One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 159 Half-Dragon Kobold

Chapter 159 Half-Dragon Kobold

"Great red dragon, this is my master, the lair of another powerful red dragon - Bell Torgas. You have broken into his territory, if you do not leave immediately, it will lead to a war."

The leader of the kobold, who obviously has red dragon blood, cautiously issued a warning in dragon language.

Because it knew that if Wilmes was really angered, then before the master came back, he and the entire tribe would suffer immediate disaster.

It's a pity that the strange object has no intention of talking to these kobolds at all.

With a mind control, the leader of the tribe in front of him was taken care of in an instant.

Zuo Si approached unceremoniously, took out a blank card, and directly made the kobold leader into a creature card.

[Creature Card: Hybrid——Half-Dragon Kobold Chieftain]

[LV2 red card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

[Effect: Summon a half-dragon kobold chieftain (red dragon blood) with an LV4 warlock level to serve the planeswalker.

It has the natural ability to dominate and dominate ordinary kobolds, and is very good at fighting in narrow, low tunnels.

The half-dragon kobold chief can understand any language you speak, and completely obey every order given until he is killed or cancels the summoning voluntarily]

[To use this card, you need to pay three points of red magic power, or three points of general magic power]

[When the summoned Half-Dragon Kobold Warlock is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for two days]

"Half-dragon kobold chieftain? LV4 warlock? Could this guy be the offspring of Bell Torgas messing around with some female kobold?" Zuo Si guessed maliciously.

You must know that creatures like giant dragons are known for being able to discover the "beauty" of all different races in the world.

Coupled with the fact that there is no reproductive isolation, the variety of hybrid offspring and the wide distribution are jaw-dropping.

Some evil colored dragons with no moral integrity can increase their power by mating with other races to breed dragon descendants, which is simply a normal operation.

However, Zuo Si did not delve into this issue.

Just by paying magic power to raise the card level to LV3, the half-dragon kobold chief's warlock level has risen to LV6.

Then call it out directly.


A "super kobold" whose scales were redder and brighter than before, and whose body was almost three times stronger than ordinary kobolds, appeared out of nowhere within the sight of other kobolds.

Due to the obvious red dragon-like features of its body, it immediately aroused the shock and confusion of other kobolds.

But the half-dragon kobold chief ignored those stupid and low-level fellows, and took the initiative to kneel down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Master. Your servant will give orders after listening."

"Get up. Go and integrate your tribe first, and then immediately gather all the female kobolds who can give birth to offspring, and use this thing to create as many half-dragon offspring as possible for me."

As she spoke, Zuo Si took out a "big baby" in a glass jar from her satchel, and left it on the ground.

You don't need to ask to know that this "big baby" was cut from the lower body of Bell Torgas' body.

He tested it with spells, and the "little tadpole" with genetic factors inside has not been destroyed, and it can be used to breed half-dragon creatures.

Under the protection of some special magic, this thing can be stored for several years without any problem.

According to the original plan, Zuo Si planned to wait until he arrived in Askatera to settle down, and then use this thing to crossbreed with some easily domesticated animals, such as large hounds.

See if you can create a "dragon dog" that is both strong and loyal to its owner.

Of course, you can also try to crossbreed with a war horse to breed a "dragon horse" with stronger strength, speed and defense.

In short, Zuo Si, who has a wealth of knowledge about necromancy magic, is still quite interested in research in this area.

But plans can never keep up with changes.

Now that there is a ready-made kobold tribe, why not just use it to mass-breed half-dragon kobolds?

After all, the kobold's pregnancy cycle is so short that one or two eggs can be produced in almost two weeks.

The egg incubation period is only two months.

As long as there is an adequate food supply, a female kobold can give birth to a large litter of half-dragon kobolds a year.

These newborn kobolds can start helping with mining, grazing, and growing moss and fungi after about a year.

In about six years, they can enter puberty, begin to awaken the power in their blood, and become a powerful half-dragon warlock or warrior.

Before long, the entire tribe will be half-dragon kobolds.

By that time, Zuo Si would be equivalent to controlling a magic army with a number of thousands or even tens of thousands.

It can be made into planeswalker cards for emergencies, or many half-dragon kobold warlocks can be gathered together to release more powerful spells through magic rituals.

"As you wish, master."

The half-dragon kobold chief picked up the heavy glass jar without saying a word, and turned around to give orders to those ordinary kobolds who looked confused.

Under its strong control and suppression, this large tribe, with a total number of about three or four hundred, quickly gathered women of the right age to give birth to offspring.

With the help of Zero Ring's "magic trick", the half-dragon kobold chief sent the "little tadpole" stored in the "big baby" into the body of the female kobold with little effort.

Seeing the successful conception of one female kobold after another, it couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Because for a kobold tribe, the more half-dragon kobolds there are, the stronger their own strength is.

When the entire tribe has dozens of adult half-dragon kobold warlocks, there is no power that can threaten their survival in this endless hills and mountains.

However, before the half-dragon kobold tribe was formed, the guarding power of this lair was relatively weak.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Zuo Si immediately pulled out those creature cards made earlier.

Summoned two [Wolf Hunting Squads] in one breath, two ogres, two trolls, and a snake mage, as the guards of the lair.

Among them, the [Dire Wolf Hunting Squad] can obtain enough food through hunting to ensure that large-eating creatures such as ogres and trolls will not become a burden to the kobold tribe.

After arranging everything, Zuo Si turned her attention to the pile of treasures on the ground.

Seeing that Wilmes had been drooling in front of the pile of treasures for a long time, he immediately reprimanded angrily: "Don't look at it, it's not for you to look at it again."

"Can't you just take a look?"

Wilmes spit out a bunch of golden sparks from between his teeth in a fit of embarrassment.

If it wasn't for the fear of revenge, she would have just breathed out a mouthful of flames and melted all the treasures in front of her.

I can't get it, and no one can get it.

This is the typical behavior pattern of a red dragon.

But unfortunately, Wilmes can only think about it in his head now.

As long as there is the slightest thought of daring to put it into practice, the body will be taken over by the strange thing immediately.

She didn't want to experience the first-person perspective, the feeling of watching others manipulate her.

Zuo Si ignored the red dragon who was making "little emotions" and swept away the expensive and portable gems first.

Whether it is for the creator profession or the mage profession, there are never too many good things like gems that can be used not only as materials for casting spells, but also as raw materials for making magic items and strange objects.

After finishing all these, Zuo Si turned his attention to those things exuding arcane aura.

Compared with precious metals such as gold and silver, he himself is obviously more interested in magic items.

After all, even if you don't need it, you can still use it as a backup "battery" to extract energy.

(end of this chapter)

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