One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 178 The Unexpected Truth

Chapter 178 The Unexpected Truth

As the news that Zuo Si became the chosen one of the Goddess of Poison and Plague continued to be known to more and more people and organizations.

The well-organized Talona Church also started to take action, frantically spreading the news about "Plague Children", "Woeful Man" and "World Destroyer" in major cities.

Originally, Zuo Si, who accidentally destroyed a magical civilization due to the mutation of bacteria and viruses in his body, became a "mobile natural disaster" in their mouths, a manifestation of the power and will of the goddess of poison and disease.

At the same time, these guys also threaten and intimidate the ignorant people. Only by believing in Talona can they avoid such terrible disasters from befalling them.

Although people with a little knowledge of religion and theology know that this is bragging, some churches of good gods even refute it in public.

But there are still many people who choose to become Talona's believers because of their fear and fear.

Suddenly, on the west coast of Faerûn, the influence of the goddess of poison and disease began to surge, so that the rulers of some cities had to make compromises to prevent those instigated people from rioting.

This includes allowing Talona's church to build temples in the city and sell various potions and poisons to those in need.

Undoubtedly, this is the benefit of a strong electorate.

Originally, Zuo Si didn't know that the Goddess Church was using his name to "pull the tiger's skin and pull the banner" everywhere.

Until he went down the river with Bernard and landed at the Askatla Bridge area, and saw a Talona priest standing on a high place, telling the ignorant people how he was instructed by the goddess of poison and plague. Next, the story of a world destroyed by a horrible plague...

After listening, Zuo Si stood there like a fool for a long time, not knowing what expression to make.

Because this story was fabricated by someone who didn't know, except for the name "Sous", the rest has nothing to do with him, even half a copper coin.

At least he didn't remember that he had a super-friendship with a so-called "young and beautiful" peasant girl.

Even if you have this thought, it is impossible to do it at your current physical age.

To be exact, the person who made up this story started to fabricate the plot out of thin air without even knowing Zuo Si's age.

If there is no accident, it is likely that the people of Talona Church paid a certain bard to create, and then directly used it as a tool to attract believers.

Only a shameless guy like a minstrel who is full of words and shameless, can do such a shameless thing.

The reason why Zuo Si hates bards is precisely because of their big mouths that are open and like exaggeration and fabrication.

Seventy percent of the content that comes out of the bard's mouth may be false stories that do not exist at all.

Even if the remaining 30% is almost more than two-thirds is exaggeration, less than 10% is the original truth.

They also euphemistically call it "artistic processing".

Seeing the murderous look in Zuo Si's eyes, Alena next to him immediately whispered into his ear with a suppressed smile: "Master, do you need me to teach him a lesson?"

"Forget it. This is the urban area of ​​Askatra, releasing arcane magic in this kind of place will attract the intervention of the masked mage.

And when you find a cockroach in the house, it means that there are too many cockroaches in the dark to squeeze in.

I bet there are guys like this pastor who are preaching the same story all over the streets of this city.

Maybe it spread to other cities.

Even killing a few won't help, so let them be. "

After weighing the pros and cons, Zuo Si decisively decided to lie flat.

Anyway, as long as you don't bother yourself.

Because he really didn't want to have anything to do with Talona's church, and he didn't want to waste precious time on such boring things.

As for these pastors using their own names to solicit believers, Zuo Si is actually not that angry.

After all, the voter status bestowed by the goddess gave him extremely powerful power, and it could also deter those potential enemies. Strictly speaking, the two parties were mutually beneficial.

But if you want the world behind him that has been destroyed by the plague and no gods were born, just relying on the identity of a voter is not enough.

After spending a little time, Bernard temporarily stored the goods on several transport ships in Curry, the warehouse belonging to his own chamber of commerce. Immediately, full of tension and anticipation, he led the people straight to the family mansion in the administrative area.

Like Calimport, Askatla is a typical polarized city with a huge gap between rich and poor.

Among them, the places with the best law and order are the administrative area, the temple area and the Woking shopping mall area.

The division of the first two places is easy to understand.

One is a place where administrative agencies, nobles, and wealthy businessmen gather together, and the other is a place where there are many temples and churches. It is difficult to think about security.

As for the Woking shopping mall, as the name suggests, it is the largest market on the west coast of Faerun continent established under the leadership of the Church of Woking, the goddess of wealth.

It is said that thousands of shops and stalls are dotted in the oval-shaped buildings that are scattered on the ground like a stadium.

Commodities from all over the world, even from other planes, are freely circulated and traded here.

No matter what your faith is, what your camp is, what your race is, everything can be bought and sold here.

In order to ensure order and safety, the Council of Six placed a full thousand guards here to maintain order, which could almost be called a guard at three steps and a sentry at five steps.

Masked mages also focus on this place day and night.

In addition, some vendors who look like ordinary humans are actually disguised as visitors and monsters from different planes.

Among them are creatures like ghouls, doppelgangers, demons, devils, dragons, and genies.

Unless you have absolute confidence in your own stealing skills, stealing things here is basically no different from courting death.

In contrast, the law and order in the dock area, slum area, bridge area and city gate area are very poor.

Among them, the dock area is the base camp of shadow thieves, and all kinds of criminal activities are as rampant as those in Calimport.

As for the cemetery area dedicated to burying the dead, there are tomb robbers and undead creatures wandering around at night.

Although the locals and outsiders alike praised Askatra, the capital of gold coins, Zuo Si knew the city's true colors very well, and had no trust in the guards patrolling the streets.

Along the way, he carefully watched every person around who tried to get close.

As long as someone gets within ten meters, the half-orc Rhett will immediately step forward to drive the other person away, including the collaborators and distant relatives of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce.

Bernard didn't stop all this, let alone explain to the other party.

Because he understands that these guys are like sharks that smell blood, and they want to take advantage of the weakness of the chamber of commerce, so they don't even need to pay attention to it.

After entering the courtyard of the mansion, Bernard noticed that the familiar butlers and guards in the courtyard were all gone, replaced by some completely unfamiliar faces.

Out of vigilance, he immediately and quietly told Zuo Si about the situation.

"Your Excellency South, something seems to be wrong. The servants and housekeepers in the family have all changed, and none of the guards is known to me."

"Don't worry, everything is under my control." Zuo Si gave the businessman a smile as a reassurance.

Although he did not cast spells such as mind detection, from the moment he stepped through the gate, he maintained a spiritual connection with the strange thing in Wilmes' mind.

Obviously, the guards and servants in this house have been consciously changed.

This alone is enough to show how bad the current situation is.

And from the moment he entered the door until now, no housekeeper or servant came forward to say hello, as if he hadn't seen the eldest son of the family who has the right of first line of succession.




Feeling uneasy, Bernard finally walked into his father's bedroom and gently opened the door.


Two familiar figures appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw an old man lying on the bed with a haggard face, his eyes were full of numbness and confusion, and they were no longer as sharp and majestic as usual.

This person is Bernard's most admired father—Sir Al Rotor, who spent thirty years growing the Chamber of Commerce to where it is today.

As for the blond loli sitting beside the old man's bed, it was his twelve-year-old little sister Isadora.

At this moment, the girl did not show the slightest hint of being behind the scenes. On the contrary, with a shy and worried expression on her face, she was feeding the old man on the bed with a bowl.

When she heard the sound of the door opening, she immediately turned around and stared at Bernard with eyes full of surprise, and it took a full minute before she said in a joyful tone: "My dear big brother, you are finally back.

do you know?

Just this morning, my father just decided to make me the heir of the family and the chamber of commerce.

I didn't know what to do before.

Now I feel more at ease with your help. "

It has to be said that these words will be quite level, not like a twelve-year-old child at all, but like a veteran who has been involved in conspiracy for many years.

The old man lying on the bed quickly echoed with a weak voice: "That's right. I have already handed over the family and the chamber of commerce to Isadora.

Because I realized that it was a mistake, a huge mistake, to pit you kids against each other.

This directly led to the tragedy of cannibalism.

I know that you sent people to murder each other, and your hands are covered with the blood of your loved ones.

That's why I disinherited you.

Bernard, from now on, you must help your sister with her business. "

These words were like a basin of ice water in an instant, directly cooling the young businessman's heart.

Bernard couldn't believe it in his dreams. He tried his best to risk his life to expand business routes and make profits, but in the end he was treated like this by his father.

Just when he was blushing and wanted to refute, Zuo Si suddenly raised his arm and made a gesture of calmness, then stepped forward and stared at Isadora's beautiful silver pupils, with a little playfulness He asked in a tone of voice: "Do you really believe that you can rely on such a poor method to make everyone believe that Sir Al Rotor is willing to hand over the family and the Chamber of Commerce to a twelve-year-old girl to inherit? In court, escape the detection of those professional priests and masked mages?"

"But my stupid big brother believed it, didn't he? Without you, sooner or later he would become a puppet under my control just like my father."

With a sweet smile on the girl's face, she said something that made everyone present feel horrified.

Especially Bernard, who was almost cheated, couldn't help shivering immediately, and asked emotionally: "Your Excellency South! She...was she transformed from some monster? Or was she controlled by some kind of evil magic?"

Isadora glanced at her eldest brother with contempt, and said mockingly: "Don't be stupid, dear big brother.

I am your biological sister in blood, and I have watched you big brother sisters fight openly and secretly for inheritance since I was six years old.

Especially you, an idiot, who has been trying to please my father non-stop. That flattering attitude makes me want to throw up.

You poor wretches have no idea that our father, the majestic Sir Alrot, had secretly taken a mistress before his mother died.

It was a young and beautiful lady, much younger even than you.

They secretly gave birth to an illegitimate child.

The father loved the child very much, and under the constant instigation of the mistress, he secretly decided to let the illegitimate son inherit the family and the chamber of commerce.

In addition, our mother's private life has always been very chaotic, and she often participated in various unsightly and promiscuous gatherings organized by the God of Love and Beauty Shuna Church, which caused my father to be full of anger and dissatisfaction, and even angered each of us body.

It's just that for the sake of face, he has been covering it up very well, and he didn't show it from the beginning to the end.

But secretly, the father never gave up wanting to take revenge on his mother, so he deliberately created and maintained a fierce but balanced competitive relationship among his children.

Do you think I arranged for the murder of those big brothers?

Do not!

It was just that my father wanted to kill you in my name, and then planted the crime on my head, removing the last obstacle for the illegitimate son to ascend to the throne.

At the same time, he can also push all the crimes and responsibilities on me afterwards, and by the way, take away the rewards promised to the pirates and bandit gangs.

It's a pity that my father doesn't know that I am completely different from you stupid big brother sisters.

From the moment he had this idea, I knew everything, and I have been silently watching his every move all these years.

As a result, when he chose to do it, I also decided to end this ridiculous family ethics drama.

In fact, whether it's my father, or you and other big brother sisters, in my eyes, it's like being naked without any clothes, and there is no secret.


I can read your minds and read your memories. "

With the last word blurted out, Isadora opened her arms violently, releasing an invisible energy that suddenly exploded in the air.


Everyone's spirit suffered a violent blow.

Especially for Bernard, who is an ordinary person, he only felt that his brain was blank, and he completely lost consciousness and thinking ability. Standing upright in place seemed to be fixed in place.

Others reacted similarly, as if they suddenly lost their perception of the surrounding environment and the outside world, and everyone became dumbfounded.

Only Zuo Si and Wilmes, who is a red dragon, were not affected in any way.

Because of the strange thing in the latter's mind, it used almost the same strength to resist this large-scale group attack.

"Psionic blast? You're a psion!" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

There is no way not to be surprised.

This extremely rare talent is usually impossible to appear in the human race.

Only races like mind flayers, githyanki, and gray dwarves who are born with some spiritual talent have a certain chance of birthing psions.

The rarity of human psions far exceeds that of any spellcasting profession, and it can even reach one or two lucky ones out of hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

He originally thought that the girl controlled the old man on the bed through a magician or something.

But now it seems that it should be memory tampering in psychic ability.

"Spirit blast? Psion? What is that? Also, why aren't you affected by my ability?" Isadora asked, frowning.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't know anything about your own power, don't you?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

He figured it out, the girl in front of him should have awakened psychic powers when she was very young.

Then regard it as a special ability that is unique to him, and use and exercise it secretly, without knowing what his own power is.

And this special ability to easily read other people's thoughts and memories allowed Isadora to spend a childhood that was completely different from normal children.

She has seen the dirty, nasty, dark, desire and other negative things in the hearts of too many adults.

In addition, psions often have symptoms of schizophrenia, and even debate with fragments of their own personality, constantly exploring every corner of the subconscious.

In the end, it became what it is now, which is scary.

As for the fuse of the outbreak, it is estimated that Sir Alrot who was lying on the bed planned to push his little daughter out as a scapegoat.

"You know my power?"

A silver light flashed in Isadora's pupils for an instant, followed by a small knife placed by the bedside for peeling fruit that flew up out of thin air, and the sharp part of the front pointed directly at Zuo Si's eyes.

Now, with just one thought, she can make this small knife fly out at lightning speed, and ruthlessly insert it into the opponent's eye socket.

But Zuo Si replied with a smile in disbelief: "The power you use is called psionic powers, and you are a psion with an innate talent.

The attack just now was called [Psychic Blast], which can produce a strong spiritual shock and make the affected person unable to move.

As for controlling this small knife, it is the power of mind control.

Your gifts are special and rare.

But unfortunately, you are still too weak to cause any harm to me. "

"This is impossible! No one can resist my power!"

As she spoke, Isadora suddenly manipulated the knife to stab Zuo Si's eye socket.

A cold light flashed in the air instantly.

But what she never expected was that the knife stopped just a few centimeters away from Zuo Si's eyes, as if it had stopped, no matter how much it controlled it, it couldn't move forward a little bit.

Before the girl realized what had happened, the knife suddenly made a 180-degree turn and stabbed her in the chest.

"Do not!!!!!!"

Facing the oncoming sharp blade, Isadora let out a desperate scream, closed her eyes and waited for the pain and death to come.

But after more than ten seconds, the pain did not come, and she subconsciously opened her eyes again.

It turned out that the knife had pierced the clothes, and the distance to the smooth and delicate skin was less than one millimeter, and the fine hair could even feel the slightest chill.

no doubt!

This hand alone is enough to prove that the opponent's level of control over psychic powers is far beyond his own.

After realizing this, Isadora raised her head and asked in a slightly trembling voice, " also have the same ability as me?"

"If you're referring to psychic powers, the answer is obviously no. It wasn't me who confronted you just now, but it."

Saying that, Zuo Si pointed to the head of Wilmes beside him.

Just when Isadora cast her eyes on Wilmes, the red dragon maintaining the human form suddenly opened its mouth, and stretched out four octopus-like tentacles from its throat.

One of them was raised high and waved.

Immediately afterwards, a voice echoed in the girl's mind: "Hello, Isadora, I am a miracle created by the master, and I have the power of psionic power just like you."

"Master? Creation?"

Isadora keenly grasped two key words.

Although the tentacles in front of her made her a little scared, she also had a little joy of meeting the same kind.

After all, over the years, the girl has always regarded herself as a different kind, a monster lurking in the crowd, and she can only try to hide herself, and she is even unwilling to communicate with others.

This is why she always looks shy and shy in the eyes of outsiders.

Through the spiritual connection, Qiwu sensed the girl's emotions, and responded in a tone without any emotion: "That's right. The person who talked to you just now is my creator. If it weren't for the master's kindness, you would have been a monster just now." dead."

After saying this, the strange object ignored Isadora, and directly retracted the tentacles, and at the same time returned control of the body to Wilmes.

Although this behavior of depriving control right at every turn made Red Dragon very annoyed, but she dared not speak out now.

"How? Do you understand your abilities now? Psychic power has never been an invincible power. It is just more concealed than arcane and divine magic. It can be completely defenseless against the surroundings without making a sound. human influence and control."

Zuo Si was very interested in explaining the difference between different power systems to the girl in front of her.

Because psions are just too rare, too rare.

And these guys are very good at hiding and disguising, it's almost hard to be found.

"You created something with the same ability as mine, and even full intelligence?" Isadora's eyes suddenly became fanatical.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. Although there are many flukes in this process, if there is a living mind flayer as the raw material, it should not be a problem to reproduce it."

"Great! You are the one I've been looking for! Let's be together forever!" Isadora opened her arms suddenly and wanted to pounce.


Zuo Si put a question mark on her forehead, completely confused about what kind of trouble this girl in front of her is.

But he still relied on his seventeen-point agility and dodge to let the opponent miss.

But Isadora didn't seem to give up, and still said to herself: "Look, in the eyes of ordinary people, people like us who possess great power at a young age are generally called monsters. I'm a monster, and you're a monster too, wouldn't two monsters be a good match together? And when we have each other, we won't be alone anymore."

"Are you lonely?"

Zuo Si looked at the girl with slightly pitying eyes.

The latter nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes! I am lonely! Very, very lonely!

Because ever since I had memory and awakened my ability, I found that everyone around me was very scary.

My father was always plotting how to kill the big brother sister.

The big brother sisters are planning how to get rid of each other.

When I was a little older, I found that the guard who was in charge of protecting me was fantasizing about how to strip me naked and do something disgusting without being noticed.

There is also a maid who is always jealous of my appearance and background, and will secretly add poisonous weeds that can make people pimples every time I make tea.

My oldest sister tried to marry me to an old and ugly businessman more than once in exchange for the support of the Baldur's Gate Iron Throne Chamber of Commerce.

There are so many similar things that I have been having nightmares since I was a child, and I can't sleep peacefully at all.

This world is so scary and malicious to me.

But it's different now.

In you, I smell the same kind of breath.

So please don't reject me, or kill me immediately.

Otherwise, I will spend the rest of my life taking revenge on you. "

While saying these words, Isadora walked slowly step by step in front of Zuo Si, and then hugged her tightly with open arms, constantly sniffing the unique smell of the latter, with incomparable happiness and joy on her face. Satisfied expression.

"Now, you are mine. And I can finally sleep in peace."

As soon as the words fell, the girl closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"What's the matter with this human cub? Her brain seems a little abnormal." Wilmes asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, Isadora is not mentally abnormal, but has a psychological problem. She awakened her ability too early, so that she has seen too many dark sides of human nature before her mind matured, so she has been in panic and nervous and intense anxiety. The result was a twist in her character."

While explaining, Zuo Si tried to get the girl off her body.

Unfortunately, she didn't know if it was the effect of psychic powers, but she hugged her hand very tightly, and it took a long time to get it off.

In desperation, Zuo Si could only let such a "pendant" appear on her body.

Fortunately, his current strength attribute is not low, and his physique has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people. It shouldn't matter if he hangs around for a few hours.

At the same time, those people around who were hit by [Spiritual Blast] also recovered from the state of shock.

"What happened just now? Why can't I remember anything?"

The half-orc Rhett shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the strong dizziness.

Alena leaned on the wall and retched, complaining while vomiting: "Damn! My head hurts! And I'm a little sick!"

"Master, are you okay?"

Dragonborn knights are as loyal as ever.

Compared to himself, he is obviously more concerned about the safety of his master.

Zuo Si shook her head and responded: "I'm fine. You have been affected by the psychic power released by Isadora. Don't worry, those reactions are temporary, and you will be fine after a while."

"Psychic powers? What's that?"

Bernard suppressed the physical discomfort, sat down on the chair and asked.

"Do you know mind flayers? The kind of power they are good at using is called psychic power. And your youngest sister is a very, very rare psion. She was awakened when she was six years old , has the ability to read other people's thoughts and memories."

"My God! You mean... Isadora saw the darkness in the hearts of everyone in the whole family when she was a child?"

Bernard opened his mouth wide in shock, with an expression of disbelief all over his face.

He couldn't imagine how terrible this would be for a child whose mind was not yet mature.

"It's scary, isn't it?" Zuo Si sighed slightly. "In addition, the culprit who murdered you and your brothers and sisters has also been clarified. It is the old man lying on the bed, your father."


When Bernard looked at the old man, he subconsciously clenched his fists, and his eyes shot out extremely angry fire, as if he would rush to strangle him to death in the next second.

But unfortunately, he finally suppressed the impulse in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked, "What's the situation with my father now? Is he controlled by Isadora?"

"No. His memory should have been tampered with. And the method was very rough, so that there were problems with his spirit and consciousness, and he would probably die soon."

Zuo Si straightforwardly gave his own diagnosis.

He didn't have the slightest sympathy for this old guy who had taken some kind of ecstasy drug and wanted to replace his real child with an illegitimate child, but was finally killed by his younger daughter.

"Very good! Then let him die in such pain."

Bernard pronounced his father's death sentence in a cold voice, without any intention of asking the priest to treat him.

But soon, he turned his attention to his sister hanging on Zuo Si: "How is Isadora now? Is she still in danger? Is her mental state stable?"

"It's a little hard to say. Because the power system of psionists is too special and very idealistic. This has caused almost all psionists to only believe in what they want to believe. I'm not sure if she will do it after waking up. Make some outrageous moves."

While saying these words, Zuo thoughtfully glanced at the girl's quiet and delicate face.

In his view, Isadora was nothing more than a victim in the whole affair.

None of these things would have happened had it not been for Sir Al Rotor's desire to sacrifice him.

In fact, the reason why all the servants and guards in this house were replaced, and the memory was tampered with, was because of the strong uneasiness in the girl's heart and the desire to protect herself.

Let the strange things be modified later through psychic powers, and then all the people will be dismissed.

"Can I ask you to take care of her? You know, I have no power, and I can't stop her when something goes wrong." Bernard made the request sincerely.

To be honest, he was really scared by his youngest sister just now.

The strange and powerful psychic ability made the young businessman feel creepy.

Even more frightening than seeing those hordes of undead charging on a desert island.

Because although the undead are scary, they can be seen and touched after all, even if they die, they can die to understand.

But there is no sign of psychic powers at all. It can read a person's memory and thoughts without knowing it, and it can also turn it into a controlled puppet without knowing it.

Bernard would rather be killed than become his father's walking corpse.

"No problem. But you have to think about it, this is a rare psion. If you leave it to me, it will be difficult for you to see her again in the future." Zuo Si reminded solemnly.

Bernard smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay. Your support is enough for me. As for Isadora, I just hope that she can stay away from this nightmare home and live happily in the future."

While speaking, while the girl was asleep, the young businessman stretched out his hand and gently touched the girl's long golden hair, with a hint of love in his eyes.

It can be seen that he actually likes the youngest sister very much.

After a few seconds, Bernard reluctantly withdrew his arm, put on a disturbing gloomy face, and asked bluntly: "Mr. South, can you tell me about my father's mistress and the one who tried to replace me?" Where does your illegitimate son live?"

"What do you want to do?" Zuo Si asked calmly.

"Does it matter? Of course it's revenge! Since that bitch dared to instigate father to kill all the real heirs including me, he must be prepared to bear bloody revenge."

Bernard's tone was full of naked and undisguised blood.

After this ordeal, he has obviously grown a lot.

In the past, he did not have the courage and guts to dare to kill people in the city of Askatla.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Si nodded in relief, quickly picked up the pen and paper, wrote down the information that the strange object read from the mind of the old man on the bed through psychic ability, and handed it over.

"Here, here's the address. Need help?"

Bernard took a deep breath and declined, "Thank you, but there's no need. This is a matter for our family. I will use Amn's most traditional and bloody method to cleanse all those involved in this matter and their families. Uproot them, leaving no one behind, men, women, or children."

"In that case, then I wish you a happy revenge." Zuo Si sent her blessings with a smile on her face.

Because he knew that after experiencing this incident, Bernard would make up for his last shortcoming and completely transform into a qualified Amn businessman.

In this way, Bernard left home alone and went straight to the chamber of commerce.

Relying on his status as the number one heir and the prestige he had accumulated within the chamber of commerce, he took over all the power without much effort.

Immediately afterwards, Bernard allocated a sum of money and divided it into three parts.

One of them was given to the Shadow Thieves Guild in Amn, the other was given to the military camp responsible for maintaining the daily law and order in the city, and the other was secretly sent to the chief prosecutor's wife who was in charge of accepting cases and conducting trials.

In less than an hour, the house that Sir Al Rotor used to house his mistress broke out in a fire. No matter whether it was the master or the servants, none of them could escape, and they were all burned to death.

Then, a small family that had only risen in recent years suddenly had a collective accident of eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake, and the whole family, young and old, died.

After the inspection by the guards and the judgment of the chief prosecutor, everything was quickly settled.

Perhaps in the eyes of uninformed people, these are two completely different accidents.

But in the eyes of the upper ruling class of Askatla, this is a perfect and excellent revenge.

As the new head of the family, Bernard used the way of the Amnites to kill all the enemies who were spying on his family's wealth, which is worth emulating for all young people.

Obviously, the money given to the shadow thief is to buy murderers, the money given to the barracks is to let the guards help cover up the traces of the murders, and the money given to the chief prosecutor's wife is to end the two cases as quickly as possible and avoid unnecessary incidents. turmoil.

As Babette said, there is nothing in Ascatera that cannot be bought with money.

If you can't buy it, it only means that the money you gave is not enough.

What's more, Sir Al Rot's mistress was not originally from a famous family, otherwise she would not have been willing to hide her name and be willing to be an old man's lover.

And the family behind her relied on nepotism to gain a place in the fierce competition in the city.

So after getting the money, the shadow thieves didn't even hesitate, and immediately sent assassins to complete this lucrative and risk-free commission.

Looking at the heads in front of him, Bernard didn't have any expression on his face, and said directly to the thieves who came to hand in the task: "I'm glad this matter is finally over. Your efficiency is still as good as ever."

"Thank you for the compliment. As long as you are satisfied. Oh, by the way, our boss Ailan Linville asked me to send a message, saying that he wants to make an appointment with Lord South who helped you get everything back .”

The thief added a sentence when he was about to turn around and leave.

"Iron Linville?" Bernard was slightly taken aback.

Because this name is very famous in Amn, especially Askatra.

He is the titular supreme leader of the Shadow Thieves.

Although there are rumors that this guy is just a puppet launched by the shadow thief to deceive people.

But it is undeniable that he is indeed quite powerful.

At least most of the shadow thieves must accept the leadership of Ellen Linville, and all subordinate guilds must turn in part of their income every once in a while.

Bernard couldn't figure out what would happen to the leader of the shadow thieves looking for Zuo Si.

The thief noticed the worry of the businessman, and immediately smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. On the contrary, our boss wants to negotiate a deal with His Excellency South, which is beneficial to everyone."

After saying this, he escaped into the shadows and disappeared at the end of the street at an extremely fast speed.

Half an hour later, the office at the end of the maze on the basement floor of the Shadow Thieves Guild.

Alan Linville sat in front of the chair and asked in a slightly playful tone: "How, have you brought my words?"

"Of course, boss. But I don't quite understand. The boy named Sous is obviously only about ten years old. What do you have to talk to him about?" the thief asked suspiciously.

"Child? No! That's not a child, but a powerful and terrifying monster. Remember, don't spread this matter, and don't mention it to anyone."

After all, Ellen Linville waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave.

(end of this chapter)

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