159. Particled Sykes

There is still hope?

Sykes was lying on the ground in horror, looking up at the man in front of him. He looked extremely tall, and his thin body looked like the door god of Nantianmen at this time, which made people feel reliable. As long as he stood in front, It seems that no harm can be done to you.

"Just like in the future..." Sykes muttered to himself, but at this time Axel didn't hear it at all, just like Asura Unicorn Immortal, he was also Gather your own strength!

A cyclone circled from Axel's feet again.

Yipin changes.

Wind blows!


"Well done, let's have a fun final showdown, don't die so worthless!" A morbid frenzy appeared in the eyes of Ashura Unicorn Immortal, what he wanted was the kind that could fight him. The opponent, instead of the ants he crushed at will, he felt a dangerous aura from Axel's moves, and this aura made him even more fanatical.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Axel roared, clenching his right fist tightly.

Second Grade Transformation!

Dragon chant!

Howling Sky Drive!

A fire dragon appeared out of thin air and surrounded Axel's body. With a dragon cry of "ga", his burning eyes stared at the Asura Unicorn Immortal in front of him, full of fighting spirit!

However, this time Long Xiaotian Chasing was a little different.

Around Axel's body, in the gust of wind, from time to time, a trace of thunder and lightning actually appeared.


A bolt of lightning passed through the strong wind at extreme speed, making a strange "squeak" sound, like a thousand birds chirping in the forest.

"Lightning?" Sykes looked at Axel's back in horror. From what she knew, Axel didn't seem to have the ability of lightning?

In the gust of wind, the number of thunder and lightning became more and more, and lightning threads appeared on the body of the fire dragon. The fire dragon did not reject it, but accepted the change very quickly.


The thunder roared, and the dragon roared!

That momentum made the control center tremble, and a dazzling ray of light bloomed from around Axel's body.

"Very good, great fighting intent, very powerful fisting intent, I feel it, I feel it!" Ashura Unicorn Immortal shouted frantically, and he jumped into the air, "Today, let you and me Let's have a quick showdown!"

At this time, Sykes struggled to stand up, and the third eye slowly opened between her brows, and a stream of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of the third eye.

Under such circumstances, forcing her third eye to move was simply too much of a burden on her body.

A golden light burst out from the third eye, and at the same time, under the control of Sykes, a gust of wind suddenly enveloped Axel.

"Sikes, don't force it!" Axel was very worried about Sykes' situation.

"Don't worry about her, soon, you will disappear under my blow!" Asura Unicorn Fairy laughed wildly, he punched down from the air, the terrifying power was like a meteorite falling, Before it landed on the ground, the strong pressure collapsed the entire ground.

"Even...even...this time...I will...repay your future...that favor in advance!" Sykes roared, and her third eye finally opened completely Suddenly, blood gushed out from the third eye, and at the same time, the wind around Axel's body suddenly surged!

"Asura Unicorn!" Axel looked up at the opponent who was falling at a high speed, and roared angrily, the iron fist in his right hand,

The fire dragon twines with thunder.

"Long Xiao! Sky Drive!"

With a roar, the fire dragon screamed wildly, and rushed straight up to the sky. The thunder around the body seemed to be inspired, and quickly wrapped around the fire dragon. From a distance, it looked like a divine dragon from the sky. With the thunder, come strong!


The thunder took the lead in covering Asura Unicorn Immortal.

"It's just lightning!" Asura Unicorn Immortal didn't pay attention to this thunder at all, but he was wrong. He soon discovered that this thunder is not just an ordinary thunder!

With a slight paralyzing effect, it actually slowed down the movements of Ashura Unicorn Immortal.

At the same time, the thunder, like countless ants, quickly invaded the body of Asura Unicorn Immortal, biting his body, making his body tissue loose.

"What's the situation?" Ashura Unicorn Immortal looked at the thunder flashing with dazzling white light in horror, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Just when his body was still paralyzed and his brain was full of panic signals, Axel's Long Xiaotian Drive brought the most powerful gust of Sykes's wind to kill him.

bottom up.

Like a sharp blade, it cut directly from the lower abdomen of Asura Unicorn Immortal, splitting him in half. The momentum remained undiminished, and the fire dragon continued to howl, piercing through the top of the entire control center. Fly straight into the sky.

"Gudong..." With a muffled sound, the body of Ashura Unicorn Immortal fell heavily from the sky, hitting the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

At this time, Axel didn't have time to reap this joy, but quickly turned around and ran towards Sykes. The blond hair of Sykes in front of him was blown upside down by the strong wind, and blood flowed out from all her seven orifices. Especially the third eye between the eyebrows is like a fountain of blood.

Her pupils began to slack, "That future favor... this time... I will pay it back first... It's really a whole body... It's easy... Explode! Break! Jun!"

After saying that, her body suddenly became transparent, and her third eye suddenly released a spreading ripple, pushing Axel away who was rushing over.

"Ah!" Axel flew upside down, broke through the wall of the control center, and landed directly on the passage outside.

"Sikes!" roared, and Axel rushed in again.

However, what he saw stunned him - at this moment, Sykes' body began to become particles, like particles of spiritual power, slowly floating in the air , her eyes closed slowly, as if she had obtained some kind of satisfaction, and she seemed to have no regrets, so she closed slowly.

"Sikes!" Axel felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, "I...I wanted to pull you into the right path, but I didn't want to kill you!"

In an instant.

The strong wind stopped suddenly, and the place where Sykes was originally was empty, as if Sykes had never come to this world.

In the entire room, only the corpses of Axel and Ashura Unicorn remained.

Also, the pierced roof, the sky full of stars, and the projected starlight.

These starlights are like the shadows of the gods in the heavens projected on the world...

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