wonderful coordination!" Ashura Unicorn's eyes burst into a frantic light, and he could see that although Axel's fist did not seem to be as strong as the two attacks just now, but , its density is completely different, this brand new way of fighting makes him extremely hungry and thirsty to try to fight.

"Come on, fight!" The desire to fight also bloomed in Axel's eyes. At this time, he had thrown away all his distracting thoughts, and no longer thought that the other party was a weird person that he had to kill. It is to be an opponent of oneself, an extremely powerful opponent, an opponent who can let oneself fight heartily!

With a punch, Ashura Unicorn easily dodged it, and the opponent kicked backhand, but Axel managed to dodge it. Axel was overwhelmed by Asura Unicorn Immortal's round of rushing attack, his whole body was hit by the opponent's attack in many places with the gust of wind created by Sussex, causing him to back up again and again.

"Is this all you have? Don't let me down!" Asura Unicorn Immortal's attack speed is getting faster and faster, he is getting more and more excited, and he seems to have forgotten his own existence, only attacking the opponent crazily.

"No, the master once said that if the opponent kicks the left foot, then the left shoulder will be raised..." Every skill Mr. Bangbu said.



Decipher each attack of the opponent, understand the trajectory of each attack of the opponent, and predict the target of each attack of the opponent!

Suddenly, Axel's eyes brightened.

"No wonder, in the original book, Hungry Wolf is so powerful... He can even read the attack style of 'Sensei Saitama', dodge and move in front of the normal front of Teacher Saitama at will... Read the opponent's attack, Then,

Last comes first! Axel's eyes glowed. Although the speed of his boxing didn't increase, he avoided the attacks of Asura Unicorn time and time again.

"Oh? It's a little different..." Asura Unicorn Immortal's eyes widened, with a hint of envy, "This guy actually evolved during the battle!!"


That's right!

In the battle of life and death, it actually evolved!

At this moment, a voice sounded in Axel's ears, "Skill tiger-level limiter breakthrough, all basic attribute limiter unlocked...Ability, evolution! Thunder!"

The voice flashed past, which surprised Axel, but was accidentally caught by the Asura Unicorn Immortal, and punched Axel hard in the chest. Through the strong wind, directly Hit Axel like a home run.

"Whew..." Axel flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, smashing through the wall next to the passage like a shell.

"Axel!" Sikes called hastily.

"You should still be worried about yourself!" Asura Unicorn appeared in front of Sykes in a flash, he raised his foot, and kicked Sykes away like a big kick, also smashing through It hit the wall next to it and flew upside down.

"Ahem!" Axel was originally embedded in the wall, but slowly loosened it, and then fell to the ground, his fist pressed against the ground, and coughed a few times.

Immediately after, Sykes also flew upside down, and he quickly caught her, "Sikes, are you alright!?"

Sykes' hair was disheveled, and the long golden hair was dotted with blood. The white cloak on the front was soaked with blood. She opened her eyes weakly, "I can't die for a while...cough cough... . " Then he coughed up a mouthful of black blood, which should have been accumulated in the body due to internal injuries, so coughing it up is a good thing.

Asura Unicorn Immortal slowly walked in from the door. Surprisingly, this battle started from the control center, but unexpectedly fought back to the control center.

"Today, I had a lot of fun, but it looks like it's the end, the song is over, it's time to thank you." Ashura Unicorn suddenly squatted down, and his whole body exploded in an instant With a force exceeding several thousand catties, the ground on which the feet were stepping could not bear the extremely terrifying force, forming a hemispherical deep pit more than one meter deep, and the powerful force was still constantly oppressing the surrounding ground. The spider web-like cracks spread rapidly.

"It seems that I'm going to die here today..." Sykes sighed, "It's all my fault, I thought I could surpass him in speed, and even if I couldn't beat him, I could escape, but what I didn't expect was that this guy It's just a monster, too fast."

Suddenly, Sykes stared into Axel's eyes, with an extremely sincere apology, "I caused you to die here..."

"No, we haven't reached a desperate situation yet, we still have hope!"

Suddenly, Axel stood up, staring at Asura Unicorn Immortal who was constantly gathering strength and preparing to launch the final attack.

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