One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixty-eight. A real hero!

168. A true hero!

Hilda and other staff and heroes watched from behind, silent, just like Axel, they had a mouthful of anger in their hearts.

"Perhaps, after these heroes were killed by weirdos, you didn't have any pity, no self-blame, no regrets!" Axel looked at Markle fiercely, "On the contrary, you might say, These heroes are incompetent, laugh at their incompetence!"

"It's hard... isn't it?" Markle's teeth were chattering, and he instinctively said what was in his heart, not because he was brave, but because, at this moment, his brain and body had completely stopped listening Commanded, like a walking dead.

"You don't understand at all what a real hero is!" Axel roared, "A real hero is not someone who can fight against a thousand ounces, kill dragon-level monsters in seconds, or be comparable to god-level monsters! No, that , is not a sufficient condition for a hero! A real hero, even if he has no power to restrain a chicken, will use his own blood and flesh to stand in front of the weirdo! This is the hero! I will not allow anyone to laugh at such a hero , and no one is allowed to take advantage of these heroes, let alone your uncle is the second shareholder of the Heroes Association, even the largest shareholder is not allowed!"

A roar shook the hearts of those present.

Hildamo looked at all this with great enthusiasm. He has been in this position for several years. He has never seen any kind of hero. However, there is no hero who has given him a great deal like today. Mind shaking.

Axel's eyes swept over Markle, making Markle's whole body tremble like chaff, and he howled like a ghost, "You, you can't touch me, otherwise, you will lose your hero Qualification, I swear, I swear, you'll regret it, you'll regret it!"

Axel looked up to the sky and laughed, "Heroes are just a name in the Heroes' Association. If I walk the hero's way and do heroic things, why should I be in the Heroes' Association?"

Axel's eyes flashed a cold light, Markle passed out on the spot, he saw... killing intent!

At this time, those heroes rushed over one by one, "Iron Fist Man in Cloak, calm down, if you kill him, the Heroes Association will definitely not let it go, and there will be a lot of troubles, and the police station will not let go." Pass yours!"

Like the Red Scarf Fighter and others, knowing that Axel might not be able to persuade him at this time, he just gritted his teeth and rushed over, "Hurry up and catch him, don't let him be stupid, he has a bright future! , cannot be destroyed on this!"

Several like-minded heroes rushed up, trying to hug Axel's hands and feet, but a whirlwind suddenly blew them up and down.

Everyone looked at Axel one by one, extremely anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

Sykes looked at all this coldly, in her opinion, such human scum deserves to die!

"The walking dead, the guy who bases his happiness on the pain of others, even on the death of others, is not qualified to live in this world. I want to stand on the top of this world, but not on the The apex of this kind of rubbish, that will only make me feel sick! This kind of rubbish should be cleaned up like a general cleaning!" Sykes was very happy that Axel could do this, in her opinion, there was no need to do anything Hero, who works so hard all day long to "work" for this bunch of rubbish, and is secretly despised, scorned and ridiculed by these guys.

"Iron Fist Cloaked Man, please wait!" Hilda hurried over, but stopped in the distance, "You can't solve the fundamental problem like this, and you will bring yourself a lot of trouble, among other things, He is a person, not a weirdo. If you kill him, the police station will definitely come to investigate. How about this, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely give you an explanation!"

"You?" Axel looked back at Hilda,

This person gave him a pretty good feeling, but he was just a chief of staff. How much could he do in the Heroes Association? If these cancerous tumors could be eradicated and these corruptions could be crushed, it should have been done long ago, why wait until now?

"If you kill him, it won't change the structure of the Heroes' Association in any way. Freezing three feet doesn't happen overnight." Hilda said slowly, "It can be said that there are various cancers in the Heroes' Association. Everyone is well aware of it. However, you can't deny the Heroes Association all at once, and the Heroes Association lost you, a good hero, because of this incident, which is the biggest loss."

Axel is silent, he is right, killing Markle will not change this fact immediately, in the Heroes Association, there are Liu Keer, Li Keer...

If you want to eradicate the cancer, you must treat the symptoms as well as the root cause!

"Trust me!" In such a public situation, Hilda couldn't say too much.

"Why should I trust you?"

"I swear by my position!" Hilda gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely give you an explanation, and I will never let these cancers continue to go unpunished!"

As soon as he let go, Axel threw Markle down, and Markle fell to the ground like a ball of mud. Immediately, two men in black rushed up and carried Markle away. When they passed by Axel, they took a deep look at Axel and then hurried away.

"Okay, okay, this is the end of the matter, everyone go back to work!" Hilda waved his hand and said, he is the head of the office, everyone nodded, and hurried back to work.

The red scarf fighter and others walked up to Axel, patted him on the shoulder, gave him a firm look, and then left. They knew that Axel and Hilda would definitely be there next time. things to say.

Soon, there were only a few people left in the Hero's Tomb area - Hilda, Axel, Sykes and her weirdo.

"Now, can we talk about it?" Axel's eyes fell on Hilda, "You are so sure that you use your own position as a bet to dissuade me. Could it be that you are just plotting What about eradicating cancer?"

Hilda frowned, "It's not that simple, but it's already in progress, and not all the top executives of the Heroes' Association are corrupt people like Uncle Markle!"


"Well, I can guarantee that your hero will continue to be a hero. I understand what you mean. Even if you are not in the Heroes Association, you can continue your heroic path. However, the Heroes Association is a complete organization after all, which can give You provide a lot of intelligence and information about weirdos, which is incomparable to you alone..." Hilda continued, "I can't guarantee that you can continue to distribute your bonuses and achievements, but I still hope, You can stay."

"Let's talk about it later." Axel raised his legs and walked outside the headquarters, "I'll wait for your news..."

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