One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 113 The Fireball Sect Comes Back

Chapter 113 The Fireball Sect Comes Back



The air is filled with the smell of decay and death!

When the five people passed through the portal, the first thing they saw was a huge and empty airtight stone room.

From the thick dust on the ground, as well as the dense spider webs on the walls and overhead, it is easy to tell that no one has been here for at least a hundred years.

Especially on the stone gate leading to the deep entrance, there are many exquisite and complex patterns, characters and murals carved, which seem to imply something.

"Where is this place?"

The half-orc Rhett looked around and asked in an uncertain tone.

"I don't know! But I can guarantee that it must be somewhere in the Great Karin Desert. Looking at the murals, characters and reliefs, they are obviously quite old."

The paladin Eroline quickly gave her own judgment.

As the only local person present, she still has a little understanding of the history of her country.

Know that the symbols on the wall, which are completely different from any modern script, are actually an ancient script used by the Calishites long ago.

And through this information, we can almost judge the approximate time when the tomb was built.

Zuo Si approached the stone gate for a closer inspection, and quickly added: "This is the ancient Calishite alphabet.

It records that a human witnessed elves using advanced magic to forcibly seal together countless wind djinn and fire djinn in battle, forming a huge gem.

Later, this human being worshiped under the door of an elf mage and learned superb magic skills from him.

When he returned from his studies, he recruited and taught apprentices in his hometown with knowledge and strength, and established the first real magic academy in the Calimshan region.

With the passage of time, even the [Wishing Technique] could not maintain his old body, and eventually he inevitably died.

His disciples and grandchildren built this secret tomb for him.

Because of the repeated mentions of "Ke Lanshan" and "Tavier Dynasty" on the murals, I think this mage has lived for at least two thousand years.

Because "Ke Lanshan" is the name of the joint government established after the overthrow of the human beings enslaved by the two giant spirit empires.

About 7,300 years ago, it existed and lasted for hundreds of years.

And the time when this tomb was built was probably in the first dynasty of Calimshan more than 4,000 years ago, that is, the period of the Tavier dynasty. "

"Can you understand the ancient Calishite alphabet?!" Erolyn opened her mouth wide in surprise.

You must know that this kind of ancient text is basically not recognized by many people.

Even the most learned scholars and mages in Calimport seldom make great efforts to learn a language and script that is completely unusable on weekdays.

"Almost. When I was bored for leisure, I read a book about the history, writing and language changes of Calimshan, and I remembered all of them by the way." Zuo Si explained casually.

For him, as long as there are no words, symbols and patterns with magical power, just a glance will be firmly remembered in the "library of thinking".

So no matter how complicated the language and characters are, you will never have to worry about forgetting them after reading them once.

"You regard reading this kind of book as a kind of entertainment?"

The half-orc Rhett was stunned in shock, his horrified eyes seemed to be looking at a terrifying monster.

An illiterate like him who can only speak, write, and even recognize other languages, can hardly imagine how boring and boring a life spent in the sea of ​​​​books is.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "Why not? Don't you think it's very interesting to learn about the dust-covered ancient history and changes in language?"

Rhett shook his head vigorously without hesitation: "No! Not at all! I would rather find someone to fight, or hide in a pub and drink for a day. Of course, fighting while drinking is also good."

"Pfft hahaha! I totally agree with you! Big green-skinned man, I'm starting to like you a little bit now." Alena laughed and patted the half-orc on the shoulder.

Perhaps because he found a like-minded partner, Rhett immediately grinned happily.

Seeing these two guys who didn't want to make progress, Zuo Si sighed dumbfoundedly, quickly took out the [Fireball Wand] worth 39,000 gold coins from the satchel, and directly stuffed it to the pyromancer beside him.

"[Fireball Wand]? Give it to me!" Alena's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's right! This wand will be used by you from now on. Remember! Every time you open a door, or enter a new room or tomb, don't hesitate to use a fireball first. If you hear the scream Or any other movement, then make up again."

Zuo Si raised the corner of his mouth and said his tactics meaningfully.

Today, he wants to show those behind-the-scenes masters the power of the "door kicking group" + "fireball god religion".

No matter what kind of monsters, traps, or puzzles you have arranged, I will give you a fireball to warm up when you come up.

If one shot is not enough, then two, three, four...

Anyway, a [Fireball Wand] stores 50 rounds, which is equivalent to the power caused by the spell released by a LV13 warlock.

Except for the fire elementals, red dragons, and fire elves, which are 100% immune to fire damage, the rest of the monsters will be half-crippled even if they don't die after being hit a few times.

What's more, Zuo Si and the Shadow Legion can pass through the wall to investigate the closed tomb.

Hearing these words, Alena immediately showed an excited and joyful smile, stuck out her tongue and licked her sexy red lips: "Great! This is my favorite master! Don't worry, I promise to take them All scorched."

"But what if it hurts innocent people?" Eloline asked worriedly.

"innocent people?

What innocent person do you think would crawl into this ancient tomb hidden deep in the desert?

And the mastermind behind the scenes must have come in and rearranged the entire tomb before inviting me.

Even if there were innocent people, they would have killed them long ago.

So from now on, you can safely and boldly hack every thing that bursts out of the darkness, living or dead. "

After saying this, Zuo Si immediately took out a card and activated the spell stored in it.


Everyone present was surrounded by a layer of protective force field.

[Magic Card: Group Mage Armor]

This is a three-ring conjuration magic, basically no different from the first-ring mage armor.

The only difference is that the latter effect can only affect a single target, while the former can be applied to everyone around.

Although orcs, soldiers, and paladins all wear armor, it isn't of much use to them.

However, it can resist touch attacks from incorporeal creatures, such as shadows, ghosts and other undead creatures.

Because incorporeal creatures cannot easily pass through force fields.

With Zuo Si's mage level, this spell can last for about five hours.

One blessing should be enough to complete this "game".

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Si used [Force Field Shield], [Resist Energy Damage], and [True Illusion].

The former two are blessings to improve the defense and fire resistance of the soldiers at the top, while the latter is to copy a false phantom exactly like himself and throw it in the team to cover up people's eyes and ears.

As for himself, he unceremoniously disappeared from everyone's sight with the help of the [Invisibility Wand].

In addition, Zuo Si also used [Light Art] to create a moving light source similar to a torch for lighting.

After everything was ready, the group of people pushed open the closed stone door, and proceeded carefully to the depths of the tomb along the dark steps.

Because of the shadow assassin Yelinia exploring the way ahead, the two spike traps in the passage were quickly discovered and disarmed without causing any damage.

After all, she already had a certain level of thieves, so the work of detecting traps and disarming them was basically not too difficult.

However, if you encounter a slightly more complicated magic trap, you need to summon cannon fodder to step on it.

(end of this chapter)

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