One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Four hundred and thirty-one. Are you familiar with it? Hell blows snow! ? (one hundred and eighty-on

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Are you familiar with 431? Hell blows snow! ?

After reading the original book, of course she knew that she was here.

However, when he knew the truth, he still couldn't restrain his emotions.

Today's goal is to explore the opponent's lair and know the opponent's real combat power.

The bionic bat continued to fly downwards, this time at a very high speed, the distance of hundreds of meters only took about ten seconds.

However, it is a pity that when I flew to the bottom of the tower, I found that there is no passage here, only a bare floor and the entrance of the tower.

"Is it just used as an amplifying device for her mental power?" Axel frowned and thought, judging from Senior Centipede's information, this is the lair of the Monster Association.

"Maybe there is a very secret entrance here." Tongdi said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I can use ultrasonic detection here, and once there is an open space behind, I can know it immediately. Then, there is a high possibility that there is a secret door at that location , we will take action."

"Very good!" Axel nodded.

Afterwards, the two of Tong Di started to detect the lowermost area again. This detection process will be slower, but because it has little to do with what the naked eye sees, it uses ultrasonic detection instead of manpower to operate. Tong Di and Dr. Kusino were already very tired, so after using the bionic bat in automatic mode, they put down the controller and went to eat and drink for a rest.

"According to this detection speed, it will take about an hour to complete the detection of the entire first floor." This kind of detection is an extremely precise work, and it is very slow.

"It's not in a hurry now, what's more important is that our methods should be kept secret." Axel nodded.

"Oh, I'm hungry too, how about we go out and have a good meal?" Tong Di said, throwing the stick of lollipop in his mouth into the trash can.

"Haha, okay, my treat." Axel smiled and led everyone to run out, while Genos said that he would stay and monitor, and if there was any special situation, he would immediately contact the doctor.

Eating is not a necessity for Genos, so Axel did not refuse, and it would be better to have a person on duty.

I can only work hard for Genos

Several people travel.

Came to a relatively secluded place, and then had a meal at a restaurant with an excellent reputation.

"After the investigation is clear, what are you going to do next?" Tong Di got another very good lollipop. He took a sip and turned to ask Axel.

"That's right, the weirdos here are just the five guys on the surface, all of whom have the strength above the intermediate level of ghosts. I think the real combat power of the Weirdmen's Association should not be underestimated." Dr. Cusno also nodded and said.

I have read the original book, but I only know the fighting power of the Monster Association a few years later, which can turn the Heroes Association upside down, and there are so many dragon-level monsters.

However, it is really hard to say how strong it is now.

On the other hand, how much combat power can my side mobilize? Could it be these few people in front of him? If so, Tong Di can only hehe, this is no different from sending to death, just the five ghosts guarding the gate will have to fight for a long time, let alone the strong inside.

However, even Tongdi himself has self-knowledge. Compared with Metal Knight and Dr. Cusno, his inventions are more inclined to detection methods, detection methods, etc., and attack methods are relatively weak. , that is to say, he is a qualified logistics player, but not a good attacker.


It is indeed quite strong, but not strong enough!

Furthermore, if the combat power of the Heroes Association is used privately, that does not mean that Axel has left the Heroes Association, but he has been poaching the corners of his old club?

This is something wrong.

Leaving aside the available combat power of the Heroes Association, Axel is familiar with his fellow seniors, but those seniors are indifferent to fame and fortune, and are not interested in fighting weird people at all. The combat power is almost equal to zero.

"By the way, the stone from that other world is used on this tower, so can I say that this whole tower has become a spiritual power boosting device?" Axel suddenly changed the subject and asked back .

"There is such a possibility, but I don't really understand it." Hell Fubuki shook his head. Back then, their spiritual power boosting devices were just headbands, and no one had gotten such a big one.

Axel thought about it.

"Why not, wouldn't it be better for us to send the detection results this time to the Heroes Association, and then let the Heroes Association mobilize people to attack the Weird Association?" Tong Di asked on the side. Isn't the experience just right?

Of course Axel would not tell him that the war would be years away.

"Okay, you guys eat slowly here first, just let me know the results of the detection." Axel stood up suddenly, then turned to look at Hell Fubuki, "Fubuxue, let's take a walk."

"Just you and me?" Hell Fubuki asked, frowning.


"All right."

"Get in your car!" Axel emphasized.

His face darkened, "You mean, you still want me to be your coachman?"

"If you understand it literally, that's what it means."

"Go to hell, Hell Lan!"


"Follow this route, let's go." Axel quickly sent a road map to Jill Fubuki. She turned on her hero phone, clicked on the navigation, and then flew away in the direction Axel guided.

"Where are you going? In the middle of the night?" Hell Chuuxue was very puzzled.

"A place you used to be familiar with!" Axel smiled, this place was visited when Hell Chuuxue was very young. As for this position and the method of contact, Axel asked the Heroes Association for it.

The purpose of today is to find this person, and then have a good talk.

At ten o'clock at night.

Hell Fubuki's car parked outside a seemingly ordinary research institution - this research institution is only two or three floors high, with a large amount of green area, which makes the place look very harmonious, and the green color reveals a Vigorous. The night wind blew over, bringing the fragrance of the soil, refreshing.

"Are you familiar? Hell Blowing Snow!?"

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