214. Axel's layout

"The victory and defeat have been decided!" Hell Chuixue sang forward, and the whole person brought this crazy storm to crush Axel, and Axel's storm collapsed like a mung bean cake after being hit!

Winning or losing is just a matter of time.

"You lost!" Suddenly, Axel said lightly, he controlled his storm within a very small range, and enveloped himself tightly, not exceeding one square meter. Countless wind blades are circling quickly, cutting up the crushed mind-power whirling storm, protecting Axel from being threatened inside.

"Big words, do you think you can remain undefeated in such a small air shield?" Hell Fubuki sneered, she had already seen through Axel's purpose, but this was just a ridiculous strategy. , in front of the storm of her thought power turning, it is simply a slightly strengthened mung bean cake.

Axel looked coldly at Hell Fuxue in the sky. He half-kneeled on the ground, constantly reducing the range of the gas mask, making his gas mask's defensive ability more powerful, and turning the power of thought to resist strong impacts. storm.

"Hmph, this is what you call 'you lost'? Then why, now you are half kneeling on the ground, and I am attacking like crazy?" Hell Fubuxue sneered and mocked.

At this moment, even the S-class heroes in the stands couldn't understand it.

That's right, the situation on stage is just like what Hell Fubuki said now, Axel is completely suppressed now, and there is no hope of victory at all!

The trembling tornado frowned, and she sneered, "Hmph, brat, he just knows how to play some tricks!" She shouted loudly, "Chuixue, she just wants to consume your mental power and make your Mental strength exceeds the limit of your physical load, using this method to knock you down!"

Hell Fubuki was taken aback, and the heroes in the stands were also taken aback.

Sure enough, people with super powers know better about people with super powers. Once they have a mental breakdown, the people with super powers are no different from ordinary people. Although this is not an orthodox way to win the game, it is not bad in terms of effect. a good way.

"Huh, then, before I run out of mental power, defeat him!" Hell Fubuki is extremely confident, because, judging from the results of her current battle with Axel Storm, the battle can be resolved in less than half a minute. And half a minute is not the limit of my mental power at all!

During this period of time, she has been devoting herself to cultivating the strength and capacity of her mental power, so that her mental power can last for a long time. It is no exaggeration to say that she can still fight for at least five minutes!

However, she wasn't worried about a battle that could be resolved in half a minute!

"The victory and defeat have been decided. Axel's battle strategy is good, but the opponent is still too strong." The venerable vest shook his head. In his eyes, Axel's air mask was rapidly weakening and shrinking. , In less than a minute, Axel will lose.

"Little brother, no matter what you say, you have made great progress..." The brothers were all quite emotional. It has only been more than a month, and Axel at this time has already impressed them. However, the strength of the opponent is really It is too strong, and the outcome is probably within a minute or two.

Just when the heroes agreed that Axel was at the end of his strength at this time and was just struggling for time.

A laugh sounded from the air mask.

"Laughing?" Even the Venerable Vest was taken aback.

The trembling tornado in the sky frowned, why does this stinky boy always give her a very uneasy feeling, always thinking that something will happen to Fuyuki...

"What's so funny, are you happy even if you lose?" The girl in the vest frowned, analyzing Axel's laughter from another aspect,

"With Axel's personality, meeting such an opponent is indeed more important than winning or losing."

"What's so funny!?" Hell Chuanxue was angry. In her opinion, isn't the situation at this time firmly under her control? Are you dumbfounded, have to lose this appointment?


You shouldn't forget the promise of Yuezhan, right?

If you lose this time, you, Axel, will become my little brother! ?

Could it be that there is nothing to be happy about?

She was angry, and she felt that she had encountered an unprecedented humiliation. She looked at an opponent who was suppressed by her and ridiculed and was furious, "I, I want you to understand, the fate of stubborn resistance!"

Regardless of the load on her mental power, she crazily raised her storm.

"Haven't you noticed? Around you..." Axel squatted on the ground, coldly looking at Hell Fuxue in the sky, he didn't care how long his air mask could last, he cared , It is the layout of my "Super Thunderbolt·Xiangfeng Blade Tianxiao"!

In the sky, the trembling tornado's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Chuuxue, be careful!"

"What?" At this time, Hell Fubuki hadn't noticed the changes in her body. All her attention was on her attack, because she only needed half a minute to solve the battle!

However, once the heroes in the stands also found out, they were all stunned!


Just taking a look, I can only use this word to describe the mood at the moment, and they are the same. At the beginning, they all focused on Hell Fubuki's offense and Axel's defense, and no one Note that Axel has already started his own layout.

challenge stage.

Countless thunder falls down like a waterfall, like a cage woven by thunder.

Above the sky, there is even a Thunder Dragon covered in countless scorching white rays of light rolling over. A pair of thunder and lightning swimming eyes are fixedly staring at Hell Fubuki floating in mid-air.

"What?" At this moment, Hell Fubuki raised her head in horror and looked around, but she didn't expect that she was already surrounded by thunder waterfalls, and there was even a thunder dragon above her head that made her palpitate look at her. As if, it only takes the next moment for a thunderbolt to burn her into charcoal.

"Hell Fuxue, your mind-turning storm is indeed very powerful, but don't forget that no matter how powerful your storm is, it is only a storm that can crush me, and it cannot destroy the thunder I created!" Ake Searle said coldly, "As long as you keep attacking me, I will fill the entire challenge platform with thunder, and you will lose!"

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