One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and forty-three. Small horizontal bars

243. Small horizontal bar

Without any warning, Axel suddenly collapsed.

"He's collapsed." The girl in the vest reacted the fastest, and rushed to Axel's front with a stride, helped him up, and carried him back into the camp.

At this moment, Axel has indeed exhausted all his strength, no, it should be said that he has exhausted everything he can to make such a powerful trick. What he needs now is to rest as much as possible .


the next day.

Axel slowly opened his eyes, the golden sunlight passing through the small screen window of the camp dazzled him a little, he slightly covered his eyes with his hands, then turned over and sat up.

"Are you awake?" Next to her, the girl in the vest also sat up, her head was a little messy, as if she hadn't slept all night, and she just lay on Axel's quilt to deal with it all night. Wiping the dark circles under her eyes, she looked at Axel, "It looks like there should be no problem."

"You stayed here all night?" Axel felt guilty in his heart. In fact, he didn't have any serious problems, but he was exhausted and exhausted. He actually let the girl in the vest stay here overnight.

"It's nothing, it's okay." Shrugging his shoulders, "How do you feel?"

"Well, it's much better. Alas, yesterday, the whole person seemed to be falling apart. Fighting the water dragon is really not an easy thing." After a pause, Axel continued, "How is the water dragon now? Sample?"

The girl in the vest shook her head. After Shuilong was taken away by his master, he never came back.

"He should be fine, and the other masters didn't say anything." The girl in the vest said.

"If you wake up, come with me." Teacher Bumble also came over, waved his hand, and motioned for Axel to follow.

Get out of the camp and go to the Boxing Shinto assembly hut.

The wooden house is mysterious and ancient.

It's also not known how long it's been in this place.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Axel's mind, that is, does this wooden house belong to this world? Or, even this wooden house is like that small stone, which does not belong to this world?

Axel shook his head. Ever since he knew that some things did not belong to this world, his whole body was a little weird, as if he was a little nervous.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, walked towards the wooden house.

At this time, Bao Erden and others looked at Axel with weird eyes, with mixed feelings of envy, amazement, and emotion.

From now on, Axel's talent will be further improved?


You know, what kind of talent is it to defeat a genius who is said to be rare in a hundred years after practicing for half a year?

Is he still a person in this world?

If his talent is even higher...

can not imagine.

Did it soar?

"Come on, you are the best, Axel!" Sykes encouraged Axel not far away.

"This is not going to the battlefield, why do you have to work hard?" Cha Lanzi scratched his head and asked strangely.

"Shut up!" Sikes glared at him.

The girl in the vest smiled and didn't pay attention to this detail. However, it can be said that half of the rally this time has been completed, and the rest is the communication with the Juggernaut Association. If he wins the championship, Axel will be completely successful this time.

It's really not easy along the way.

Before that, did anyone know that Axel could defeat the water dragon and become the final winner?

Step into the cabin.

The door of the wooden house closed automatically, and suddenly, the entire wooden house became extremely dark, and even Axel couldn't see anything with his eyesight.

"Om..." a burst of energy fluctuations, and the brilliance in the water basin suddenly rose.

A terrifying punch suddenly came to this space, just like that time.

"Here we come!" Grandmaster and others who were waiting not far from the wooden house said,

Immediately, their faces became solemn. Ever since they entered the boxing divine way, they have seen this fisting intent, but they have never seen the master of the fisting intent. The so-called god looks so ethereal but is so real , Many unknowns are daunting.

Perhaps, this is the awe of the gods.

A false and solid shadow slowly rose from the water basin, and slowly condensed into a human shape in the air, but the real face could not be seen clearly, but it could be vaguely judged that this was a man.

"Cell... activate!" The man fell down with a sound, and the entire shadow shattered in an instant, turning into countless light particles, and then penetrated into Axel's body.

"Ah!" With an exclamation, Axel took a few steps back and half-kneeled on the ground.

The light in the wooden house dissipated, and the darkness returned, a bottomless darkness.

"Cell activation? What does it mean!?" Axel was startled. The word cell reminded him of weirdo cells. There is no connection between them, right?

Thinking of this, Axel's body couldn't help shivering.


If you are a weirdo, then...

Shaking his head, he couldn't accept such a question at all. What he has to do now is very simple, that is to carefully check his body.

The dial was opened.

The power dial and the speed dial are already at the high-level level of the tiger class. Before, these two dials were at the middle-level level of the tiger class. Now it seems that this so-called cell activation has fully promoted myself to a level. !

The improvement of the reaction dial is relatively large. Before this, it was at the level of a tiger-level elementary level, but now it has reached the level of a tiger-level high-level, which is on par with strength and speed. I'm afraid this is not only benefiting from the so-called cell activation just now, but also the forcible improvement in response brought about by Gao's battle when fighting the water dragon.

The skill dial, this dial has also reached the level of the tiger-level middle-level, its own characteristics are strength and speed, and it has always been a weak point in terms of skills, which is not surprising. I have to say that I benefited a lot from the battle with the water dragon this time, and my skills have been greatly improved. For things like skills, it is difficult to achieve the effect without long-term immersion.

Restoring the dial is still the same, the basic level of wolf level that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, this has always been a heart problem for Axel, if this ability is relatively high, I am afraid that the battle between himself and the water dragon has already recovered. However, it is really a bit difficult to allow yourself to acquire abilities like that.

"It seems, man, you should be tougher on yourself." Axel gritted his teeth and continued to look at the next dial.

The ability dial did not change, and the three abilities were quietly arranged there. He frowned. It should be said that blasting, the first ability he acquired, has not been well used. It can be said that he has been neglected by himself. This time, he looked at it very carefully.

This time, under his current blasting ability, there is actually a small horizontal bar, because it is extremely inconspicuous, so he usually doesn't pay much attention to it! !

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