One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

216. Wrath of the Trembling Tornado

216. Wrath of the Trembling Tornado

The girl in the vest was going to meet the flying diamond fragments, but suddenly, her brows frowned, and the speed of those diamonds in her pupils suddenly increased sharply.

"Strange, it stands to reason that when the diamonds fly over, the speed should decrease?" The girl in the vest felt extremely strange, but the scene was fleeting, and what she needed now was to shoot down these diamonds as soon as possible.


The girl in the vest drew two phantoms with her hands.

"Bang bang bang..." The two hands were like flying elves, leaving traces in the air, and looking again, she was holding the diamonds one by one.

"Don't panic, I'll save you!" The girl in the vest yelled. Not only did she grab the diamonds flying towards her, but she even ran in front of the other heroes, doing the same thing and grabbing all the diamonds.


At this time, Sykes can only be described by this word.

Unbelievable, the girl in the vest at this time has been completely reborn, and her current strength has not only improved by one or two grades!

"Impossible, she's only been away for a few days?" Sykes couldn't believe it was true, and said that Axel's combat power was improving very fast, but now it seems that the girl in the vest is even more enchanting OK?

Although I don't know what the situation is, it is a fact that the vest girl's strength has increased dramatically. If this is the case, then, let's change the plan and let the situation go smoothly.

Sykes also ran over with the one-eyed monster in his palm, "How are you?"

"I'm fine!"

"Everyone, come here, I will open the force field of spiritual power!" Sykes greeted the surrounding heroes, even the members of Fubuki's team, and then launched his own force field, forming a huge protective cover, These people are enveloped in it.

Watching the diamonds hit the outer cover of the force field one by one, forming small holes in the outermost layer, but they couldn't break through the defense of the force field. The heroes were relieved immediately, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "My God, I'm finally saved..."

"It's amazing!"

"What I said before was right, it really was sparks hitting the earth!" Each hero was discussing, all sighing. Called the Battle of Geniuses!

"Thank you very much." The girl in the vest came over and said thankfully.

"No, everything should be done." Sikes shook his head, and continued to release his mental power, and the diamonds that were flying from the crash were still coming in an endless stream.

"You can still hold it. If you can't take it anymore, tell me, I can hold it for a while." The girl in the vest said thoughtfully. What people with superpowers are most afraid of is that their mental strength is exhausted. Therefore, she is more Worried about the mental condition of Sykes, whose mental power is still recovering.

Sykes frowned, and said with a little panting, "I didn't expect their battle to be so terrifying, but one thing is for sure, Axel has already won."

"Hmm." Although the girl in the vest didn't get the answer from Sykes' words, she could clearly know from Sykes' panting that Sykes might not be able to last long. , that terrifying brontosaurus was still diving, but half of its body crashed into the diamond ground, and half of its body was still in the air. The last wave of impact seemed to last for some time, so she took a deep breath. In one breath, she stood in front of Sykes and all the heroes. As long as the force field is broken, she must use her strength to defeat the flying diamonds.

Sykes looked at the back of the girl in the vest. Of course she knew what the girl in the vest meant. Suddenly, there were mixed feelings in her heart.

However, the words have already been released, so naturally they will not be taken back.

"Ahem." She coughed.

"If you can't support it, let go as soon as possible, trust me!" The girl in the vest is still worried about Sykes' mental state. It is said that it will take half a year for her mental strength to recover.

"Ahem, I'm fine!" Sykes gritted his teeth.

"Don't hold on."



On the challenge platform, there is already a mess. The challenge platform, which claims to be able to withstand the battle of A-level heroes, has a huge deep pit in the middle. The diamond, which claims to have the title of the hardest rock in the world, is like Dregs of tofu were scattered all over the challenge field.

At this time, Jigoku Fubuki had already floated into the air, but she was already in a coma, and beside her was the trembling tornado still floating with her breasts folded.

She raised her chin slightly, and looked down at Axel, like a queen examining her subjects.

"Now you have defeated the first place in B-level and proved your strength. Is this the purpose of your appointment?" the trembling Tornado looked at Axel coldly and asked.

Axel still didn't dare to dispel his own storm. Of course he knew what kind of existence the trembling tornado was, and it was an existence that regarded the rules and regulations of the Heroes Association as nothing at all.

This storm's air mask is still the best way for him to save his life.

"The ranking of heroes doesn't mean anything to me. If I have to say yes, it means that the usual salary will be a little more." Axel said.

"Huh?" To the trembling tornado, there was no such thing as a higher salary.

"I just want to prove that the hero of the Heroes Association is not only a profession, but also a symbol, a symbol of spirit, a hero who saves the world and brings peace to ordinary people in the eyes of ordinary people! Instead, It is a means to keep one's own status and bully other heroes!" Axel said.

The trembling tornado looked down at Axel and did not speak. There are not many people in this world who dare to talk to her like this, but today, in this small book that dares to speak, Axel must be written down. The name is gone!

"It's no problem for Hell Fubuki to occupy the first place in B-level, but she blocks the progress of other heroes and treats B-level as her own one-acre three points... This kind of hero's corruption, I have to use myself Fist to smash!"

"Even if, is she my sister?"

"That's right, it has nothing to do with who she is!" Axel said firmly.

"Hmph," the trembling Tornado sneered, "I can't just ignore the trauma you caused Fubuki."

After all, an incomparable spiritual force enveloped the entire challenge platform, and immediately, a diamond weighing hundreds of tons floated in the air and smashed towards Axel's air shield.

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