One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and ninety-seven. Master Alfimi (176-70)

297 Master Alfimi

"You opened my eyes, hehe," the person who came was the village chief, but this time, he was still the projection, not the entity, "Humans are indeed so treacherous and cunning without any integrity! Cooperation is simply a huge mistake, and human beings should be completely wiped out!"

The village head almost gritted his teeth and said, that kind of hatred penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

After his voice fell, the five fit monsters slowly approached from behind the three of Axel.

Axel touched his nose, "I'm curious, how did you find us?"

He couldn't figure it out. At first, the village chief's projection announced the start of hunting, and then here again. What ability did he use to find himself?

The village head snorted coldly, and glanced at the girl in the vest inadvertently, "Of course I have my own way to find you, but the problem now is that you killed my people, and you have to pay a heavy price!"

"Yeah." Axel nodded, and couldn't help but make the asses of those fit monsters tighten. What kind of trick is this guy thinking of?

The village chief sneered, "You don't need to play tricks, I will always be here watching."

After all, two monster cells appeared in front of his eyes, "You and Hell Fubuki eat it, otherwise, I will break the bones and tendons of your boxing god, and then force you to eat it, you choose yourself!"

Axel was taken aback, why didn't he choose the girl in the vest?

The strange behavior of the girl in the vest along the way, and the strange attitude of the village head towards the girl in the vest, made him elusive.

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. After ten seconds, my soldiers will launch an attack. At that time, I won't cry even if I don't see the coffin!" The village chief laughed grimly.

"I refuse to eat monster cells, and I also refuse to have broken bones and tendons!" Axel smiled. At this time, he could only fight to the death.


Axel, Hell Blowing Snow, and the girl in the vest rushed towards the door in a tacit understanding. The reason is very simple. If you go to the valley of the final crack and look at the plains, you will be killed more than ten times. And their only hope of survival is to enter this unknown door.

The village head in front of him is just a projection, and has no real combat power. At best, he can see his own movements and poses no real threat to him.

"Hmph, I knew you would do this!" The village chief seemed to have expected it, and the five fit monsters seemed to have received the order a long time ago, and rushed towards the three of them at lightning speed.

"Not good, without the cooperation of the three of us, our speed can't compete with them at all." Axel frowned, and he stopped, preparing to stop the five fit monsters and create an impact on the vest girl and Hell Fubuki. Time to go in.

But at this moment, the girl in the vest bumped Axel into the door with a shoulder bump, and Hell Fubuki also jumped in.

"Drink!" The girl in the vest pressed her hands on the extremely heavy stone gate. Although the stone gate seemed to be made of only two stones with a height of two meters, it weighed at least dozens of tons and was extremely heavy. The girl in the vest also used all her strength to push the stone door in the direction of closing.

"Don't!" Axel panicked. He realized that he had never been so panicked before. He had always been extremely calm, but this time he panicked, really panicked.

With a "bang", the stone door closed.

Immediately, there was no light in the entire stone gate, and it was pitch black, but relying on the memory before the light disappeared, Axel still accurately found the location of the stone gate, pressed the two sides of the gate, and pushed to both sides .

"Ah!" I exerted all my strength, but the stone gate remained motionless, "Impossible, my strength, how could it be impossible to push it open? Come again, ah!"

However, the Shimen is still motionless.

"Sure enough" the girl in the vest outside breathed a sigh of relief, this stone gate is not as simple as its own weight, perhaps it is subject to some kind of restriction, even if it has a force of more than a hundred tons

Strength is also unshakable.

Turning around, she leaned her back on the stone gate, and in front of her were five strong men with big arms and round waists. No movement could be heard inside the gate. It seemed that the closing of the stone gate was quite perfect.

Although, knowing that under such circumstances, it is impossible for Axel to hear her own voice, but she turned her head slightly to the crack of the door, "Axel I love you but this time, I can only take you here."

The village chief waved his hand, indicating that the five fit monsters should not move, but descended into this space with their real bodies, stared at the girl in the vest, took a deep breath, walked up slowly, and looked at the girl in the vest. , the corners of his mouth were raised exaggeratedly, and he said with a smirk, "Hmph, it's God's will to be able to return to this place, don't you think, girl with a vest? Oh, no, Master Alfimi"

Inside the stone gate.

Axel was almost going crazy, he crazily bombarded the stone gate with both fists, using rock and iron fragments, but the stone gate, which only weighed tens of tons, was extremely strange and showed no signs of shaking. Even the dust cannot be stirred up, and even a small dot cannot be punched out.

"How is it possible, damn it, open it, bastard!" Axel bombarded frantically, but his strength couldn't even make a sound, as if he had been neutralized by some kind of force.

"Axel, don't be like this, she stayed here because she wanted to save us!" Hell Fubuki sighed and tried to stop Axel several times, but couldn't move.

However, Axel couldn't listen to what Hell Fubuki was saying, and bombarded desperately until later, he didn't use his fists, but used his own pair of fists to smash on the stone door, resulting in his hands being bloody. However, with the self-healing ability activated, he also recovered in an instant.

At this time, Axel looked crazy, and his spirit was completely out of control.

It was an unacceptable consequence for his friends to die in front of him one by one, and he would not allow his friends to fall in front of him again.

"Give me back, you bastard, open it." Axel was still talking like he was dreaming, and at the same time, he slapped the stone door frantically with both hands. He was very strange at this time, his hands were constantly bloody and bloody, and he recovered quickly , then bloody again

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