One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Four hundred and thirty. He is in a mess!

430 He's Distraught!

The flying speed was very slow, but Axel observed it very carefully.

Time passed bit by bit, and this lightning rod was a tower-shaped lightning rod, which was extremely large, and it would take a long time to investigate it carefully.

"I still feel that you are wasting your time." Hell Fubuki shook his head and said.

"Please don't question your benefactor, every move he takes is full of deep meaning." Genos said in a deep voice, under the cold appearance, there is a heart of worship.

"This baby, it's ruined." Hell Fubuki sighed. Sure enough, admiration blinded people. This baby is wearing such amazing robot equipment. There is hope, but, this head was washed by Axel, it seems that the future is in jeopardy.

"Come on, Axel, I like you!" The girl in the tank top was full of little stars.

"Destroyed another one, you guy, you are really ruining people!" Hell Fubuki gritted his teeth, it was strange to say that Axel was always doing things that people couldn't understand, but always Someone to pursue. She is actually extremely envious from the bottom of her heart, and she also hopes to have this feeling. In contrast, the flattery she received in the blowing snow group is completely meaningless flattery. The pleasure came too fast. go too fast

Axel ignored her, and it was useless to explain to her now. He commanded the two bionic bats to climb continuously.

Soon, it came to the top of the lightning rod—it looked like there was a spherical thing on the top of the needle.

And at this moment, one of the bionic bats actually started to light up, and that kind of light broke its optical camouflage. Immediately after, another bionic bat that flew to the same height also began to light up.

"Sure enough!" Axel squinted his eyes, and he shouted hastily, "Quickly, descend the altitude, come down!"

Although Tongdi and Dr. Kusino didn't know what happened, they immediately followed Axel's instructions and swooped down at top speed.

However, this scene was discovered by the weird princess who had been on alert all the time—on the top of the tower building, two light spots were actually flickering continuously, but after a short time, they disappeared again . With her eyesight, at such a long distance, and in the dark night, with optical camouflage, it is impossible to see the bionic bat clearly.

"Strange, there is actually a flashing light spot at that position, and it's not a flying reminder light, nor is it a star in the sky." She whipped the cutting king again, and quickly informed Sykes.

Sikes was silent for a moment.

able to shine?

What it is?

Moreover, he went straight to the top of his own lightning rod. There, he had his own arrangement!

"Is it you? Are you finally here!?" Sykes raised his head, and the one-eyed man with the palm raised his head at the same time, passed through a circular passage hundreds of meters away, and directly saw two instigators in the sky. Or a bionic bat with translucent wings, "What should come is still coming, but, this time, what are you going to do? Kill me!?"


In Dr. Cusno's research institute.

Everyone looked at Axel with strange eyes, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, and it seemed that everyone was a marionette, and he was the only one who knew the situation. uncomfortable.

"When I was making the bionic bat, I gave something to the two doctors." Axel flipped his hands and spread them out.

"Yes, a stone from another world!?" Hell Fubuki exclaimed, she is so familiar with this thing, it is because of this kind of thing that the Institute of Mental Power has gradually become stronger, and it is precisely because of this kind of Things, quite a few superpowers perish.

It can be said that this is the source of strength, but also the source of evil.

There are two ways to make something like this shine,

One is that superpowers inject their own superpowers, and the other way is to make this stone resonate or resonate!

Obviously, the stone from another world on the bionic bat resonated!

Why is there resonance! ?

What is certain is that there is also a different world stone on this lightning rod!

"Who put the stone from another world on the lightning rod? Besides, who else in this world owns such a thing?" The girl in the vest asked with a frown.

This kind of stone is extremely rare, and there was only a little bit of Quan Shendao at that time, but the Institute of Spiritual Power is different, they have many such stones.

Could it be that the Institute of Mental Power and the Monster Association colluded again?

This is not easy.

The Monster Association was originally a collection of powerful monsters, and if it hooked up with the Institute of Mental Power, then the strength would be even higher.

"If it's the Institute of Mental Power, it will be difficult to handle." Hell Fubuki's face is very ugly, and there are all superpowers in the Institute of Mental Power. Evenly split.

Axel shook his head and smiled wryly, "If you tell me, you might not believe that there might be an old friend of ours in the Weird Association!"

"Old friend!?" Hell Fubuki and the girl in the vest looked at Axel strangely at the same time, and then asked.

In an instant, they seemed to react at the same time, and exclaimed, "Could it be her!?"

That's right, only she has such multiple identities - she also comes from the Institute of Psychic Power, also has such a different world stone, and also needs such a stone to do some things

"After she left us, she actually went to the Monster Association?" Hell Fubuxue couldn't believe it. She recalled that night. After fighting the Seafood King, she disappeared.

"Then it will be difficult. Her strength is very, very strong!" The girl in the vest said with certainty. She knew that for some reason, her strength had been suppressed all the time. Once, she completely changed. After becoming a weirdo, or in other words, after merging with the one-eyed weirdo in the palm, her strength will far exceed Hell Fubuki.

"That's not the point." There are ways to deal with powerful enemies, but Hell Fubuki's eyes swept to Axel and she didn't continue to say what she said. In fact, the girl in the vest also understood: That is, Axel If so, will he be able to deal with her when he faces her?

Looking at the pictures that the bionic bat kept sending back, Axel's heart fluctuated, as if he had lost the mind to look at the situation along the way, and his heart was in a mess.

No one knows when, he has become extremely calm and calm, the word "disturbed like numbness" does not appear in his dictionary at all.

But this moment.

He is in a mess!

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