One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixty. From today onwards, I am... (102-6)

160. Starting today, I am...

Axel stood there quietly, not at all happy to kill Asura Unicorn, he lowered his head, very depressed.

What he originally thought was to rescue a girl whose thoughts had entered a misunderstanding, but he never thought that he would kill her with his own hands.

save people?

It didn't work out...

The shadow under the starlight has become so lonely and lonely.


Headquarters of the Heroes Association.

"What's the situation? A high-energy reaction was discovered at the base of the House of Evolution!" An operator in the main control room exclaimed.

"Did our hero go to the House of Evolution again?" Another operator quickly operated on the computer, "Strange, there is no record of an S-class hero attacking the House of Evolution..."

"This energy is so powerful!" Another operator exclaimed, "I have captured it, and I can display it on the big screen immediately!"

"Throw it up!" The deep voice of the head of the main control room was frightening, his heart was beating wildly, who ate the bear's heart and leopard gall, and ran to the old lair of the Evolution House?

You know, the A-level heroes and the Fubuki group dispatched by the Second Operations Department not long ago all returned home in defeat!

on the big screen.

A fire dragon wrapped in thunder made an extremely frightening roar and went straight to the sky. The terrifying scene was like a dragon flying in the sky, which made people tremble with fear.

"Who did this?" an operator said in horror.

"This fire dragon is so powerful that it actually penetrated the entire House of Evolution. According to our information, most of the House of Evolution is underground, using a reinforced concrete structure!" Another operator wiped his The cold sweat on the forehead said, isn't this too heaven-defying?

"This fire dragon, why does it look so familiar to me?" The head of the room frowned and said, touching his chin, a face appeared in his mind.

"You don't mean Iron Fist Man in Cloak, do you? Impossible, his Dragon Roaring Sky Drive is indeed very similar to this one, but without Thunder!"

"Yes, yes, the power of that Long Xiaotian Exorcist is incomparable with this one, okay?" The Long Xiaotian Exorcist who killed the mosquito girl back then could not have penetrated all the bases of the Evolution House.

"But, it really seems like..." the director said with emotion.

"By the way, isn't the Second Combat Department in command of the recent operations of the Evolution House? Just ask them!" An operator immediately contacted the Second Combat Command, "Hello, this is General control room, are you sending heroes to be active at the home of evolution base today?"

He used the word "activity". Deep down in his heart, it was impossible for the Second Operations Department to send a hero below A-level to achieve such an effect! Because, the command authority of the Second Operation Department is generally A-level, if it is S-level, you need to apply to their general control room.

"We did have a platoon of heroes in the past, but it was just for scouting..." The Second Operation Department said with some embarrassment.

"Ah!?" The general control room collectively exclaimed in unison.

"However, that hero is very willful. He took this investigation as a battle and almost wiped out most of the weirdos in the Evolution House." The Second Operation Department continued to add.

"Who is he!?" The head of the main control room roared, which shocked everyone.

"Axel, Iron Fist Cloak!"

Suddenly, there was silence.

It really was him!

A C-level hero actually ran to the House of Evolution alone, and what was even more frightening was that he actually created a dragon roar that pierced through the House of Evolution?


By the way, maybe he didn't do it.

This is tantamount to letting these people accept that a child has been admitted to a university,


Perhaps, it is someone else!

Yes, that's it!

At this moment, a picture was sent.

A staff member of the Second Operation Department immediately opened it. It was a message sent by Axel, and there was also a picture of the strange man being killed.

"Oh my god!" The staff member exclaimed and stood up from the chair directly.

"What are you making a fuss about?" Another staff member pressed Markle on the chair, and then walked over. However, when he saw the scene just now, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, and lifted his steps in the air , For a long time, it seemed to be petrified.

Seeing this situation, all the operators ran over, wanting to see what happened, but after seeing the scene, they all fell silent. The second combat department, which was extremely noisy in the past, became quiet at this moment. of.

"Second Operations Department, what's the matter with you, why is it so quiet!" the head of the main control room asked strangely, not knowing what happened here.

for a long time.

"Chief of the Office, this is the picture sent by Axel Iron Fist Cloaked Man, take a look..."

After a while, exclamations like a frying pan erupted from the main control room.

"Oh my god, he was the one who broke through the base of the House of Evolution!"

"Unbelievable, he actually defeated Ashura Unicorn Immortal!"

"My god, Asura Unicorn has defeated the existence of Hell Fubuki!"

"Oh my god, Ashura Unicorn, who was almost left behind even the A-level hero Snek, was actually solved by Iron Fist Man in Cloak?"

"His boxing skills are too powerful, I think, it's not too much to give him an A-level hero!"

"Unbelievable, incredible..."

That night, the entire headquarters of the Heroes Association was like a frying pan, discussing Axel crazily, and they couldn't believe it. This was the truth. They contacted Axel, but Axel's hero phone has been in a state of not answering, and they don't know why.

"You see, I said a long time ago that he can do it!" Markle, the chief of the second operations department, said from the chair.

"You still dare to talk?" An operator punched him, and immediately shut him up.


The control center of the house of evolution.

Originally, a series of extremely rapid "beep beep" alarm sounds came out from the small box where Dr. Genos pressed the button, followed by a long "beep" that lasted for ten seconds, and finally Finally it stopped.

The entire House of Evolution fell into silence again.

In another place surrounded by mountains.

There was also an extremely rapid alarm sound "beep beep".

A pair of eyes suddenly opened, he pushed his glasses frame, looked at the data constantly refreshed on the screen, the pupils in his eyes began to dilate, "It's wonderful, the data analysis is so perfect, I really want to thank you Fighting... With the analysis of this broken rock, the beast king's lion slash can be improved to a higher level! With the analysis of the perception of Sykes' spiritual power, the sense of Asura Unicorn can be made more sensitive! It's so wonderful, in this case, they can at least raise a disaster level, ahaha, the dragon-level Asura Unicorn Immortal...perfect!"

He stood up suddenly, then took off the white coat with the number 99 printed on it, and pushed his glasses frame, "From today onwards, I am Dr. Genos..."

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