One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and ninety-nine. The thing that makes Axel change color

299 Things That Discolor Axel

"No..." Hell Fubuki kept twisting his head and watching, although what he saw was a smear of darkness.

"Oh, that's good." Axel nodded, but there was obviously something wrong with Hell Fubuki.

Hell Fubuki couldn't help but grabbed a corner of Axel's clothes, pinching it very tightly, "Um, I'll grab your clothes, okay?"

At this time, Axel finally understood what happened, and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. This point was indeed his own negligence. It seems that after the news of the girl in the vest is uncertain, it is still not calm enough to think about the problem.

"Well, you hold my cloak, I will try to walk as slowly as possible." Axel said.

"Okay" Hell Fubuki had never been in such a dark place before, thinking of the supernatural movies and TV shows he watched back then, he couldn't help becoming nervous, he quickly grabbed Axel's cloak, and didn't let go of anything.

It stands to reason that such a dark place must be very slippery, but in fact, it is extremely dry here, as if people often come here, and the places where people step on it are very stable. However, there is an age-old decay in the air, but this kind of air does not know how to exchange it, so it is necessary to complete the investigation as soon as possible, and then go out.

I don't know how long I walked, but finally, the front became brighter, and the intensity of the light was enough for Hell Fubuki to see clearly.

"Oh, finally there is light." Hell Fubuki's eyes finally felt a little better. He wanted to let go of Axel's cloak, but suddenly found that his hands were already a little stiff. It took him a long time to recover and let go. cloak.

Looking back, the dark road that came here was like a passage through a stone gate, so the next thing should be the main course.

Thinking of this, Axel stepped forward.

"Huh?" Because Axel's figure suddenly swayed, and because he stepped on something, he lost his balance. He quickly balanced his body and stood still.

He lowered his head and was shocked when he saw what was under his feet!

hand bones!

It turned out to be a human hand bone!

Axel hurriedly looked forward, and as a result, the ground was strewn with human bones!

When I saw the bright light just now, I focused all my attention on the bright light. I didn't realize at all that this area is actually full of human bones!

It's been a long time ago, and the corpses of these people have decayed long ago, leaving only bones on the ground. After a quick glance, there are about ten people. However, their bodies seem to have been damaged after the battle. Either missing an arm or a broken leg, and some were even cut off in the middle.

"These people seem to have died miserably." Without Axel's reminder, Hell Fubuki was already able to independently analyze the incident at this time. "There are no metal parts on the ground. Considering that this village is a stone village, but there are no stone weapons. Now there are two possibilities. One is that these people killed each other, and they all used violence without weapons. The possibility of one is relatively low! The other is that these people have met"

"Weird!" Axel added. Then, he walked to the side of the wall next to him and looked carefully. Sure enough, there were traces of the battle on the wall.

Some are scratches from strong winds, and some are scratches from sharp nails. "It seems that we guessed well. There used to be strange people here, and fierce battles took place. However, it is strange that here They're all human corpses, not weirdos."

After wandering around, I didn't find any other problems. This place is not like a battle site, but more like a slaughterhouse.

"The bones of the corpses here are relatively curved and curved. They look more like old people and children. They may have encountered a massacre."

"Let's go, keep going."

After leaving this hall, the next place became brighter, the light became brighter, and the place was bigger, like a bigger hall.

Here, it seems that an extremely fierce battle has taken place. The surrounding walls are full of traces of battle, and the ground is also full of white.

White bones, but, there are some huge white bones at this time, and the possibility of being weird is very high.

"Could it be that strange people attacked this village and hunted down the villagers here?" Axel guessed.

"Your method is very likely." Hell Fubuki also agreed with this point of view.

"The strength of these monsters is not weak." Axel moved his hand on the wall, trying to cut through the wall with his own wind whistle, but he found that his full fist was only on the wall. There was only a finger-wide scratch on the wall, but there were finger-length scratches everywhere on this wall!

"At least they are all above mid-level ghost level." Hell Fubuki added on the sidelines, "Besides, the battle scene here is extremely chaotic. There are dozens of humans and weirdos who died in battle. I really can't imagine. Dozens of powerhouses above the ghost level and intermediate level are fighting here."

Such a huge scene, I am afraid it is extremely amazing when you think about it, and what is even more surprising is who built it here, and it can withstand this level of fighting.

"Could it be that the powerhouses back then were all this strong?" Axel sighed. If these guys were still alive, they would be comparable to the Monster Association!

At this moment, Axel was taken aback, hurriedly walked a few steps, quickly came to a place, squatted down, and then pushed away some white bones, exposing a piece of ground.

"It's a glove!" Axel gasped, the glove was deeply embedded in the ground, and the ground was extremely solid, and I don't know what kind of stone it was made of. It took a while to drive that glove into the ground. The chi-deep glove was deeply stuck, and because the glove was too deep, I didn't see it just now.

"Axel, there are also here!" Hell Fubuki beckoned, and found gloves in a pit. These gloves were made of some kind of strange material. This kind of stone, however, is extremely hard, and it is extremely cold after getting it.

"No..." After Axel finished reading these two places, he observed them carefully, and he was shocked to find that there are deep pits where such gloves hit the ground and walls everywhere. Judging by the hardness of these walls, Look, the fighting power of this kind of glove at that time was extremely amazing.

Unable to bear it, Axel lightly touched a glove embedded in the wall. Immediately, his face changed drastically, and he even stopped breathing!

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