One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixty-two. Senluo hell, the palm monster

162. Senluo Hell, Hand Monster


Totally wrong!

Axel turned around resolutely, and ran in the opposite direction of the passage. He needed to reach the bottom of this evolutionary home as soon as possible, which was where the Asura Unicorn Immortal was imprisoned.

It was a place like Senluo's hell, the ground was full of corpses, except for a small number of weirdos, there were a large number of clones of Dr. Genos.

"Killing so many clones is just to suppress the killing intent in his personality flaws." Axel walked slowly in this huge room, his eyes swept over any inch of the ground around him , will not let go of any bit of trace.

This place is too big, covering more than a thousand square meters, just like the place where he fought Saitama-sensei in the original book. The corpses all over the ground washed the place with blood, making people feel chills like hell.

Luckily, Axel, the traverser, has gotten used to this kind of blood. If an ordinary person came here, he would probably have already knelt down.

Step by step.

Walk slowly, aware of the different places.

"There is still the body of the mosquito girl. I don't know which experimental subject it is." Axel shook his head. To Dr. Genos, these experimental subjects are just like some mice. Throw it away, throw it away like garbage, and let Asura Unicorn kill it.

Thinking of this, I also feel sad for these weirdos.

Go ahead.

He actually saw Frog Man, with the iconic knife stuck in his waist, like a warrior, but at this time, he was torn into two pieces, and all kinds of bits and pieces in his stomach were scattered. one place.

"Like Frog Boy, he didn't actually do anything harmful. Compared to some human scum, it's still good..."

Go ahead.

Seeing Mr. Mantis, who was so familiar to him, his mind became as if tofu had been forcibly stirred, which was horrible.

I also saw that poor slug, dead all over the place, and I couldn't count how many there were.

"Just for the so-called evolutionary apex monster Ashura Unicorn, isn't the price too high?" Axel sighed, although these weird people can be said to be grafted, for Dr. Genos Said, as much as you want, but making them is equivalent to giving them life, so ruthlessly depriving them, is it really appropriate?


"Huh?" Axel raised his eyebrows and found a clue. He quickly squatted down and watched carefully.

This is a little unusual, as if someone has been to this place!

Because, this footprint is all different, whether it is the weirdo sacrificed here, or the clone of Dr. Genos, it is different.

Who exactly?

It's him?

is her?

or it! ?

Then, he stood up and continued to walk forward with great dignity.

It seemed that this was confirming a conjecture in his heart, his heart was shaking wildly, and he felt extremely uneasy.

There is something to look forward to.

And some fear.

Expectation is to look forward to your own guess.

Fear is because I am afraid that my guess is wrong.


He came to the side of a wall. On the wall, there was actually a USB socket, and a USB flash drive was plugged into that socket.


Grabbed the U disk and twisted it.

Immediately, the wall beside him rose suddenly, opened like a door, and then, the USB flash drive bounced back to its original position.

"Sure enough..." Axel's complexion became more serious. Although he had guessed something, he was still not sure.

stepped into it.

This is a small room, like an independent laboratory, with a glass tank inside and a row of servers next to it to monitor the data of the weirdo in the glass tank.

However, at this time the glass tank had been opened, and the weirdo had been released.

This is a special weirdo, she is like an upright palm, with a huge eye in the center of the palm, and there are more than ten small hands on the top of her head, shaking there, making people look at the bottom of their hearts Hairy.

"You..." There was actually a person standing in front of the weirdo, Sykes, she looked at Axel in horror, but unexpectedly, Axel found this place and did not leave the evolution s home.

She stared at Axel with her mouth open, not expecting him to be here.

"Axel, I didn't mean to lie to you. There are some reasons..." Sykes' mouth trembled, and the blood-clotting blood hanging from the corner of his mouth fell to the ground, and the one between her eyebrows fell to the ground. The third eye has not yet closed, although there is no bleeding, but the blood on the face is like going through a catastrophe.

Axel walked step by step.

Sykes took a step back, "I..."

At this moment, Axel had already walked in front of her, hugged her in his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Sykes was a little out of breath from being hugged, but the breath of having experienced life and death together and treating each other as her own brother calmed down her unstable heart immediately, and instead she patted him lightly. Pat him on the back.

"It's great that you didn't die!" Axel said. If Sykes died, he would probably feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"It's okay. Aren't you all very well now? You should be happy. However, I also have some reasons, so I didn't tell you."

"It's the monster you controlled with your mental power, right?" Axel turned to look at the one-eyed monster.

"Yes, this is what I negotiated with Dr. Genos. He provided me with an exclusive mind control weirdo, and I did some superpower tests for him and gave him a lot of data. .It is a kind of transaction, and this is why I dare not tell you, for fear that you will have other ideas..." Sykes did not hide anything, which is why she dared not speak at first, because she was afraid of Axel Will think wrong.

Axel nodded. He had already noticed something unusual when Dr. Genos threw the USB flash drive to Sykes for the first time. "This weird person must be able to increase your mental power, right?"

Sykes was a little surprised, but still nodded, "But it still takes a certain amount of time to get used to it. Although this little baby looks ugly, it's really cute."

Axel shrugged, then took out the glasses and put them on for her himself.

"You don't blame me?" Sykes' eyes sparkled.

"Pa..." Axel hit her on the head with a violent chestnut, "Of course I'm angry, because you didn't treat me as your partner and deceived me. I hope you can learn from it this time. There will be no next time."

Once, when Axel was watching TV, he couldn't understand the feelings of those comrades in a trench. However, since he experienced life and death together, he understood this feeling.


"What's the matter with the particleization of your body?" Axel asked in the tunnel.

"Oh, an illusion I created with my psychic power." Sykes said proudly.

"Your injuries are all created by fantasy?" He tapped her body.

"Ahem... it's genuine, I almost died." Sykes sighed, and at that moment he used up almost all of his mental power storm, "This Asura Unicorn Immortal was careless at the time, otherwise, you and I I can't go back today."

"Okay, we did a great job, a great hero, and most importantly..."

"Earned a big bonus!"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, as if they had some tacit understanding.

"Very hungry."

"Me too."

"Pinch a meal!"

"You treat, now you are a rich man."

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