One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 16 The Most Outrageous Experience

Chapter 16 The most outrageous experience

What is the most outrageous experience in the world?

If let Zuo Si answer.

He would say that the most outrageous experience in the world is...

You thought you were getting a mortal script.

I had a happy family when I was a child, and when I grew up, I had a stable job with a decent income. I could use my spare time to satisfy my interests and hobbies, and then slowly aged and died.

Although he is just an inconspicuous member of the crowd, he has a very happy life.

But suddenly one day, you ignited a "spark" because of a dangerous situation, and became a Planeswalker who is only possible among millions of people, and traveled directly to the magical world.

Well, that's actually nothing.

Strictly speaking, changing from a mortal script to an extraordinary script, no matter how you look at it, it should be a big profit.

Although there is an insidious, cunning, and cruel teacher, and he often has to deal with dissected living creatures and corpses, he can really learn knowledge and gain powerful magical powers from them.

But just when you calmed down and wanted to go down this road, a terrifying magic plague that destroyed the entire civilization fell from the sky.

The most outrageous thing is that you are still the source of the plague, the moving natural disaster.

A good extraordinary script was suddenly replaced by a doomsday script.

Watching people around me, familiar or unfamiliar, get sick and die, leaving only myself alive in the end is definitely a kind of mental torture that cannot be described in words.

When you finally escaped, you thought you could settle down in the new world, but the teleportation accident occurred due to insufficient energy supply.

The doomsday script was replaced by a desert island survival script.

You must know that the above changes all happened in less than two years. If it were someone with a slightly weaker nerve, they would have already been tortured insane.

But Zuo Si said that her mood was still stable, and she was sitting in front of the campfire, devouring the delicious grilled fish, and at the same time listening to the summoned soldiers report on the situation on the island.

After all, he hasn't eaten decent food for a long time, so he doesn't care about his image, he just wants to get enough protein and nutrition quickly.

"Master, this island is about eighteen kilometers long from east to west, and thirteen kilometers from north to south. There are many coconut trees, as well as other bushes and wild fruit trees.

The highest place on the island is the mountain at the foot, about 200 meters above sea level.

About three kilometers away from our place, there is a small freshwater lake, which should be the result of rainwater flowing down from a high place.

The water quality is very clear and can be drunk directly.

From the cliff to the lake, there are many large and small seabirds nesting.

According to my observation, there should be no large herbivores and beasts nearby, and the most dangerous ones may be those poisonous snakes.

On the west side of the island, where there are many reefs, there are many fish, crabs and conchs hidden..."

"That is to say, there are abundant food sources and fresh water resources, so we don't have to worry about survival for the time being, right?"

Zuo Si swallowed the last piece of fish in his mouth, looked at the starry night sky above his head, and made a direct conclusion.

What is the most important thing for a person who is accidentally stranded on a deserted island?

The answer, of course, is fresh water.

Next is the food.

With these two things, people can survive very well.

Whether it is fish, seabirds, snakes, crabs, conch, or coconuts and wild fruits on this island, they can all be used as food sources.

The former can provide rich protein, calcium, fat and vitamin A, E.

The latter is the source of dietary fiber, sugar, minerals and vitamins B and C.

From the perspective of nutrition, the body has basically everything it needs to survive and grow.

The soldier nodded expressionlessly: "That's right. We are very lucky. You must know that for an island of this size, the probability of having a naturally formed freshwater reserve is not high."

"Lucky? Forget it. I'd rather see towns and villages when I go through the portal."

After all, Zuo Si threw away the leftover fish bones in her hand and lay on her back on several simple "beds" made of coconut leaves.

Of course, if this thing can be called a "bed".

Since the topography is not complicated, as long as you climb to the top of the only mountain and look down, you can easily overlook the general situation of the entire island.

Obviously, he is trapped here now, and there are two choices before him.

One is to live on the island for a period of time, see if you can meet passing ships, and then send a signal for help to the other party.

The other is to use the planeswalker's unstable teleportation and try to travel to other worlds.

As for the protagonists in those movies and stories, they don’t even think about building a raft or boat to try their luck at sea.

This is Phelan!

A magical world full of magic and monsters.

The ocean isn't just predators like whales, sharks, and giant squid.

There are also a series of oceanic intelligent races such as the Shahuayu, Kou Tao, etc., as well as terrifying deep-sea monsters that cannot be described in words.

If you go out to sea without an experienced navigator and captain, it is no different from looking for death if you are tired of work.

After a short thought, Zuo Si felt that the first one was more reliable.

You must know that after becoming a planeswalker, excluding the period of cooperation with the necromancer-Asta, he only used the unstable teleportation ability alone twice.

As a result, he was pulled into an unknown space for the first time, and his physical age was directly regressed back to his childhood, and he almost disappeared.

Although there was a magic portal to help stabilize the transmission channel for the second time, there was still an accident.

It failed twice in a row, which made Zuo Si a bit psychologically shadowed about this ability.

What's more, Faerun, the forgotten country, has countless fascinating magical knowledge, powerful spells, magic items, and even artifacts.

Coupled with the unique magic net spellcasting system here, wouldn't it be a pity to just give up and leave.

Just like that, Zuo Si soon became sleepy with anticipation and imagination about the future, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

He is so tired.

When I was hiding in the tower of the Floating Void City by myself before, because my nerves were always tense, I didn't dare to sleep too much.

I am afraid that when I wake up, I will see countless undead gathered around me.

Now that he is finally out of the precarious survival crisis, and has eaten so much fish, it is completely normal to want to sleep well.

Seeing his master falling asleep, the male soldiers who were summoned stood by the bonfire without saying a word, and took on the role of vigilance and vigil.


At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, south of the Vortex Mountain Range, near the important border city of the Kingdom of Tethyr - in the low mountains north of Mailatma.

The red dragon—Wilmes was walking around restlessly in his lair full of treasures.

After several minutes, she stopped abruptly, raised her head and yelled at the trembling evil servants not far away, "Is there any news yet?"

"Sorry, great master, not yet. However, I have issued an order to expand the search area to all nearby orcs, half-orcs and goblin tribes who are loyal to you according to your request." A man in leather armor with a back The orc warrior with a heavy double-edged battle ax answered bravely.

The red dragon is a symbol of strength, cruelty and tyranny.

Every red dragon is a born tyrant.

And talking to such a tyrant is undoubtedly quite scary and dangerous.

Because the other party may kill and eat his servants mercilessly just because they bring bad news at any time.

In fact, before this orc warrior, several orc tribe leaders and bear goblins had died under the dragon's claws.

So he must be extra careful, otherwise he will be killed at any time.

Of course, the advantage is that after sitting in this position, you can gain power under the guise of the Red Dragon to command and order all the tribes that submit.

Even if the leaders of these tribes were once their competitors and sworn enemies.

"Trash! It's all trash! I'll give you another ten days! If you don't find that human cub within ten days, you know what the consequences will be."

After saying those words, Wilmes flapped his wings violently and created a gust of wind.

Seeing that the red dragon was angry, the orc warrior dared not stay, and immediately turned around and rushed out of the cave as fast as possible.

Needless to ask, he knew that Wilmes asked his servants to look for none other than Zuo Si who had been lost through the portal.

The reason why she was so anxious was not because of any conscience discovery at all, but because the little thing in her mind was constantly sending out threats through telepathy.

If Zuo Si cannot be found within a certain period of time, part of the red dragon's brain will be eaten.

If you can't find it anymore, eat some more.

Until the brain is severely damaged and becomes an idiot dragon, or the entire brain is eaten up and completely dead.

Otherwise, Wilmes would be more than happy to get rid of Zuo Si, preferably never to meet again for the rest of his life.

In fact, that was what she had thought when she flew back to the lair alone with the treasure.

Unfortunately, newly awakened creatures are often very attached to their creators, longing to be by their master's side.

(end of this chapter)

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