One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and forty-four. Another new dial!

244. Another new dial!

"Oh?" He immediately looked at the other abilities, and found that there were such horizontal bars below, but the length of the horizontal bars was long or short. When he focused his attention on this horizontal bar, he immediately found that there was an explanation on it: experience points.

Explosion, the current experience value is 89, the full value is 100; the fire dragon, the current experience value is 47, the full value is 100; as for Thunder, the current experience value is only 18, the full value is 100.

"Don't tell me, when the experience points are full, you can upgrade!?" Axel was stunned, this is really humane, no wonder, if that ability can't be upgraded, he can't keep up with his strength against monsters, That would be a tasteless ability. "The blasting ability is the ability to inject fire energy into the monster's body and then explode. However, judging from the actual combat situation, this kind of ability is not very powerful. Players like Suilong can't blast the monster at all. If the powerful power is injected into the opponent's body, it will be repelled by the opponent's strong fist. If it can be upgraded, perhaps, this problem can be solved."

Now Axel can't help but use these abilities in his unique moves, such as injecting the ability of blasting into rock and iron fragments, to quickly destroy the opponent's structure, and its effect is even better against ordinary opponents. Okay, against a powerful opponent, the blasting ability can't penetrate into the opponent's body at all, so it can't do damage at all.

"It seems that you still need to use it frequently." However, this kind of use is not unlimited. The use of abilities, like one's own fist, consumes too much energy, otherwise there will be a lot of troubles after fighting the water dragon. Been in a coma for a day.

Below that is the strength dial, which is used to mark the strength of your body. The good news is that it has now entered the level of the tiger level. From the current situation, except for the damn recovery dial, other The dials have all stepped into the tiger level, and they are killed in the direction of the ghost level.

"I'm so relieved." When Axel was about to put away his dial, suddenly, the entire interface flashed, and a brand new dial appeared!

Self-healing dial!

what's the situation?

Axel has the habit of looking at the dial every night when he sleeps, except for yesterday when he was in a coma. However, it is certain that he did not heal the dial before.

"Could this be what you get after the cells are activated?" Axel's eyes widened, and his eyes fell on the level of the self-healing dial—ghost-level middle-level!


It's actually a ghost level, and it's an intermediate ghost level in one breath! !

what's the situation?

Axel was stunned.

Except for Axel's miserable howl just now, there was no movement inside the wooden house, making the people outside puzzled. But the wooden house has a sacred and inviolable majesty, even if they want to go in and see it, they can't do it unless they can destroy the enchantment of the wooden house.

"It's been a long time since I went in." Sykes frowned.

"It's good, of course it will take longer." Cha Lanzi's logic is sometimes confusing.

"You're right!" Bolden made up the knife. For them, watching Axel acquire stronger talents made them somewhat sour.

"Hey, don't be unqualified, you've been brushed off, did you hear his screams just now?" Baoshan sneered.

The expression of the girl in the vest changed. It was true. The sound just now was definitely Axel's fault. Could it be that something really happened inside?

Looking at those grandmasters, their faces were all frowning. It seemed that they didn't encounter such things often, and they couldn't figure out the situation.

However, the good news is that I just got a message from the master of Nether Body Fist that the water dragon is fine, and after the final confrontation with Axel, he also opened up several acupoints on his body,

Let him benefit a lot.

"Who are they all these days?" Bolden chewed his tongue, it was too irritating, and being beaten half to death can improve oneself, what could be more irritating than this?

Baoshan snorted, did not continue to speak, but looked at the wooden house coldly.

In the wooden house, Axel was still looking at the dial quietly. He stretched out a finger without hesitation. Suddenly, a wind blade appeared on the fingertip. With a slight movement, the finger was instantly crushed. A deep gash was opened.

However, just as the opening appeared, the blood began to coagulate just as it flowed out. Then, the wound automatically bonded together, and after a while, it returned to its original state. Except for a smear of blood on the incision just now, there is nothing abnormal at all!

"Damn!" Axel exclaimed in the cabin.

Axel's voice didn't matter, it startled the people outside.

"What the hell are you doing?" Even the master of the Snake Bite Fist school of masters frowned. They were very concentrated in their mental energy, which made the old man tremble in fright, and almost hit the Snake Bite Fist out.

Not to mention the two old men, Bangbu and Banggu, who were his disciples in the first place, and cared about them more than anything else. This voice scared them both enough.

Looking at the group of young disciples, it was even more painful.

Cha Lanzi sat down on the ground. It has to be said that he still needs to go through some experience. The current him is still too young.

Bolden curled his lips, what the hell is this damn Axel doing? Deser, you continue to be desiring!

Baoshan kept snorting coldly, feeling aggrieved in his heart, but this time it was his strength that spoke, and his skills were not as good as others, so there was really no way out.

The corners of Sinek's mouth twitched. He was relatively slender, and his face was extremely sharp. He looked like a snake. After hearing Axel's "I rely on you", , he couldn't stay calm anymore, his entire face was twitching non-stop. "This damned Axel, why are you pretending to be so strong? He is so strong and deliberately stays at the B level. Does he also want to be a person like Hell Fubuki at the B level? The current people, Why are you so unmotivated? It's so deceitful!"

Indeed, if this matter is revealed, an A-level hero of him will be defeated by a B-level hero in seconds. Do you think the gap in strength between him and Axel is 1086 distances?

It hurts to think about it.

Regardless of whether they are in pain or not, in short, Axel walked out of the wooden house with a smile. He knew that these people would definitely ask what he got. Instead of covering it up, it is better to tell them directly, and this is also It's not something that can be taken away, and I'm not afraid that someone will be jealous.

"Hello, brothers and sisters, everyone, you have been waiting for a long time!" Axel strode out of the hut with an uncontrollable smug smile on his lips.

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