One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and eighty six. Cold-blooded

286. Cold blooded

"Damn it, at this moment, how can I be overwhelmed by this little feeling of vomiting?" Hell Fubuki was extremely anxious. Along the way, he made many mistakes in judgment, but it was all Axel and The girl in the vest solved it all the way. In addition, they never blamed herself, which made her extremely guilty. What she hopes is that she can integrate into this small team and become a help, not a resistance! However, her legs were weak, and she couldn't use any strength at all, and her mental power was also unable to gather for a long time, so she couldn't help at all.

Seeing that the two were in a hard fight, but she couldn't help at all, she was also extremely anxious, and kept taking deep breaths, trying to adapt herself to this state.

A huge force bombarded from the opposite side, and it was not a point-to-point bombardment, but a whole-surface defense! It's like the attack of Axel's two people hit a swamp of water, instead of being crushed, it was eliminated.

"His strength is very strange." Axel frowned, and put his hands on the ground. He didn't continue to expend his strength to attack, but turned over and stood on the ground. The same is true for the girl in the vest, she can also feel that the opponent's strength does not seem to be that pure strength, but rather unusual...

"Hmph, the combat quality is really extraordinary, and it's just the first time I've fought, I felt it." A figure slowly walked out from the darkness. At this time, it was no longer the appearance of the meat ball just now, but A human-like appearance, but with triple pairs of hands.

"Strange power?" Hell Fubuki was stunned for a moment. Although she vomited a little uncomfortable, which made her unable to fight, her thinking was still there, and she could continue to think about these issues.

Where is the weirdness?


Why does this feeling seem familiar?


stand still.

The man who turned into a mass of flesh had extremely tense muscles, like a bodybuilder, full of explosive strength.

"But, can you guys find the source of my strength? Hehe." The man gave a smirk, and he punched the girl in the vest from the air.

I didn't see any display of power, but the girl in the vest seemed to be pushed hard on her body by an invisible big hand, and the speed of this pushing force was extremely astonishing. The trajectory and shape cannot be recognized at all, as if it doesn't exist.

"Boom..." That force hit the girl in the vest firmly. Just the first impact made him sink down. The ground under his feet was soft soil close to the stream. Incomparably, this time the subsidence made her feet directly reach the thighs. Roots. Department! Like a nail, it was hammered into the soil by that force.

The girl in the vest frowned, and there was a sharp pain in her hands and arms. If it wasn't for her extremely strong physical body, she might have fractured her hands in an attack just now. "This force is very strong, at least it has more than 10 Tons of power! If it weren't for the rapid improvement during this period of time, I'm afraid that just one impact can beat me to a pulp!"

The girl in the vest was shocked, but the man was still extremely calm. He didn't seem to have thought about killing the girl in the vest the first time he attacked.

"How is it, have you felt the power after my transformation?" The man sneered and stepped forward again, and punched again with his right hand, again in the direction of the girl in the vest.

With an extremely dull sound of "Boom...", the girl in the vest was smashed into the soil again to a depth of half a meter like a hammer hammering a nail, and her whole body was buried up to her chest.

"Are you scared?"

Hammer again.

"Feeling fear?"

Smash it again.

Soon, the girl in the vest fell into that deep pit and could not be found at all.

"Haha... What a joy." The man withdrew his arms and put his hands behind his back,

With two hands on his hips and two hands on his chest, he raised his eyes lazily and looked at Axel, "You seem to be her partner, don't you just watch her being beaten to death by me like this? "

In the distance, Hell Fubuki swallowed dryly. If it was an ordinary person, his whole body would have been broken by this time, right? Moreover, how do you breathe after smashing into the dirt? No matter how you look at it, the girl in the vest is all bad luck.

"If you want to kill her, you can't do it just by relying on the strength just now." Axel shook his head, "Before I'm not clear about your ability, my rash attack will only add another wounded person!"

Hell Fubuki was taken aback suddenly, Axel's words made her sound very uncomfortable.

cold blooded!

Too rational.

Although it is true to say so, what should I do if the girl in the vest has an accident? What should I do if my hands are broken?

Since when did this Axel become so rational?

"Papa..." The man clapped his hands together, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

Axel looked at the man opposite him coldly, and did not try to defend himself. His expression made it impossible to see what was thinking in his heart.

"Obviously a very important partner, but you can say such things so easily, how cold-blooded are you?" The corner of the man's mouth turned up, and he looked at Axel coldly. Under his control, he didn't seem to worry about dragging it down slowly. His eyes turned and fell on Hell Fubuki, "It's ridiculous, is such a partner worth following? Tsk tsk, I really feel worthless for someone like you..."

Hell Fubuki groaned.

"Why don't you join us and let you become a weirdo? Your strength will be raised to a great level, allowing you to reach the level of fighting against dragons!" , Then, the strength can be imagined.

Hell Fubuki still didn't answer, she would definitely not be bewitched by the other's few words, she was still thinking, looking for the weirdness in the opponent's power, and even comparing what was similar in it.

"Hmph, it seems that he is not a smart person, but it doesn't matter. I don't intend to use words to make you surrender and join us weirdos. My main course today..." The corner of the man's mouth curled up, looking at Axel seemed to be looking at a corpse, "It is to use violence to maim you all, and then transform them into weirdos..."

At this time, Axel suddenly squatted down and made an attacking posture.

"Oh, did you start preparing for battle when you heard that I was going to disable you?" The man laughed. From his point of view, this was an extremely funny thing.

A mantis as a cart?

The two random attacks just now have already revealed his combat effectiveness, not to mention, once he gets serious, wouldn't it be easy to kill?

At this moment, Axel moved.

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