One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 1 I Really Didn't Mean It

Chapter 1 I Really Didn't Mean It

On the bustling streets of the past, there are densely packed corpses lying on the ground everywhere at a glance.

Due to the death of a large number of living beings in a short period of time, the negative energy in the environment was overwhelming, and some of the dead bodies soon stood up again and turned into terrifying undead creatures.

Among them, warriors, knights, and spellcasters who had high professional levels during their lifetime are still evolving.

The tops of the towering magic towers no longer shone with colorful and dazzling halos.

Either it has been flooded by countless undead, killing all the living things inside without mercy, and finally the entire tower is eroded by negative energy that symbolizes decay and death;

Either the mage in the magic tower took the initiative to seal off all contact with the outside world, shivering in his last fortress, and barely survived by using the food in the storage room.

He didn't dare to carry out all kinds of magic experiments unscrupulously like before.

As for using the portal to escape to other places...

Sorry, that's already impossible.

Because just fourteen days ago, a critically ill archmage believed that the situation was irreversible, and with the help of the power of the central tower, released an extremely powerful confinement spell.

The entire city was completely locked in mid-air four thousand meters above the ground.

All teleportation magic, flying magic, and magic that slows down the falling speed are all ineffective.

Even if a bird accidentally entered the area of ​​influence of the spell, it would immediately fall vertically from the sky and die.

And the most frightening thing is that this spell is valid for one hundred years!

This also means that no one can escape.

Those survivors who have not yet died, unless they can find a way to live to a hundred years later, otherwise they can only starve to death, die of thirst, or die of old age.

Of course, if you think that such a death is not heroic and exciting enough, you can also choose to rush to the street to fight those undead, or jump from a height of 4,000 meters.


This is the floating city of Plantia, the first floating city jointly built by the original archmages, and it is also the center and pride of the Al magic civilization.

But today, it's nothing more than a dying city.

In fact, similar things are happening not only in the floating city of Plantia, but also in the cities and villages on the ground.

This terrifying plague that emerged out of nowhere swept the entire continent in just over a month.

No matter whether it was the "superhuman" spellcasters living in the floating city, or the warriors, knights, mercenaries, merchants, and slaves who lived on the ground and served the spellcasters, none of them escaped.

No one knew what the source of the plague was or how to cure it.

The only thing the necromancers know is that this terrifying plague will constantly mutate and evolve.

All treatments can only temporarily relieve symptoms!

Then it won't be long before it will explode again in a more ferocious way!

Even the potions and spells that were claimed to be able to cure all diseases in the past only played a little role at the beginning.

But soon, death swept like a storm, killing thousands of people in a very short time.

Even the great mages who were as high as gods, many of them died in the plague.




Up to now, the social order has already completely collapsed.

The very few lucky ones who were still alive on the ground hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

Some even went to sea by boat, intending to seek refuge on other islands and lands that were still in a wild state, so as to physically isolate the possibility of contact with the plague.

In short, the powerful magic civilization established by the Al people for more than 2,500 years has already come to an end under the ravages of the plague.

Even if those escaped immigrants can survive in the end, I am afraid they will not have the courage to set foot on this land again.

It is even more impossible to reproduce the glory and prosperity of the past with the limited knowledge and resources at hand.

However, the mage who escaped from the floating city would probably never think that the source of this disaster that destroyed civilization was actually the result of a certain traveler from the earth who accidentally caught a cold and sneezed.


Just a little sneeze!

Unlike most soul-traveling counterparts, Zuo Si is a standard physical body time-traveling.

Judging from the destructive power of this plague, his body must have not been sterilized when he crossed, and he carried a large number of terrible viruses and bacteria from the earth.

After these virus bacteria came to the other world, they combined with magical energy and underwent some unknown mutation.

On a certain day more than two months ago, Zuo Si stayed awake for more than forty hours in the process of making a magical object.

Finally, without accident, I fell ill because of the cold, coupled with excessive fatigue and lack of rest.

As we all know, colds lead to sneezing and a runny nose.

Sneezing, in particular, will spread a large number of droplets carrying bacteria and viruses into the air, forming an initial diffuse infection.

All creatures who are unlucky enough to come into contact with these droplets will automatically become carriers of the virus, and then infect more people without knowing it.

In addition, people from other worlds have never been exposed to mutated viruses and bacteria from the earth, let alone immunity and antibodies.

As a result, a disaster broke out suddenly without warning.

Looking at the dissecting table on the basement floor, which was used for necromancer experiments, and the corpse on the table that had just been disembowelled, was still bleeding and exuding a pungent stench.

Zuo Si, who was only about 1.3 meters tall and looked like a ten-year-old child, couldn't help but sighed slightly, threw away the scalpel in his hand, stepped on a stool to release the little water left in the tower, and washed the blood stained on his hands. Clean, disinfect your whole body with high-concentration alcohol, and then open a diary and start to record in slightly scribbled square characters.

"On August 12, 2535 in the solar calendar, the weather was a bit gloomy.

It has been almost a month and a half since the outbreak of the plague.

One year, nine months and fourteen days have passed since I came to this magical world.

There are not many living creatures in the floating city of Plantia.

Due to the rapid death of too many lives in a short period of time, this city standing above the sky is changing towards the city of the dead at an unimaginable speed.

Even the percentage of negative energy in the environment is multiplying.

It can be predicted that it won't be long before this place is no longer suitable for living creatures to live in, but will be completely reduced to a paradise for undead creatures.

Conclusions based on last autopsy and observations.

This plague should not be a disaster caused by a mutated virus or bacteria, but several, dozens, dozens or even hundreds of species.

This is also why, the magic potion that claims to cure almost all diseases quickly and completely fails.

On the surface of some of the deceased's bodies, large areas of herpes similar to smallpox and chickenpox appeared, and the density made people's scalp tingle when they saw it.

There are also some internal organs that have suffered severe failure, and with the collapse of the respiratory system, even the alveoli have completely rotted away.

The digestive system, such as the stomach and intestines, is covered with black spots that I have never seen, which should be the result of bacterial action.

These spots deprive the body of nutrients that should have been absorbed by the body, making the victim's body weaker and weaker, and expanding unscrupulously like cancer cells in the body.

What's even more frightening is that those corpses that have been dead for many days can still exist as a source of infection for a long time after they stand up again and become undead.

This also means that the mutated bacteria and viruses will not die with the death of the host.

They adapted to this magical world and became 10,000 times more terrifying than they were on Earth.

The high tower where I live, whether it is the apprentices, warriors, knights and slaves in the middle, or the various monsters and beasts in the dungeon, has all died.

Only me and the female red giant dragon, Wilmes, captured from the other side of the portal and locked in the lowest level of restraint, completely isolated from the outside world, are still alive.

As for my mentor and collaborator, the owner of this tower, and the chief archmage of the Necromancer faction of the Magic Council—Astar, he disappeared long before the plague broke out.

I guess, he should be holding the notes snatched from an old mage in Faerun, hiding in an unknown place, trying to transform his old body through cruel and terrible magic rituals. Become a powerful and immortal spellcaster - the Lich.

Of course, this is not important anymore.

Anyway, the Floating Void City has been completely locked by magic, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

In addition, there is nothing to eat in the tower.

Warehouses where food is stored are polluted with negative energy and the corpses of dead slaves.

Thankfully, I already had an escape plan.

Finally, I want to emphasize that, regarding this plague, I really did not mean it.

It was just a horrible accident..."

(end of this chapter)

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