One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and eighty-seven. The last hole card

287 The last hole card

It is still Phantom Dragon Breaking Slash, the advantage of this move is that the cooperation of hands and feet maximizes one's speed and strength. Of course, you can also use your feet to strike on the ground, rush up to deal with your opponent with your fists, the forms are different, but the principle of fighting is the same.

This time, Axel still chose to kick with both feet, but this time the kick was aimed at the sky, which seems to be a bit far away.

"Don't you just give up on the battle just now?" The man said with a sneer, because this time Axel's offensive was not much stronger than before. Moreover, is the direction of this attack not very good?

But it doesn't matter, I need to teach Axel a lesson, maybe breaking Axel's foot is a good idea.

He raised his right hand and punched Axel's feet violently.

However, when he swung his right fist, he saw Axel's face, a face with a strange smile.

"I'm not clear about my mind, have you become crazy?" The man was about to spit out, can he still laugh at this time?


His expression changed.

"So that's it!" The man exclaimed, his head suddenly looked at his feet, and at the same time, his other hand bombarded his feet.

However, he was too late.

Under the ground, it was as if a shell had exploded, forming a huge bulge, and then, a figure rushed out from the bulge, it was the girl in the vest!

Next to the stream, in the soft soil, in front of the girl in the vest with an iron fist, digging is a piece of cake! And when she dug directly under the opponent, it was the best moment for her to attack. Axel has not moved, just waiting for this moment to come. There is no need for the two of them to say much, there is a tacit understanding between them.

"Damn it!" The man's strength hadn't reached his feet yet, but the iron fist of the girl in the vest had already clasped his feet.



At this time, the man had already been smashed into the sky by several tons of force, and the sound of breaking through the sky was like a shell!

"It's careless." When the man was thrown into the air, his whole body was deformed by the pressure of the wind. He tried his best to point his hand down, wanting to punch him, and use that strange force to resist the vest. The girl's next attack.

However, the girl in the vest naturally wouldn't give him this chance. When she threw him into the sky, she squatted quickly and then rose up, and at that time, she had already caught up with the man in the sky .

"Damn it, it's too careless!" One move was restricted, and all moves were restrained. Before he could punch out, the girl in the vest had already reached him in front of him.

With a "bang", it directly broke his right hand.

"Ah!" The man howled miserably, his whole body was hit by this force and flew upside down to a higher sky, he was injured, but he remained calm, still trying to condense his fist, he raised his left hand

It's a pity that at this time, the girl in the vest will not give him any chance, and the collision of each move is closely connected, "Vest, the lion keeps bombing!"

Poor man, those six hands originally looked a little more than human and cooler, but under the impact of the girl in the vest, they soon turned into four severed hands, and there were two normal arms, but I dare not take it out anymore.

"Ah!" The blood donation on the man spurted wildly, howling and flying upside down in the air.

Finally, after four attacks, it also reached the end of the vest girl's strength, and her entire body began to fall.

"Damn woman, I'm going to tear you apart!" The man looked at the girl in the withered vest and said with a sneer. At this time, he still has two hands that can move. With these two hands, it is enough to kill the girl here. everyone!

Enduring the severe pain, the man once again raised his only two hands,

"Hmph, you are indeed very strong, but you can't do things thoroughly. If you can break all my arms, you may still have hope of surviving today! But now!"


A mocking laugh was already very close to him, "There's still me!"

Suddenly, the man stopped laughing.

He understood, Axel's seemingly insane Dragon Breaking to the sky!

At this time, he had a feeling of tears streaming down his face. When he thought others were stupid, in fact, he was simply the stupidest of the stupidest!


This time it was careless to the extreme!

Without the protection of the strength of his fists, is he a dead end? ?

Not reconciled!

The man raised his head to the sky and roared angrily. At the same time, his last arms were cut into pieces by Axel's Dragon Break, turning into a rain of blood and falling to the ground.

Turning over in the air, Axel and the girl in the vest fell to the ground almost at the same time, and the two leaned back, leaning back to back.

"Sorry for making you suffer." Axel apologized.

"It doesn't matter." She smiled lightly, not paying attention at all.

In the air, the man was still flying upside down, but his head started to fly up

"Huh?" Once, he had fought Hell Fubuki, and he knew very well that this was simply ability, or in other words, spiritual power!

I see!

The power of this person is basically the ability of mental power, but he is slightly different in that he must use his hands as a medium to drive his ability to attack the opponent!

But, now that he lost all his arms, what is his intention to release his mental power like this?

The spiritual power is extremely majestic, and he adjusted his posture so that he quietly suspended in mid-air, looking down on the two of Axel like a god.

"This guy seems to have played his trump card!" The girl in the vest was extremely dignified.

"Be careful!" Axel also did not slack off.

"You guys made me angry!" The man's mouth, nose and ears were overflowing with blood, probably because of the great physical burden caused by the slight manipulation ability without the use of hands as a medium. His icy eyes looked at the two people on the ground, and his venomous anger could almost roast them, "I will use my spiritual power to completely crush the two of you into meatloaf!"

With a roar, the mental power released after being suppressed to the limit was released unscrupulously, and the blood in his facial features shot out like a water gun. It is conceivable that this How heavy a moment was on his body!

However, he couldn't control that much anymore, he had to kill these guys, even if he seriously injured himself, he would not hesitate!


Roaring, the originally silent grassland and forest trembled!

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