One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and thirty-one. Are you sure they are human? (one hundred twenty-nine-thirty-three)

231. Are you sure they are human?


Springbeard couldn't suppress that sword intent anymore, even the beloved sword Tawu in his hand, he couldn't help but stab out with the sword, and suddenly, the famous sword Tawu made of shape memory metal suddenly rose to With a length of hundreds of meters, the sword intent was released crazily, turning into a white beam of light, piercing the sky, as if piercing a hole in the sky!

Axel, who had gone far away, couldn't help turning his head back, looking at the sword intent that still didn't dissipate, and the beam of light piercing the sky, his eyes couldn't help but widen, and he held his right hand tightly, "Tawu! Violence!"

Tawu Explosive Power is Spring Beard's famous sword skill. Using the shape memory metal of love sword Tawu, he can expand the long sword to an extremely long length in an instant, and even use his own sword intent to pass through it. The extremely long sword exploded. It shot to a super long distance! Do it, hurt the enemy hundreds of meters away.

In the original book, when Springbeard was fighting that person, the opponent was extremely afraid of his unexplosive move. After luring the opponent into the surroundings of the houses, he let the opponent perform this move with a little bit of fear, and at the same time Only by sacrificing his left hand can he defeat the opponent. It is enough to see that the power of this move is incomparably huge.


Sword intent!

It was not until a long time later that it slowly drifted away, and the vision in the sky that day also gradually returned to calm, and the low vibration and sound of the wooden building also gradually subsided.

"I want to become stronger, and I want to fight with stronger opponents," Axel withdrew his gaze, and his clenched fist could not be released for a long time, "Since when did I It turned out to be like this, so longing for a strong opponent, such longing to become stronger!?"

Stepping forward, that unstoppable panting, and that extremely excited heart...

"Go back and find Master first, and ask carefully about the situation of this temple. Since that temple is next to this mountain road, there is no reason for them not to know." Axel, apart from this competition, What is more concerned is the situation of this temple.

That punch, that's right, the boxer on the embossed, obviously punched that huge and friendless weirdo, but he was so real, so real, so immersive, and felt That punch landed on his body, and even more so, he was torn apart and completely shattered!

However, the final result was that the strange man's palm fell down, as if a huge valley had been smashed on the ground, and what happened to the strange man's body, Axel still didn't know.

Axel's departure, at the same time, was still the way of leaving with his back to Baoshan and the swordsman, and in the end, it completely crushed the secret fist and sword intent. The entire wooden building was completely silent, especially Baoshan and Swordsman, their faces were as red as burning charcoal.

"This damned guy." Looking at Axel's disappearing back, Baoshan gritted his teeth and secretly said in his heart. However, he also admitted that Axel's strength is really extraordinary. His strength is really not enough. "If I meet him, I can only take advantage of it."

The swordsman gritted his teeth. As a swordsman, he not only has artistic conception, but also has a sharp long sword. This is the biggest difference from boxers. Moreover, he also has sword moves that he has not used.

"Hmph, I won't necessarily lose to you like this,

If I meet you, I will use all my strength to stab you into a hornet's nest! The swordsman gritted his teeth, looked at Axel's back, and cursed.

After this encounter, the others felt that it didn't make much sense to continue communicating, as if Springbeard was still immersed in the sword intent that inspired him just now. But Juhean was bowing his head in deep thought, holding the hilt of his sword in his right hand, groaning silently.

"I can foresee that this competition will be very interesting and enjoyable." Shuilong put his hands on the back of his head and walked away slowly.

Once the first person left, the others dispersed slowly, either meditating in the forest, or thinking about the method of fighting, or directly returning to the gathering place of the genre.

No matter what happened to these guys, Axel ran directly in the direction of Quan Shendao.

"Come back so soon?" The girl in the vest who first spotted Axel asked a little strangely. At this moment, she was stirring the hot pot and cooking a sumptuous lunch for the old man and the others.

"En." Axel nodded, and then sat down on the grass in front of the hot pot.

"Is there any gain?" Mr. Bangbu looked at Axel, and then looked at him on the way back, but he didn't see the shadow of Chalanzi, "Where is Chalanzi, didn't you come back together?"

Axel frowned, "During the exchange, something happened, so I came back first."

Several people looked at each other. It seemed that they had encountered something unpleasant. Seeing that Axel was unhappy, the few people didn't want to ask more questions. No matter how good the relationship is, everyone has their own needs. privacy, no?

The girl in the vest poured Axel a bowl of hot pot, which contained fresh vegetables, a little mutton, and his favorite enoki mushroom at the end. The soup was neither salty nor light, which was just right for her appetite.

Take a sip.

"Master, I went to a... place that looks like a temple, and there are many reliefs there." Axel said.

Teacher Bangbu and Teacher Banggu put down the chopsticks in their hands, and they were not surprised by Axel's words.

"What do those reliefs mean, and what does that temple do?" Axel finally asked his question.

Teacher Bangbu pondered for a long time, and after organizing his language, he said, "This temple, to be precise, is these temples..."

Axel's heart moved, and it seemed that there was more than one such temple.

"When did these temples exist? No one knows. In short, they are very old. And the original founder of our boxing gods, after getting some chances in this temple, founded the boxing gods, sword saints, Ninja Village...the last one has something to do with superpowers, but I don't know what it's called because it has too little contact with us."

Axel listened quietly, but the horror in his heart could not be calmed down like a stormy sea.

"It is said that the founder discovered this kind of temple. When he was researching the temple, suddenly, a few people appeared. No, it seems that it is not appropriate to describe it with people..." Mr. Bangbu frowned and thought about the appropriate words.

"Could it be the four people on the relief?" Axel asked back.

Teacher Bumble raised his head and looked at Axel seriously, "Are you sure, the four on the relief are four people? Not something else?"

Hearing this, Axel's eyes widened.

That's right, if not people, then, what are they! ?

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