One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and fifteen. The dignity of the apex

215. The Dignity of the Vertex

"I lost?" Hell Chuuxue looked at the thunder dragon in the sky, feeling countless unwillingness in his heart.

Yes, she had sought the apex, the highest apex.

However, she found that it was so far away that it was impossible for her to become the highest point in this world.

After that, she lived under the protection of her older sister, which made her feel that she had no sense of existence. She worked hard to change this fact, trying to surpass her older sister.

However, she discovered again that this goal is still so far away.

Suddenly, she woke up.

In addition to the highest apex in this world, there are too many apexes, for example, standing on the apex of B-level heroes, firmly controlling the first position of B-level heroes and becoming the strongest at this stage !

Soon, with her ability, she did this very easily.

Then she found that she began to enjoy this apex feeling, and it was very comfortable, which calmed down her previous feeling of exhaustion.

This feeling is very good!

This feeling also made her no longer have that kind of positive pursuit!

She has fallen.

But even so, there is dignity.

The dignity of being the number one in Class B must be firmly guarded today. Damn Axel, didn't you lay out your own layout?

Well, I will use a shorter time to destroy your gas mask and kill you quickly, so what if you have your thunder?

"Ah!" Hell Fuxue roared, and her spiritual power poured out without any reservation. If the mental power venting just now was the feeling of slowly pouring water out of the mouth with a bottle, then , Now it is the feeling of turning the whole bottle upside down and pouring the water directly!

One-time all~in!

That terrifying mental power is like a typhoon's torrential rain, crazy, without the slightest reservation, without any reason, with only one purpose, and that is to destroy Axel in front of him!

"She's crazy!" Sykes exclaimed, she is also a super power user, of course she is more aware of the crisis Axel is facing at this time, and that Hell Fubuki used his mental power like a gamble at the end .

"Axel!" The girl in the vest clenched her fists tightly. She had already forgotten her breathing, and only Axel's battle was in front of her eyes.

"It's too late." Axel snorted coldly, and the brontosaurus swooped down from the sky.

"Fubuxue, admit defeat!" The trembling tornado frowned, and she could see that at this moment, Hell Fubuxue had no chance of winning.

"The second hero of the S-level, the trembling tornado, please don't interfere with the game!" Hilda said in a deep voice.

"It's up to you, don't you care about me?" The trembling tornado roared, and a wave of mental power spread rapidly. Suddenly, Hilda's sound system burst, and a howling sound echoed throughout the sound system. It made the ears of Hilda and other staff dizzy.

Facing such a powerful trembling tornado, Hilda looked helpless. This so-called fairness may not be achieved by talking about it, and there is still a long way to go.

It's too late to say it.

The thunder dragon bombarded down, Hell Chuuxue was split into the air, and the thunder dragon's momentum remained undiminished, and it directly bombarded the A-level challenge platform. The terrifying power immediately blasted the bombing point into a huge hole. In the deep pit, countless fragments of diamonds flew towards the stands like raindrops. The speed of the explosion was like an A-level hand-to-hand combat hero throwing out the diamonds with all his strength!

"Not good!" The Venerable Vest yelled. Unexpectedly, the power of this Thunder Dragon was so terrifying! With a movement of his body, his hands suddenly slammed forward,

As if hitting the air, it directly hit a barrier, blocking the flying diamonds from the outside.

"Dangdangdang..." The sound of the diamond hitting was endless, and the complexion of the venerable man in the vest also changed slightly. This move of his was actually beaten like this by the opponent's aftermath. This is just a move of a B-level hero! !

"This kid is very strong!" The eyes of the Venerable in the vest released a scorching light, which was a kind of light that ignited his own blood when he met a strong man.

Mr. Banggu and Mr. Bangbu looked at each other, nodded, and then appeared in two sections of the stand in an instant, one was Whirlwind Slashing Iron Fist, the other was Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, drawing countless crippled lines in the air. The shadow, beautiful and magnificent, immediately shot down and shattered all the diamonds flying in the air!

And those brothers in the Whirlwind Iron Fist Dojo are naturally no problem, each and every one of them is doing their best to help the heroes around them resist the flying diamonds.

At the other end of the computer screen, Metal Knight stared at the battle on the screen in a daze. The drink bottle in his hand tilted, and he poured the drink on himself without realizing it. He couldn't believe that such two B-level brats actually launched an attack that exceeded the ability of the A-level challenge platform, and almost completely destroyed the challenge platform!

Haikou that I boasted before.

The glory of my own so-called science!

Also, the long-term trust of the Heroes Association in him, at this moment, I am afraid that it will collapse!

"However, this thunder is very strange. If I add such a thunder to my tactical weapon, will it increase the power of the weapon to a higher level?" The metal knight touched his pointed mouth Thinking, since it is already a fact, then there is no need to regret it, it is useless, how to maximize the use of these data is what he needs to do now.

"It seems that I have completely underestimated these two guys." Metal Knight smiled wryly, and then said to one of his super brain assistants, "Record Axel and use the ghost level to locate it. File Hell Fubuki, and also use the ghost level to locate them. Track them and extract useful battle data!"

There was no problem with Sykes' ability to resist the threat of such diamond fragments. A mental force field enveloped himself and the one-eyed monster in the palm, and there was no longer any threat.

Her eyes moved and landed on the girl in the vest, and a smile could not help showing at the corner of her mouth, because at this time, the girl in the vest and the vest family are still a little far away, and they are fighting alone. Those diamonds fly over, and she needs to shoot them down by herself. !

"Hey, let me help you. If I can eliminate you today, it will be much safer for Axel in the future..." Sykes smiled strangely on the corner of his mouth, fingers With a slight movement, suddenly, the speed of several pieces of diamonds flying out increased sharply. With the blessing of her spiritual power, the speed of the diamonds suddenly broke through the speed of sound!

And the target of these diamonds is the girl in the vest.

"Farewell, though, you still don't know why you died... Heh, isn't this the way it is in this world?" Sikes looked at the girl in the vest who was about to die with a smile.

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