One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

161. The butterfly shakes its wings

161. Butterfly vibrates its wings

Axel looked at the corpse of the famous Asura Unicorn Immortal in the original book. Although it was not as powerful as the dragon-level one, it was indeed far superior to any one he had ever seen. enemy. However, defeating him at this moment did not give him the slightest pleasure, but an incomparable sense of loss.

he had thought.

He came to this world, wanting to smash those rotten ones with his own hands, to save those lost souls.

However, the chief of the armed staff died in front of his eyes because his combat power was not strong enough to fight against the machine god G2, and he could only watch his brother blew himself up.

Now, Sykes died in front of his eyes again. He knew that if Sykes wanted to escape, she must be able to use his super power to escape at a very high speed. Because, although she is not fast with Axel, but without this load, her speed can be increased to the limit! But she didn't, she chose to use her last strength to fight side by side with Axel! The fire dragon that flew to the sky, like a rising dragon, became a swan song when it disappeared forever.

He didn't save the one he wanted to save.

Why! ?

In the face of reality, his ideals are ruthlessly crushed.


It's my own lack of strength!

"I still need more power!" Axel gritted his teeth. For the first time, he seemed so eager for power.

bow your head.

On the ground, he picked up the wide-rimmed glasses of Sykes, gently wiped off the dust on them carefully, and then solemnly put them in his pocket.

He looked up and took another look at the destroyed and somewhat exaggerated control center.


His brows twitched.

Because, something is unusual.

"Could it be because my butterfly vibrated its wings that the story of the world in later generations is different?" Axel frowned, because the Asura unicorn immortal who was punched by the supermarket sale was far away. It is much stronger than the one that Axel dealt with, and besides, Sykes is not dead, she went to the Monster Association...


"Was it right or wrong for me to come to this world?" Axel turned around and walked slowly towards the passage. The starlight shone down from the hole and sprinkled on his body like mercury pouring down the ground. It stretched his figure extremely long, making him appear extremely lonely and lonely.


The news of Axel's defeat of Asura Unicorn Immortal was like a gust of wind, and everyone in the Heroes Association headquarters knew it. When the tiger in the vest heard the news, he couldn't say a word for a while. Once, he was killed by Axel. When Al was defeated, the first thing that came to mind was that Axel was cheating, and that he would definitely be able to catch up with Axel. However, he now realizes that it was just a dream of his own, a sweet dream!

This time, Hell Fubuki became the background tragically. She was beaten by Asura Unicorn and almost couldn't escape, but that powerful Asura Unicorn was actually killed by Axel! The most important thing is that in another month and a half, it will be the day when I and Axel will fight!

"Could it be that I can't even stand on the apex of a B-level hero?" Hell Fubuki's fingers were tightly pinched, she wanted to stand on the apex, even if it was just the apex of an ordinary platform. However, now she suddenly realized that even on such a small platform, someone was going to challenge her position at the apex, she gritted her teeth, "No, I won't give you a chance, I will always stand on Apex! Just wait, I will succeed in cultivating my whirling storm of thought power, and you will definitely lose this time! I am still the apex of a B-level hero, apex!!"

Some people are happy and some are worried.

When the vest girl saw the news,

She almost screamed out, she was besieging a group of weirdos with the vest clan, and it was the venerable vest told her, she couldn't believe that a weirdo that even an A-level hero couldn't fight against was actually beheaded by Axel .

"Mr. Axel, come on!" The girl in the vest clenched her fists, "I also want to keep up with him, not hold him back, and become a real strong man!"

Teacher Banggu naturally also saw this beautiful report card, and turned to ask Teacher Bangbu, "Didn't you say that he is not allowed to participate in these dangerous monster hunts?"

"Yeah..." Mr. Bangbu frowned, "Somewhat willful."

"Are all young people like this?"


"However, in this case, I think it shouldn't be a problem for him to participate in your Whirlwind Iron Fist boxing exchange competition?"

"Ah, I thought before that this kind of communication between brothers and sisters might stimulate his self-esteem, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all. The speed of his growth has far exceeded my imagination." Teacher Bangbu couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Before, he thought that the boy prodigy in gray clothes, the Little Fist God, was fast enough, but he didn't expect that now a more monstrous one came!

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before he becomes famous all over the world."

"Well, there is no problem with strength. Now the key is character. One is not to be proud, and the other is not to go astray!" Teacher Bangbu said with a frown.

"Going astray..." Teacher Banggu immediately recalled an unforgettable face in his mind.

"Even this old man of mine is looking forward to the competition between these little guys in the dojo in more than 20 days, hehe." Mr. Bangbu said with a smile, he was really looking forward to it.

Teacher Banggu finally came back to his senses, "Let's go, we should start our journey, and we should go back to the dojo."


Axel walked slowly through the passage step by step. Although his mood was extremely depressed, his mind was extremely clear.

One thing after another floated before his eyes.

He is analyzing.

He is weighing.

He is comparing.

Changed the history of One-Punch Man?

It doesn't seem to be, because although these things are not seen in the original work, they do exist. It's like Mech G1, except that Axel knows it's the Chief of Armed Staff.

Has Mr. Saitama been changed by himself?


However, he still seems to follow a certain mysterious trajectory, step by step, becoming the Saitama-sensei who "I become stronger even when I'm bald"...

"Change?" Axel frowned, "Perhaps, the change I entered into this world is exactly what this world needs. I am also walking on this passage. The destination and the scenery along the way are still the same. !"

That's right!

Axel stopped suddenly.

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