One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and ninety-eight. What did you find, Hell Blowing Snow?

298 What did you discover, hell blowing snow?

"Axel, don't be like this, don't disappoint her good intentions!" Hell Fubuki persuaded, since she met Axel, in her heart Axel is the kind of extremely rational, no matter what difficulties They will find a way at the first time. However, today, she saw Axel's sensual side, and a big man, a very strong and passionate man, was crying like that, his hands were bloody

Once upon a time, I also hoped that someone would care about me so much, but who else could do this except my sister?

Involuntarily, a little sour.

With a wave of his hand, Axel was swept up by the strong wind, hit the stone door, and fainted immediately.


I don't know how long it took before Axel finally woke up.

With self-healing ability, his wound did not even see a scar.

Inside the stone gate, at some unknown time, there was a faint light. It seemed that there was some kind of light-emitting stone on the wall, so that this space could be roughly seen.

He fell powerlessly on the stone gate behind him, and he also knew that even if he rushed out by himself, the girl in the vest would probably not be there anymore.

For the first time, my heart seemed to be hollowed out.

The whole person was lying there limp, not wanting to move.

What kind of gloves, what kind of heroes seem to have become clouds at this moment.

Once, I lived in front of the tomb of the chief of the armed staff, and would not let anyone die in front of me, but Susex disappeared, and the girl in the vest was in danger.

"I'm really useless." Axel pressed his forehead, his whole body was extremely decadent.

Hell Fubuki walked in front of Axel, and looked down at this extremely contradictory man.

Sometimes, this man is extremely strong, always talking and laughing happily in the face of any difficulties, even if he is surrounded by heavy siege, even if he is outnumbered, he will not frown.

However, at the moment when the girl in the vest was locked outside, he was crying.

Sometimes, this man is extremely rational, and when facing weird people or even some human beings, he can make his own judgments mercilessly and rationally without even frowning.

However, after getting the news that the girl in the vest might die, the big man almost went crazy, and frantically bombarded Shimen, beating his hands to bloody flesh.

"Axel, calm down." Hell Fubuki suddenly felt strange, obviously seeing that Axel was extremely irrational at this time, sitting on the ground like a beggar, but, in her heart, There is a feeling of envy. One is to envy Axel for having a girl who is worthy of what he does, and the other is to envy the vest girl for having a boy who is willing to treat him like this.

Axel still didn't move.

Stroking his head and taking a deep breath, Hell Fubuki walked up to Axel, "Listen, Axel, I don't know why, suddenly you lost the ability to think. First, Now that you haven't seen the body of the girl in the vest, it doesn't mean she must be dead."

The corner of Axel's mouth moved, but he still didn't say anything.

"In this case, there are two situations,

One is dead and the other is alive. However, looking at your current performance, it is simply crazy to regard the present as a situation. Hell Chuuxue said in a deep voice, "But if she is still alive, can you save her by doing this?" "

Axel's eyebrows twitched, and he withdrew his hands from his head.

"That's right, the enemy is indeed very powerful, but when more than four villagers surrounded us and killed us, how did you talk and laugh and make the prisoners disappear?" Hell Chuuxue continued.

At this moment, Axel stood up and straightened his clothes, "You don't need it"

Afterwards, he looked at Ji Xue Fuxue very seriously, and put his hands on the other's shoulders, "Fuu Xue, thank you, I shouldn't lose my mind!"

Hell Fubuki was absent-minded for a while.

Axel took a deep breath and glanced at the stone door, "That's right, I shouldn't lose hope, let alone be decadent, no matter what happens, I can't change it."

change, we should try our best to get the best result! "

Hell Fubuxue's mouth moved, but she still didn't say a word. Suddenly, she missed the bloody man who beat her hands just now. She didn't know why, but she liked it a little bit.

Axel recalled all the details of coming here, and the details of everyone in that village.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Hell Fubuki didn't stop him either, and she was also happy to see that he was able to recover, but she felt a little regretful that she couldn't see the crazy Axel just now. This kind of contradictory psychology is in her heart, which makes her a little tangled.

To be precise, the girl in the vest was very strange after she came here. This strangeness was not only reflected in herself, but also in the village chief. Judging from the performance of the village chief, it seems that he is very interested in the girl in the vest.

Either way, don't lose hope.

First, get out from here, and then try to save the girl in the vest. That's the right way.

The me just now was really out of control.

"Let's go, let's see what is inside this stone gate." Axel took a deep breath. This Taoyuan Village is a mysterious place, let alone within such a stone gate. , Moreover, this stone gate seems to be guarded by some power, and it cannot be moved at all. Bit by bit, bit by bit, you need to explore by yourself. Perhaps, there is a way to save the vest girl here.

Axel is a hand-to-hand fighter with relatively good eyesight. Of course, she walked in the front. Hell Fubuki followed closely behind, drinking the nutrient solution while recovering her physical strength. In comparison, her condition was worse , after all, she relies on her ability to eat.

Inside the stone gate is a downward passage, which is very dim, but because of the light of some unclear stone on the wall, it can be seen clearly, but if you want to see far away, you can't do it.

Hell Fubuki was a little embarrassed, she was not a hand-to-hand fighter, with this level of light, she couldn't see her fingers.

"Axel" Hell Fubuki said in a trembling voice.

"Huh?" Axel was taken aback, stopped quickly, and looked back at Jill Fubuki, but Jill Fubuki didn't expect it at all, and couldn't see that Axel actually stopped. He slammed into Axel's arms.

Axel straightened Hell Fubuki, grabbed her shoulder, and asked, "What's wrong?"

He thought that Hell Blowing Snow had discovered something.

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