One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 17 Who Doesn't Like "Big Cat"

Chapter 17 Who doesn't like "Big Cat"

The dark night passed quickly.

When the sun slowly rose from the eastern sea level, Zuo Si finally woke up from her sleep.

He first glanced at the dozing soldier guarding the entrance of the cave, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone, "You have been guarding here all night without sleep?"

"Of course, master. Your safety is always the most important thing. I can't guarantee that poisonous snakes will crawl in through the hole after I fall asleep." The soldier quickly opened his eyes, stood up and saluted.

no doubt.

Zuo Si was amazed by the conscientiousness and loyalty he showed.

Zuo Si originally thought that the humanoid creatures summoned by the card were just puppets without much wisdom and thought, and would only mechanically obey orders like a golem.

But the soldiers in front of them behaved not much different from real living people.

He is even like a normal person, needing to eat and sleep to recover his strength.

Obviously, the planeswalker's biological card is definitely not like the summoning magic in the conjuration system, which simply and rudely summons a certain creature from other places to fight or serve the caster through a powerful contract.

It's also not like making a puppet-like thing and sealing it in a card.

Instead, a more complex and esoteric magic technique was used.

It's a pity that Zuo Si didn't make creature cards by himself, so he didn't know anything about it.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't.

The prerequisites for making creature cards are extremely strict.

With the power he currently possesses, at best, he can try weak chickens such as goblins and kobolds, or domesticated animals such as domestic cats and dogs.

What's more, the mana value consumed to make a biological card is almost three times that of a magic card of the same level.

On top of that, the former is far less immediately effective in combat than the latter.

Rather than expending precious mana trying to make creature cards, it is more cost-effective to invest in leveling up classes.

The soldiers apparently had no idea what was going on in Zuo Si's mind.

Seeing him standing there for a long time without moving or speaking, he took the initiative to ask: "Master, are you hungry? How about I catch two fish, or pick up a few bird eggs for your breakfast?"

Zuo Si hurriedly shook her head lightly: "No, no need. I ate very full yesterday, and I'm not hungry yet. Besides, you should be very tired after not sleeping all night, so you should lie down and rest. For breakfast, I will I'll figure it out myself."

"Rest? If I stay and rest, who will protect your safety?" A worried expression appeared on the soldier's face.

He knew without asking, that in his subconscious mind, protecting the safety of his master was the top priority of all matters, even surpassing his own life.

Zuo Si keenly captured this, and immediately responded: "Don't worry, I can take care of myself. And I'm not the only one under you."

After all, an extra card appeared out of thin air in his palm.

[Creature Card: Beast - Leopard]

[LV1 green card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Normal]

【Effect: Summon a large leopard until it is killed or the summoning is canceled voluntarily. You can give it simple commands through gestures, such as attack, retreat, hide, sneak attack, etc., but you cannot perform complex language communication. After all, it’s just a beast, you can’t expect it to be as smart as an intelligent creature]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of green magic power, or two points of general magic power]

[When the summoned leopard is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth, and the time is one day]

As the creature card was activated, a large feline with yellow fur and black spots appeared at the entrance of the cave instantly.

Including the tail, it has a body length of more than 2.8 meters, a slightly rounded head, relatively short but strong limbs, and a weight of about 150 kilograms.

Whether it is sharp teeth or claws, it has proved its status as a predator in the animal world.


As soon as it was summoned, the leopard immediately let out a low growl, and gently rubbed the back of the summoner's hand to show its closeness.

It can be seen that it is much larger than the leopard on the earth.

It is even comparable to and surpasses some smaller tigers, such as the Sumatran tiger.

I don't know what kind of special species it is, or because of the power of magic, individual mutations have occurred.

"Well, are you relieved now?"

Zuo Si raised his hands and rubbed the head of the leopard which was about the height of his shoulders.

Unlike the human soldiers summoned for the first time.

This leopard has been with him for a long time and has participated in several short fights.

So we know each other very well.

Zuo Si, who is a bit of a "free control", even named the leopard "Red".

It means "sneaker".

After all, who wouldn't love a smart, fierce and loyal big cat.

Seeing the intimacy of a man and a leopard, the soldier suddenly showed a gratified smile: "With it, I feel at ease. But you still have to be careful when walking around the bushes on the island. Sometimes the humble poisonous snake is often better than the beast." More deadly."

"Understood, I will pay attention."

Zuo Si waved her hand, turned around and took the leopard along the mountain road.

Maybe it's because of being locked up in the mage's tower in the floating city for too long.

When he saw the green plants and colorful wild flowers around him, he felt an unprecedented relaxation, and his mood became very happy.

The leopard followed unhurriedly.

As soon as there is any trouble, it will immediately raise its head and prick up its ears to look around.

But the result is often to find some little guys like squirrels, rabbits, ferrets, and foxes.

As the soldiers judged last night, there are no large land creatures on this island at all.

The most dangerous and the most numerous snakes are all kinds of snakes of different lengths and thicknesses.

It didn't take long for Rhett to kill and eat four small snakes that were half a meter long, and a large snake that was 1.5 meters long and about as thick as Zuo Si's arm.

It's always been a hit with these home-delivered breakfasts.

Whether these snakes are venomous or not is unknown.

Anyway, as long as you don't get bitten, it doesn't really make much difference whether it's poisonous or not.

When he got to the beach, Zuo Si was a little hungry after the morning exercise, so he ordered "Big Cat" to get himself two coconuts for breakfast.

As we all know, leopards are good at climbing trees.

Leopards, with short limbs and strong strength, are the trump card of similar players.

Not to mention picking two coconuts, even dragging a deer that is about the same size as myself up to the treetop is no problem.

In the blink of an eye, Reid slapped two coconuts from the top of the tree with a standard "cat fist", and then held them in front of the owner.

Zuo Si took out a dagger gleaming with silver cold light from the satchel, found the "soft eye" on the coconut shell, and inserted it fiercely.

When pulled out, sweet coconut milk will flow out from the small hole.

He raised his head unceremoniously and drank it all.

After drinking the coconut juice, it is natural to peel off the shell and eat the fresh coconut meat inside.

After eating two coconuts, I will be six to seven percent full.

Just when Zuo Si was going to continue to get some fish or bird eggs, he suddenly found a mast erected on the sea level in the distance.

At the top of the mast there was a long, thin yellow flag fluttering in the wind.

Have a boat?

There was a look of surprise on his face.

But soon, this kind of surprise was replaced by doubt.

Because as the distance got closer, Zuo Si could already clearly see that it was not just one ship, but two ships.

The hull of the ship in front is wide and round, just like the round belly of fat houses. It is obviously a merchant ship designed and manufactured to increase the load capacity.

Not far behind is a slender and very fast warship that is rapidly approaching.

The distance between the two is about a few hundred meters.

The latter obviously wants to catch up with the former, while the former is just the opposite and is doing everything possible to escape.

In order to reduce weight and increase their own speed, some sailors carried heavy stones like ballast stones into the sea.

(end of this chapter)

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