One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and thirty. Love the sword, Tawu! (one hundred twenty-nine-thirty-two)

230. Love Sword, Tawu!

There are boxers who can move with one thought, but there are very few boxers and swordsmen who can move with one thought and the wind blows like a typhoon on the seashore, making them unstable!

"This boy, it's not easy!" The swordsman frowned, although he was upset, but he had to admit that Axel's fist was amazing.

"Is it just a B-level hero? His strength, it seems, is far more than that. Even I have the desire to fight him!" Not very strong.

Compared to Ihean, Springbeard's eyes are extremely hot, it seems that this is the opponent he has been looking for for a long time!

"Hey, he really deserves to be the opponent I chose." The corner of Shuilong's mouth showed a smile, his long hair and bangs fluttered in the strong wind, but he still couldn't change it. relaxed gesture.

"It's blocked, but it's not that simple!" Baoshan and the swordsman looked at each other. They didn't want to give up. Now that they had reached this point, they simply went straight to the end.

With a thought, the fist and sword intent suddenly surged, pressing towards Axel's gust of wind.

"Oh, that's great. It's getting more and more interesting. This competition between fighters and swordsmen is all about vigor!" Spring Beard's eyes lit up. For him, the so-called exchange of experiences in words , it is not as good as the observation of this kind of artistic duel!

There are not many people who think like Springbeard. Anyway, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, you can also observe the opponent's strength, why not do it?

The opponent's fist and sword intent rushed towards him, but Axel still moved forward.

"The wind blew, the sky changed color, and the roar shocked the wooden building!"

As the sound fell, the gust of wind became more urgent, and even the sky seemed to be affected by the gust of wind, making the incomparably dense water vapor turbulently, covering the sky and changing the color of the sky.

There was a howling sound, and it exploded in the ancient wooden building. The ancient and deep wooden building seemed to wake up at this moment, and the whole wooden building began to vibrate, as if responding to Axel. Er's fist is average.

The whistling sound was not only the change of the surrounding things, but also the suppression of the two fist and sword intentions. This time, it was not only blocking them, but also like two big hands, holding the fist and sword intentions together. Meaning was pulled out directly from the hidden underground.

"What's going on? This gust of wind, this whistling sound, this fist, when did Axel become so powerful?" Cha Lanzi was puzzled, the Axel he saw half a year ago didn't seem to be the same. Not strong?

"Oh!?" Spring Beard's eyes enlarged again, and even his breathing became a little short. The blood in his body was aroused by this punch, as if he was about to burst out in the next moment. The long sword hanging from his waist kept trembling in the scabbard, making a sound of "dang dang dang...", as if it was about to rush out of the scabbard in the next moment, he couldn't help using it Holding down the hilt of the sword with his hand, the trembling was due to the guidance of his blood. Not only did it not stop, but it was trembling crazily!

The water dragon's eyes were bright, and his feet moved involuntarily on the ground, "I really hope that this competition will come as soon as possible. There seems to be a lot of fun in it!"


Among the young disciples of the fist god, is there such a genius? "Jihean couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Relatively speaking, he is relatively old. If strictly according to the regulations, he is the same as the big brother of Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist, and he is not qualified to participate. However, it seems that the atomic warrior has his own It is said that he may be allowed to participate in this exchange of Fist Shinto and Juggernaut Association, and then as for the subsequent competitions, he will not participate, otherwise, it is indeed a bit of a bully.

"What!?" Baoshan and Swordsman were even more taken aback. The fist intent and sword intent of the two assassination methods, under the suppression of the opponent's fist intent, did not even have the strength to resist at all. It was suppressed to death! "Damn boy!"

The two of them looked at Axel's unstoppable footsteps, and his back was about to gnash his teeth.

Don't even give them the front!

This is simply ignoring them, not even giving the two of them the qualifications to be rivals!

"What the fuck!?"

"It's too arrogant!" The two roared up to the sky, and their fist and sword intent suddenly increased. This time, the two of them had completely abandoned their rationality and treated this exchange as a real battle. A life-and-death fight with all your might!

"How will he respond?" Faced with the soaring fist and sword intent, everyone's eyes fell on Axel, and those eyes were full of expectation!

"Screaming, thundering, Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon! Destroy! Heaven! Qiong!"

Axel was not moved by the skyrocketing of the other party, he still kept moving, the whistling sound became crazier, and the wooden building was disturbed; , a fire dragon wrapped in a lightning gossamer opened its pair of scorching white eyes, and a pair of iron claws, as if transformed into a shape, firmly grasped the shape of the fist and sword intent, although the fist and sword intent skyrocketed. The two claws kept twisting, but they still couldn't break free from the two claws, no matter how hard they struggled, it was futile!

The fist turned into a thunder dragon and landed, as if it was really like the sentence said, it would collapse the sky, and this ancient wooden building couldn't bear this fist, it began to vibrate, sending out "咚咚咚..." the dull sound.

And this time, Cha Lanzi, who has the weakest understanding of boxing intentions, could not bear the force even though the distance was far away, and was shocked to take a few steps back, and her back touched the wooden structure of the wooden building superior.

Not to mention Chalanzi's relatively weak strength, several other people were even more attracted by this fist, which made the blood in their bodies boil with a ray of enthusiasm for fighting against the strong, and even the breathing of Juhean, who had been relatively calm all along, could not breathe. He became anxious, and pressed his right hand on the hilt of his sword. If it wasn't just for communication this time, he would definitely draw out his long sword and compete with that young man. Fang Xiu!

At this time, Spring Beard trembled all over his body, and the slender Western sword in his scabbard trembled even more. He pressed the hilt of the Western sword with his hand, and said with panting like after running a marathon, "I sword...Tawu! Even you...even you...even you, can't suppress...this one, sword intent!?"

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