Chapter 160 Treasure

As a mature red dragon occupying an important trade route to the bustling metropolis Zazespor.

The treasure of Bell Torgas is undoubtedly much richer than that of Wilmes.

What's more, he also has unclear connections with members of the Dragon Worship Sect.

Therefore, the quantity and quality of magic items are quite amazing.

There are an astonishing dozen or so magic weapons of +1 and +2 alone.

There is even a +3 Frost Mithril two-handed battle ax that is suspected to be made by the dwarves of the Northland. Not only does it only need half the strength of an iron weapon of the same size to swing, but it can also cause additional cold damage when it hits.

Similarly, the number of various types of magic armor is also quite large.

One of them was obviously a chain mail made by an elf blacksmith. Its defensive ability and exquisiteness made even Zuo Si from the modern society of Earth feel shocked from the bottom of his heart.

Because this armor weighs almost nothing on the body, it's like wearing a thin shirt, and it doesn't even affect the mage's various complicated spellcasting actions.

But its amazing defense is enough to resist the puncture of any non-magic weapon.

Even if the chain armor structure is damaged by a strong external force, it will automatically return to its original state in a very short period of time.

The most important thing is that the elf craftsman who made it was so crazy that he carved magic symbols on each lock, and then pieced them together to form an effect that blends with the environment.

Under the illumination of light, these patterns will keep changing with the surrounding scenery like a chameleon.

If the wearer is willing, it can also be transformed into exquisite dresses and skirts of various styles.

It is simply the armor that thieves, assassins, and bards dream of.

"What an unbelievable piece of work! I bet it took at least four months to a year to make this chain mail by at least a master craftsman and an arcane spellcaster."

Zuo Si gave the rating as a magic item maker.

As a typical pragmatist, he couldn't understand why the other party spent so much time and energy just to make this chain mail look more beautiful and exquisite.

If it is just to provide a better camouflage, then you can add transformation magic, or directly enchant a [Invisibility] on it.

There is no need for a lock, a lock to carve.

Perhaps in the eyes of elves with a lifespan of hundreds of years, time is really a very cheap and indifferent thing.

Because they have enough time to squander, enjoy, and pursue the beautiful things they are interested in and love.

"This elven chain mail can be sold for at least tens of thousands of gold coins in the human world. Especially those nobles and wealthy businessmen who like to put on airs will snap up their heads for it."

There was naked and undisguised greed in Wilmes' eyes.

Zuo Si nodded approvingly: "Of course!

Any piece of art made by elf masters can be sold for a high price of thousands of gold coins in the human world.

Not to mention this kind of treasure with considerable practicality.

But what it means to me is that it may only be able to sell at a high price.

After all, I can mass-produce similar armor for less than 1,500 gold coins.

As for the so-called art...

Sorry, I just don't have the guts to appreciate it.

Or leave it to those rich nobles to buy it back and enjoy the collection slowly. "

After hearing these words, Wilmes couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahahaha! I knew it, you are really a sinister and cunning bastard. Why don't you have the cells to appreciate art? You just want to learn from those stupid It’s all about extracting more wealth from the hands of human nobles. In your eyes, I’m afraid they are no different from the fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered in the pigsty.”

"Don't be so ugly. I didn't use violence to force anyone. They are willing to pay a high price. Doesn't the value of artworks, artworks, and handicrafts depend on the recognition and pursuit of those rich people? Through By hyping and collecting these high value-added things, nobles can establish class barriers and gaps that ordinary people cannot overcome in their lifetime. And I can get more money. This is called taking what you need, and it can also be called Win-win."

After all, Zuo Si stuffed the chain mail into the satchel that he carried with him.

He is going to find some time to write a soul-stirring and poignant love story for him.

Then, along with the story, it was used as a marketing tool to cash in on the rich of Amn's upper ruling class.

After all, it is also a work of art, and the gap between those with stories and those without stories is not so big.

After counting the weapons and armor, Zuo Si began to identify small items such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets one by one.

Before long he found three magic rings, an amulet, and a bracelet.

The rings are:

[Ring of Regeneration], which can allow the wearer to quickly recover from injuries. This ring can even regenerate broken limbs;

[Ring of Free Action], which can ignore all immobilization and movement-restricting spells, with it, you don't have to worry about being trapped by [Entanglement], [Grease], and [Spider Web];

The [Ring of Flame Resistance] that endows the wearer with resistance to fire, although it cannot be 100% immune to fire damage, at least it can guarantee that it will not die after a hard hit of fireball.

The amulet is [The Eye of the Archer].

The wearer will gain an additional two points of agility, and at the same time increase the probability of long-range weapons hitting the vital point (critical strike rate increased).

As for the bracelet, it is [Ring of Energy Strike], which can cause magic damage to designated enemies around by releasing the stored energy.

The bracelet can restore one to three points of energy per day, and the maximum storage limit is ten points.

When in use, the wearer can choose how many points of energy to invest at one time.

The more power points invested, the more powerful the magic damage will be.

Although it sounds similar to [Ring of the Ram], the difference is that one is force field impact damage, and the other is pure energy damage.

Zuo Si unceremoniously put the [Energy Strike Ring] on her hand.

Put away the other three rings for the time being, and then consider which hand to equip and use after returning.

As for the mountains of coins and trade strips on the ground, he just put the more valuable gold and silver into the dimensional bag.

Then he packed up the precious metals and magic metal ingots extracted by the kobolds and took them away.

Zuo Si didn't even look at the remaining common metals such as copper, rough iron, lead, tin, etc.

On the one hand, the dimensional bag I brought almost couldn't hold it.

On the other hand, these things are really not worth a lot of money, so there is no need to spend a lot of trouble on it.

Just because he doesn't care doesn't mean Wilmes doesn't care.

Realizing that Zuo Si didn't like those copper coins, copper bars and copper ingots, the greedy red dragon immediately asked, "You don't want any of these things anymore?"

"No, it's not that I don't want it, but I'll keep it here for the time being. I plan to turn this place into a secret base for some more dynamic experiments." Zuo Si explained meaningfully.

The more he learned about the huge dragon's lair extending from the middle of the mountain to the ground, and the labyrinth-like complex tunnels dug by kobolds below, which stretched for several kilometers, the more he felt that this place had great potential.

What's more, Faerun Continent not only has the above-ground part, but also an equally large and complex underground part-the Underdark.

If the kobolds can dig a passage to the Underdark, then Zuo Si can use this passage to gain contact with the Underworld.

"Cut! Cheapskate!"

Realizing that he couldn't find any bargains, Wilmes immediately pouted with a look of disdain.

However, as the time came to two o'clock in the middle of the night, Zuo Si also continued to quarrel with the red dragon, and after arranging their respective responsibilities for the summoned creatures, they immediately embarked on the return trip.

Because he had to return to Myratma before dawn.

Otherwise, when the sun comes out, everyone can look up and see a red dragon flying across the sky.

At that time, not to mention landing, even approaching will trigger a series of chain reactions.

Zuo Si didn't want to try his best to clean up the mess, and finally fell short because he didn't calculate the time correctly.

(end of this chapter)

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