One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and eighty-eight. That's it! (one hundred seventy-six-sixty-five)

288 So that's it!

Unleash your strongest power, and, not in the presence of a medium, even if you have suffered a great backlash, you must kill the two people in front of you!


It's down to the bone.

These two guys in front of them are simply playing themselves like monkeys.

It seems that she is cold-blooded and doesn't care about the life and death of another person, but in fact, which other person is actually digging a tunnel, the soft soil is nothing in front of her!


I always thought that everything was under my control

These two bastards!

Cursing in his heart, while releasing that terrifying energy, the next moment, Axel and Axel will be crushed!

Axel and the girl in the vest suddenly changed color at the same time.

Strong, too strong.

At this moment, the strength of the opponent is even several times stronger than that released by Hell Fubuki during the duel! That terrifying ability can even crush the hardest diamond into powder!

Anger had already made him lose his mind, even if he was seriously injured, he would not hesitate to kill these two hateful guys in front of him!

The invisible but palpable force crashed in front of the two of Axel like a stormy sea.

There was a loud bang. It was the sound of that force hitting the storm. Although the girl in the vest had a stronger body than Axel, if she directly confronted this force, she would be bloody and bloody, so , Axel sacrificed his own storm without hesitation.

However, his storm is still not strong enough. The barrier formed by the wind, squeezed by that force, becomes extremely exaggeratedly deformed and distorted, just like a balloon that was pinched by a hard hand in the middle. Turn , into two connected balloons.

"Tsk!" Axel clicked his tongue heavily, he couldn't bear the storm that he was famous for, and couldn't bear it at all.

"Long Xiaotian Drive!"

"Vest collision!"

The two didn't escape, and they couldn't escape at all, because the speed of that force must be faster than their escape speed, so they played a set of combo skills again, using Long Xiaotian as the driving force, using the vest as the main attack method, ruthlessly He slammed into that force hard.

There is still a gap in power, the girl in the vest was knocked away by that force immediately, and Axel's fire dragon was also extinguished immediately.

The suffocating power suddenly broke through the last barrier formed by the two, and was about to swallow them up!

"Vest!" At this time, Axel rushed over almost reflexively, caught the girl in the vest that bounced back, and then turned around, preparing to use his back to bear this terrifying force.

I am afraid.

This time, it will be the end of their lives.


"I'm sorry." Axel sighed, still overestimating himself, but unexpectedly, this final crack became the end of his life.

"It doesn't matter." The girl in the vest is still like that, everything is bearish, even if the moment of life and death is right in front of her eyes, it is like an empty shell that has no life in the first place, and has no feeling for life!

Time, passing by every minute and every second.


Judging from the speed of that force, they don't even have time to talk, and they will probably be swallowed!

But nothing, not even tingling.

"Did he die too quickly?" Axel was a little puzzled, but the girl in the vest in front of him was not hit, why?

Axel stood up, then turned his head, looked at the force behind him, and actually froze on the spot, only a slap away from his current position, within a short distance, between life and death.

"What's going on?" Axel raised his head and looked at the man in the sky. At this time, he was still standing there, but there was a person above his head.

"Hell Fubuki!" The girl in the vest's eyes widened. At some point, Jill Fubuki had already used her super power to fly to the top of that person's head, and, with a storm of super power, drilled towards him like a drill. that person's head.

"I said why your ability is so familiar. It turns out that it is the same superpower as ours, but you need a medium to use your hands to locate the direction of the superpower!" Hell Fubuki hangs upside down above the man's head, her palm The condensed storm is like a continuously rotating drill bit, piercing the top of the man's head, "But, as long as you are a person with superpowers, your head will always be your weakness!"

The man's eyes widened, protruding like a dead fish, his throat made a "clucking" sound, but he couldn't speak. He had just released his mental power to the limit, and there was no energy left on his head. Form a defensive cover, so it was easily penetrated by Hell Fubuki!

"Go to hell, fallen guy!" Hell Fubuki shouted violently, her storm piercing through the entire man's body.

Immediately, the look in the man's eyes disappeared instantly, and the blood in the facial features sprayed out like a waterfall. At the same time, that incomparably vast mental power, like the ebbing sea water, receded extremely quickly.

"Huh" Jigoku Fubuki turned over in the air, using his super power, quietly landed in front of Axel and the two of them, and the man lost control of his body and fell directly to the ground, smashing a Humanoid pit.

"Hell Fubuki, this time, it's up to you." Axel sighed with emotion.

Hell Fubuki shook his head. Although the last blow was done by himself, it was done under the restraint and attention of the two of Axel. Therefore, she would not accept it if she wanted to take credit.

"This guy's mental power is at least at the level of Sykes." Hell Fubuki said with emotion. If he faced the enemy head-on, it would be very difficult.

The victory of this battle has many factors. In the beginning, this guy's underestimation of the enemy, the exquisite cooperation of the two of Axel, and the surprise of Hell Fubuki are all indispensable. No one can say that the credit is all their own.

"It's a pity." Axel looked at the strange man's corpse with some emotion.

Hell Fubuki was stunned for a moment, and he compared this strange man to Sykes, and Sykes has also disappeared. From this point of view, Axel's "pity" is "It is indeed a pity, such a powerful superpower , unable to contribute to justice, but degenerated into a weirdo!"

"No, what he means unfortunately is that this weirdo has the strength of the peak ghost level, even the strength of the dragon level, but being killed by us cannot be counted as our merit, because this is a deep mountain and old forest, according to According to the regulations of the Heroes Association, this kind of weirdo is not a threat to the human world, so it will not be counted as merit. In this way, a large amount of bonus will be lost!" The girl in the vest said with a smile, for her, she is too I got to know Axel, and I didn't care about it at all, and smiled faintly.

"I take back what I just said, and I take back my evaluation of Axel!" Hell Fubuki said with extreme contempt.

"Damn, there is no bonus, where do we get our sleeping bags? Where do our camping equipment come from? Where do you get your nutrient solution?" Axel said angrily, reaching out to the two girls, "Here, take the nutrition Return the liquid to me, you guys are so noble, get the money yourself!"

"No!" They all said in unison!

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