One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and thirty-four. A spike without any suspense

234. Instant kill without any suspense

Coming out of the wooden house, Axel and the others could hardly calm their heartbeats!

too precious.

There is only one quota for more than a hundred years, and after obtaining this inheritance, the strength is almost a qualitative leap!

These irresistible temptations made their blood boil.

"Before I came, I just wanted to do my best, so now it seems that I must win this competition." Axel was extremely dignified.

"Would you like me to help?" Sikes said from the side.

"Don't think about it. There may be gods watching here. If you don't want your recovery period to become longer, forget it."

Sykes stuck out her tongue, the feeling of hitting the wall just now was still in front of her eyes, and she also felt lingering fear. The strength of something here is probably the most powerful existence she has ever seen.

The girl in the vest remained silent, as if she was thinking about something, or comparing something, either shaking her head, or gasping for air while thinking.

However, everyone's attention was on Axel, and no one noticed this.

With this level of relationship, this time the competition became more intense, like Baoshan and Baoerden, they even made a decision to win this competition at all costs. Determination. Of course, whether it can be won or not is another matter.


Nothing to say all night.

The whole camping place seemed extremely dull.

Axel didn't practice either, but gave himself psychological hints to make himself a little more relaxed. But in fact, since I came here, I was relatively relaxed, but since the god in the wooden house sent down the will, it has become different.

"Ah, desire, sometimes it's a burden on human beings." Axel looked at the stars in the sky speechlessly, listening to the occasional birdsong in the forest.


The next day, on the grass in front of the wooden house, there was a table case with a bamboo tube on top of the table case, and six bamboo sticks inside the bamboo tube. Bamboo sticks have two long ones, two short ones, and two medium ones.

If two people draw the long one, then they will be the opponents in the first round, and so on, there will be three games in the first round.

Soon, the results of the lottery came out.

Axel is against Chalanzi, Bakugo is against Bolden, and Water Dragon is against Sinek.

"Axel, unexpectedly, this time, you became my opponent!" Cha Lanzi clenched her fists, still full of fighting spirit.

"Well, come on!" Axel smiled.

In the first game, Axel vs. Chalanzi.


A real punch!

Axel, who didn't use his full strength, punched Cha Lanzi in the chest, and then Cha Lanzi flew upside down and hit a pine tree.

And then, there is no more.

The competition ended like lightning, Chalanzi slipped down from the pine tree, dripping with sweat, "It's terrible,

It's too scary, Axel, you guy, you have cultivated to this point in more than half a year! Even compared to that traitor, it's not much better, you, are you a monster? "

It's still Axel's mercy, otherwise, Cha Lanzi would be a corpse at this time.

The battle between Baoshan and Bao Erden lasted much longer, one was the Dark Hell Killing Technique, the other was Thunder Fist, and the fight was indistinguishable. Kessel benefited a lot after watching it.

"Unexpectedly, the use of the fist can still be like this?" Don't look at the huge size of Baoshan, but when performing the dark hell killing technique, it is like a small butterfly, shuttling between the thunder and thunder fists. Every time I saw it as if I was about to be hit, but I found that it was just a group of afterimages. "It's like a gust of wind, like a shadow. It's impossible to figure out, and it's impossible to avoid it. It seems to hit, but it's a thousand miles away!"

In the end, Bakushan was superior and knocked Bolden to the ground, winning the victory.

The third is the battle between the water dragon and Sneak.

"This is a hero's battle of dignity!" Snek, who was biting his fist, thought to himself. As a veteran A-level hero, he has never had any high-end achievements. He wanted to make a wave of achievements, but he never thought about it. He was beaten and defeated, and in the end, this damn Iron Fist Man in Cloak took advantage of it!

"If it wasn't for this damn Iron Fist Man in the Cloak who entered after me, if the time were changed and he entered first, then the enemy he would face would not be so simple! However, he is taking advantage of me! But No one thinks like that, I have to prove myself today!" Sinek is ambitious.

Shuilong looked at Sinek with his arms crossed, "Are you a hero?"

"A-level 47 heroes Snek!" Snek made a snake-like movement, and then squatted down to lower his center of gravity.

"Hero, it's just the impurities in life, how boring." The water dragon was very relaxed, it didn't look like it was in a competition at all.

"Hmph, you won't be bored later!" Sinek was furious in his heart, it's okay to be robbed of the limelight by Axel, this damn young man didn't take himself seriously at all, hate it!

With a forward step, like a poisonous snake jumping out of a hole to its prey, it made a "hissing" sound, and those fists turned into two snake heads, as if it was about to bite the opposite water dragon in the next moment.

The water dragon crossed his arms, but it was like a gust of wind, moving through the gap between the bites of the two poisonous snakes.

"Hiss..." The attack of the snake biting fist was as fast as thunder, and it made a strange hissing sound, but it still couldn't bite the water dragon.

"Damn it, this guy!" Sinek roared in his heart, the water dragon kept retreating, and the fists of the snake biting fist were always only one punch away from him, but this distance was like a moat. No matter what, he couldn't catch up.

There was a slightly mocking smile on the corner of Shuilong's mouth, and he couldn't stop backing up, but he didn't care about it. In an instant, the two of them had already fought dozens of moves.

Snek looked at the water dragon and couldn't help roaring, "Don't tell me, you just run away? Water dragon!"

"Escape?" Shuilong suddenly stopped, "I have completely seen through your moves, Sinek!"

As soon as the words fell, his right foot suddenly kicked out. Looking at Sinek, who had been attacking madly just now, he was kicked on the cheek, and the whole person flew out dozens of times in the air with an extremely fast rotation. Mi, fell to the ground and didn't move for a long time!

A spike without any suspense!

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