One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixty-seven. Diabetes insipidus

167. Diabetes insipidus

"Follow him!" Hilda said anxiously, and then he rushed out quickly. That Markle is usually arrogant and rude. This is no secret in the Heroes' Association. In fact, since the establishment of the Heroes' Association, It accommodates a large number of officials' children, who are either relatives of major shareholders with default privileges, or the children of certain officials, and they run rampant here.

Not to mention everyone, even the founders are aware of these situations, but there is no way, the Heroes Association still needs to rely on the strength, funds and manpower of these people, so they just turn a blind eye.

In the eyes of these people, heroes are nothing more than some resources of the Heroes Association. As long as they are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve their goals, that's all. It's tantamount to losing some resources.

And who really thought about how these heroes felt when they were abandoned or treated as pawns?


Pay with one hand, take life with the other!

This is the thought in the minds of many high-level people in the Heroes Association. It's very simple. If I give you a salary and a bonus, you will work hard for me!

Therefore, the bureaucratic atmosphere of the Heroes Association is extremely strong.

"What are you going to do?" Markle's voice trembled, he was dragged into the elevator by Axel like a dead dog, and pressed the button on the first floor.

"Shut up!" Axel slapped him hard.

"My uncle is the major shareholder, if he finds out, you will be finished!" Markle said calmly, covering his mouth, "If, if you let me go now, I will be beautiful in front of my uncle. Just a few words, and your sins and faults can be absolved!"

"If I were you, shut up, otherwise, you will only hurt more!" Sykes said coldly beside her, she pinched a little bit of Markle's flesh with one hand, and then seemed Twisting like a twist, Markle's miserable howl came from the elevator, echoing in the entire headquarters office hall, but many heroes and staff were stunned.


Axel dragged Markle's almost paralyzed body out of the elevator with murderous intent on his face.

"What happened?" The waiter who had just guided Axel was stunned.

"Oh my god, isn't that the Iron Fist Man in the Cloak who has been in the limelight recently?"

"How did he drag an official?"

"are you crazy?"

"That's the head of the room, and Markle's uncle is a high-level executive. Now, the Iron Fist Man in the Cloak is finished."

"You are so young and impulsive."

"Iron Fist Cloaked Man, calm down!" In the hall, although the heroes and staff didn't know what happened, they were all sweating for Axel. This Markle is well known. An insidious villain, but everyone has nothing to do with him. His uncle is a powerful figure in the Heroes Association!

"Iron Fist Cloaked Man, you have to calm down, no matter what it is, sit down and talk about it!" The red scarf fighter happened to be handling matters at the headquarters today, seeing this situation, he immediately stepped up to stop Axel. In the battle with Mech God G1, the red scarf fighter admired Axel's approachable performance, and knew that he was the most promising one among recent heroes, and he didn't want to see Axel ruined like this own future.

"Yes, Iron Fist Man in Cloak, calm down, your future is important!" The butler with the thick hood also came over and said.

Beside, whether it is the staff or the hero nodding repeatedly, it is better for young people to stay calm. Although Axel is very strong, it is obvious that his EQ is insufficient! They all hurriedly tried to persuade them, "Take a step back and open up the sky..."

Seeing that everyone here was speaking for himself, Markle quickly added to the flames, but he knew that Axel was angry,

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and decided to bear it for a while, "Iron Fist Cloaked Man, I know we have some misunderstandings, but it's okay, you let me go, I don't care about the previous suspicions, and I won't tell my uncle, it's a settlement between us!"

Axel smiled, and cupped his fists at the people around him, "Everyone, thank you for your kindness, but I have made up my mind that I must teach these malignant tumors in the Heroes' Association some lessons, otherwise, our heroes are nothing more than weapons in the hands of these people." They are just playthings, and our lives are nothing more than the blood that stains their interests red!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up Markle again like a chicken, looked at his one-eyed eyes, and sneered, "Humph, you want to settle with me, but I don't decide to settle with you! I must Give punishment!"

After saying that, he dragged him towards the rear of the headquarters.

These staff members and heroes looked at each other in blank dismay, and quickly followed.

"Where's the Iron Fist Man in the Cloak?" Hilda rushed down with some staff, but he didn't see Axel's shadow, so he asked anxiously.

"He, he, went to the back of the headquarters..."

"What are you going to do in the back?" Hilda couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Axel's gourd.

In any case, the best policy is to catch up quickly.

The rear of the Heroes Association headquarters.

Hero Tomb.

Like throwing a dead dog, Axel threw Markle in front of the grave of the armed staff chief. He took a deep breath, stared at the many graves in the Tomb of Heroes, closed his eyes, and turned to the sky, "Heroes, I come to see you..."

Sykes stood silently behind Axel without saying a word. She was inexplicably touched in her heart, but she couldn't tell what it was like. In short, it was very subtle.

"The establishment of the Heroes' Association is to fight against weirdos and help the weak. Therefore, there are heroes! However, some staff in the Heroes' Association have turned the Heroes' Association into a place to fulfill their ambitions and selfish desires. Heroes They have also been reduced to the point of becoming their pawns, and their heroes, heroes, are not heroes, but just a group of things to fulfill their ambitions!" Axel said, looking at Markle coldly.

Markle was stunned, he saw the killing intent in Axel's eyes, he peed in fright, yes, he peed, his crotch was wet, and the urine dripped down.


Hilda and the others have already arrived, looking at all this dumbfounded, his heart is shocked, Axel gave up the millions of bonuses and countless achievements, just for the sake of this hero's tomb Hero, seek justice!

"How many heroes have you killed today when your selfish desires are inflated?" Axel's cold voice sounded, he grabbed Markle's head with one hand, and lifted him up. Markle had already said no. After speaking, his whole body trembled like chaff, and the urine was like a faucet that was turned on, rushing out from the crotch.

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