One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and thirty-three. There are only 8 in more than 1000 years!

233. There are only eight in more than a thousand years!


Moreover, it is a very anxious matter!

Following the direction they walked, Axel took a look, and saw that the six masters of Boxing Shinto gathered together, and then entered the wooden house at the meeting place.

"What happened?" Sykes stretched his neck, looked around, and then spread his mental power over, and after a while, "Ah..."

Sykes covered her brows and howled miserably, as if her mental strength had been counterattacked, causing her unceasing pain. The one-eyed monster next to her was shocked, and hurriedly ran back and forth to help massage with her little hands.

"Don't be careful with our boxing skills, idiot!" Axel knew that this kind of mental power was just being blocked, like bumping his head against a wall, and he wouldn't suffer too much injury, so it shouldn't be a serious problem.

"I just want to hear what they are talking about." Sykes said with some dissatisfaction. Wasn't she doing this so that Axel could get the news earlier? It's disgusting to be ungrateful and to be scolded!

It didn't take long for the six grandmasters to go in, and they came out again soon, and all of them had strange expressions, which made Axel and others puzzled.

"Come here, all six of you." The master of Nether Body Fist waved his hand, signaling Axel, Shuilong and others who were outside to come over.

Axel and the others quickly came together, and then walked into the wooden house with several masters.

Inside the wooden house, it is very simple, just an empty hall, with some wine and wine glasses placed on the floor, and at the end of the hall, there is an incense table.

On the incense table, there is a basin of water.

Originally, it was already night, and logically it should be dim, but at the moment, the basin of water was emitting a faint, er, shimmer, bathing the entire wooden house in a layer of golden light, although it was not very bright. Bright, but with a warm feeling.

"This wooden house was left by the founder, and this water basin was passed down from generation to generation to convey the will of the gods!" The master of Nether Body Fist said very seriously.

Axel was stunned, why is this world still so superstitious?

However, it's normal, Mr. Shibabawa, isn't he a prophet?

In the works of the world of One Punch Man, it is not surprising what appears in the world, is it?

However, the next moment, Axel's conjecture was shattered.

"Just now, God issued a decree to let you all come here. He has something to say!" The master of Nether Body Fist was still very serious, and he said to the water basin very respectfully, just like facing his own ancestor. generally.

At this moment, the water in the basin boiled.

The resonant sound of "嗡..." exploded in the hearts of all boxers, including Mr. Banggu Bangbu and others, they all felt the terrifying fist that bloomed in the water basin!

That's right.

It is the fist intent, this kind of fist intent is completely different from what Axel used to see, like the king of the fist intent, it made him feel like he was kneeling down, that kind of coercion that he couldn't even move his head. lift it up.

Teacher Banggu frowned, then pressed his right hand on the top of Cha Lanzi's head,

Even so, Cha Lanzi's face was extremely ugly, and sweat dripped down.

The other disciples were not much better. Even Shuilong, who had always been ignorant of anything, changed his face drastically, and had to use his own fist to counter it.

That punching intent was extremely vast, like a vast ocean, covering the entire mountainous area with extreme speed, and even the birds and beasts in this mountainous area were dormant, not daring to move at all.

"This..." Just now I thought it was just a superstition, but it was unexpected, and it was immediately confirmed. In the dark, there is indeed a certain kind of power, which seems to be guiding something.

Is it the power of God?

"The winner of this boxing divine way is qualified to obtain my inheritance in this wooden house alone!" A voice came from the water basin.

After finishing speaking, that punching intent disappeared quickly as if it had never been in this world, and the depression that shrouded the mountainous area also disappeared. Suddenly, those birds and beasts were relieved.


Although Axel didn't understand what it was, judging from the expressions of Mr. Banggu and Mr. Bangbu beside him, it was extraordinary!

The whole wooden house returned to the twilight state just now, and the water tray also returned to normal.

After the master of Nether Body Fist led everyone to do a clasping ceremony, he walked out of the wooden house.

"You also saw it just now, this is God's will, so, this time, use your full strength!" The eyes of the master of Nether Body Fist burst into light.

Seeing the blank faces of the six disciples, the master of Nether Body Fist felt that it was necessary to explain this problem.

"Actually, the decree of the gods was just a legend passed down from generation to generation. At least, eighteen years ago, I thought it was just a ridiculous joke just like you." Nether Body Fist When the grand master said this, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He looked at Axel, and it could be seen that there was doubt and confusion on his face.

Axel was even more puzzled, what are you looking at yourself for? Shouldn't you be looking at your proud disciple Shuilong? Could it be because he is the protagonist of this book? It shouldn't be!

"Eighteen years ago, there was a person who received the inheritance of this god. Since then, his strength has soared into the sky, and his strength has become completely different from ours... That is a qualitative change!" Nether Body The fist master shook his head and sighed.

Teacher Bangbu also nodded, "Eighteen years ago, there were seven schools of Quan Shen Dao. However, after he became stronger, he left Quan Shen Dao and never contacted us again."

After saying this, the eyes of all the grandmasters fell on Axel, and there was an incomparably weird look in their eyes. Even Mr. Bangbu and Mr. Banggu are the same. They have known each other for more than half a year, so forget about the others. After all, they are meeting for the first time.

"Well, no matter what, this kind of inheritance is extremely rare. At least, the six of us old guys have never encountered it once in our life!" , including the one eighteen years ago, the total is seven times! If you count this time, it will be the eighth time!"

"Over a thousand years, only eight times!" The master of Snake Bite Fist next to him also sighed with emotion, counting it only once in more than a hundred years, this is something that many boxers dream of!

It took more than a hundred years for a quota to appear!

Axel's eyes widened and his breathing became short of breath. This is really exciting, and this will probably be a great opportunity for him to improve his strength!

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