One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 179 Long Time No See, My Dear Apprentice

Chapter 179 Long time no see, my dear apprentice

The revenge was completed under the watchful eyes of the major families of Askatra, and Bernard soon replaced his father and became the real master of the family and the chamber of commerce.

There was no trouble or difficulty during the whole process, and even those who originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity withdrew their black hands.

In addition, the caravan brought back a large number of special products from the southern Calimshan and Tethyr regions. At the same time, Old Bass also led a merchant ship to successfully dock in the harbor of Askatla a few days later, bringing a large amount of expensive spices and sugar , honey, silk, pearls, rare herbs and other goods were moved out and shipped to warehouses.

All of a sudden, all the nobles and businessmen realized that instead of being weakened by this incident, the Roldan Chamber of Commerce became richer and stronger because of a blessing in disguise.

Those who originally wanted to join forces to suppress Bernard and force him to sell some shops, merchant ships, and trade routes at a low price in exchange for working capital, their attitudes immediately turned 180 degrees.

After all, in Amn, no one would have trouble with money.

Whether it is spices, sugar, honey, or pearls, tobacco, silk, and rare herbs, they are all in high demand in the Amn region.

As long as you buy it and take it to a store for retail, you can make almost 30% of the profit immediately.

If you go to Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep City, and Neverwinter City in the north, it will not be a problem to double or double easily.

Therefore, Bernard needs to meet a large number of customers every day, and bargain with each other every penny to ensure the maximum benefit.

Of course, he didn't sell all the goods, but only sold about one-third, and the rest was slowly digested by the shops and trade routes of his chamber of commerce.

In about a week or so, the young businessman placed in front of Zuo Si a thick stack of money orders that could be directly used as currency for transactions in most cities of Faerûn.

"Your Excellency South, here are 650,000 gold coins, please take a look."

"Have you cleaned up all the goods?" Zuo Si asked with some surprise.

Although a mere merchant ship has a load capacity of several hundred tons, plus the transportation capacity of more than two hundred heavy horse-drawn carts, it is nothing in the modern society of the earth.

But in this world where technology and transportation capacity are relatively backward, it can definitely be regarded as an out-and-out "commodity".

If you don't want to make the price plummet all at once, it often takes a long time to process.

Zuo Si felt that it would be quite remarkable to be able to sell about half of the goods in one or two months.

But now, the other party gave him a big surprise.

Bernard smiled and shook his head: "No, it's still not far away.

The funds you have given me in Calimport have gone far beyond what was originally planned.

And we made a lot of money along the way at Memnon, Melatma, Zazespor.

Therefore, the income is several times higher than the original.

This is just the first batch of profit sharing, and there will be more in the next year.

In particular, lending to the nobles and chambers of commerce in Myratma City will continue to bring huge profits for a long time in the future. "

"Good job, I really didn't see the wrong person."

Appreciating the energetic look of the young businessman after completing the transformation, Zuo Si showed a gratified smile on his face.

Because his investment has paid off amazingly.

If nothing else, the start-up capital for building a mage tower and going to Candlekeep to seek knowledge should be nothing to worry about.

"Thank you for the compliment. If it weren't for your help and support, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back alive.

I will never forget this kindness.

And I hope that the close partnership between us can last forever.

Oh, by the way, this is a Chamber of Commerce equity transfer agreement promised to you, as well as a land deed, a noble status certificate issued by the six-member council, and a permanent and valid spellcasting license.

From now on you can call yourself Lord South.

In addition, the title deed is located outside the city of Askatra, near the rivers and lakes to the west of Kerimul, and it is a very fertile land.

There is a beautiful castle and four large manors under its jurisdiction.

It was originally left by my father for his mistress and illegitimate son, and now I give it to you as a gift.

You don't need to worry about the business, as there are dedicated housekeepers and servants to take care of it on weekdays.

Occasionally, it can also be used as a place for relaxation, recreation and hunting. "

After finishing speaking, Bernard carefully took the three parchment scrolls out of the wooden box and placed them on the table.

Each of these scrolls is blessed with a little magical power for anti-counterfeiting.

Especially the land deed, although its value and the profits it can generate may not be too high, it belongs to the category of real estate.

And after Amn has the title of nobility, the land under his name will be automatically converted into a territory.

The owner is equivalent to a small feudal lord in the territory, not only has judicial power, taxation power, but also certain military power.

When you think you need it, you can arm all the young and middle-aged people in the territory, or resist attacks from monsters, or kill incoming enemies.

In short, as long as the bottom line of the six-member council is not publicly touched, it is basically equivalent to a local emperor, who can do whatever he wants.

After all, the predecessor of Amn was the "Emirate of Kalisha".

It was originally a loose country formed by a group of small lords, so even after it was transformed into a commercial empire, it still retained the rights of a large number of feudal lords.

In some of these places, famous scenes like "sheep cannibalizing people" are even being staged.

"Sir South..."

Hearing this rather familiar name, Zuo Si immediately thought of a death knight with the same name in Klein's world, and the other party's full-bodied way of speaking.

But soon, he smiled and shook his head to interrupt this occasional divergent thinking, and then asked: "About my application to build a mage tower in the city of Askatra, is it possible that the six-member council Has there been no response from the masked mage?"

"They responded, but I don't think you will like it." Bernard replied with a wry smile.

"Oh? What's their response?" A trace of curiosity flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

"They gave two solutions. One is that you join the Masked Mage Guild, and then you will naturally get permission to build a magic tower in the city. The other is to use the temple of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and plague, which is under construction, You can transform it inside the temple and use it as a mage tower."

Bernard calmly stated the answer he got from the official.

The second one knew without asking, that Zuo Si definitely couldn't agree.

Because he didn't even have time to hide from those Tarona churches, so how could he get on the pole to mess with each other.

Although the first one seems to be feasible on the surface, in fact, joining the Masked Mage Guild means fulfilling some responsibilities and obligations.

For example, if the Askatra masked mages were resisted during law enforcement, or simply killed by the enemy, all masked mages would be summoned to the location ahead of the incident.

If it's "soft persimmon", it's okay.

Once you encounter a "hard stubble" like Joan Irenicas, it is definitely a disaster.

Most importantly, the foundation of the masked mage is too poor.

Not only has the entire organization been established for a short time, but the resources and knowledge at hand are also quite poor, not even a decent legendary spellcaster.

In Faerun, a spellcasting organization without legendary mages sitting there is basically equivalent to a country without nuclear weapons on earth, and its deterrence is quite limited.

Zuo Si didn't think joining such an organization would bring him any benefits at all, so he sneered and sarcastically said: "These guys really have a good idea, and they even tried to absorb me into the masked mage organization or church and use it. I guess before The Shadow Thief wants to meet me, so he probably has similar intentions."

"Then what do you mean..." Bernard tentatively asked.

"You just reply to them and say that if I'm not allowed to build the mage's tower in Askatera, then I'll go to Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep City to build it."

Zuo Si directly countered the opponent's army.

You must know that Amn is out-and-out competitive with Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City.

Not long ago, Baldur's Gate fought with Amn on the border over the steel trade.

This is why a few years later, when Sarevok created the iron ore crisis and wanted to provoke a war, he did it almost easily.

The conflict of interest and hatred between the two parties was planted long ago.

As for Waterdeep City, it has been in a hostile relationship with Amn for a long time.

The Shadow Thief, who was once banned and expelled by the lords of Waterdeep City, has been trying to use various methods to fight back to complete revenge.

If Zuo Si puts on the posture that he wants to join Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep City, he will definitely force the Council of Six to make huge concessions.

Because they absolutely do not want the voters of the Goddess of Poison and Plague to become a bargaining chip in the hands of the enemy to threaten them.

Since Amn is a typical business empire, people here like to apply the same way of doing business to politics.

I like to find a condition acceptable to both parties through continuous testing and games.

So Zuo Si is not worried at all that the other party will disagree.

Bernard nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I will convey your opinion to the Council of Six. In addition, you let me purchase the Crane Hotel in the city gate area and the copper in the slum area. There are also plans for the Crown Hotel. The owner of the former agreed to sell it, but the asking price was a bit high. The latter made it clear that no matter how much money he gave, he would not sell it.”

"It's expected. After all, the business of the Copper Crown Inn is as simple as it looks on the surface. The boss Lei Tinan is not only secretly operating gambling, gladiator performances and pornographic industries, but also has close ties with slave traders. Whether it is replaced by No one will sell their hen that lays golden eggs. But it doesn’t matter, there will be opportunities in the future. Let’s buy the Crooked-Necked Crane Hotel right now.”

Zuo Si made a choice after thinking for a while.

In fact, from the perspective of collecting intelligence, the Copper Crown Hotel located in a slum area is obviously a better choice.

Because there is a complex mix of customers, including members of the Shadow Thieves Guild, adventurers, mercenaries, slave traders from all over the world, and even nobles and wealthy businessmen who are looking for excitement and fun.

From their mouths, it is easy to inquire about many rumors and gossip.

Most importantly, behind the Copper Crown Inn there is a secret entrance to the Askatra Sewers.

But the Crooked Neck Crane Hotel in Chengmen District is not bad.

"What? The Copper Crown Hotel is also engaged in gladiatorial performances and slave trade? Damn it! I didn't know." Bernard was obviously taken aback.

Because he had been to the Copper Crown Inn more than once.

But usually it's just a couple of glasses of wine and an "in-depth chat" with some of the young, beautiful ladies in the private rooms on the second floor.

Never heard of other entertainment.

Zuo Si replied with a smile: "Because Lei Tinan is very cautious, the slave trade and gladiatorial performances are only open to regular customers, and new customers are often recommended by old customers to watch and participate in gambling."

"No wonder... I said why some people go to the Copper Crown Hotel in the slums every now and then. It turns out that they all go to see the slave wrestling performance."

There was an expression of enlightenment on Bernard's face.

However, he had been to Calimport anyway, and had seen the brutal slave wrestling in the big arena, so he didn't have much interest in this kind of sneaky underground wrestling.

Only those guys who have never left Askatla in their entire lives, and have never seen murder and bloodshed, but are eager to seek intense excitement, will become loyal fans of this underground gladiatorial performance.

"Okay, let's put aside the matter about the Copper Crown Hotel. Anyway, we have caught Lei Tinan's handle, and we can kill him at any time." Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

In fact, there are too many places like the Copper Crown Hotel that are doing legitimate business on the surface, but doing all kinds of dirty things in private.

For example, the "Gift of the Sea" tavern in the dock area is a stronghold set up by pirates to collect information.

Many merchant ships were robbed because they sent detailed information and route maps to the pirate captains in time.

After all, as a country where money is paramount and was established very late, Amn originally had no cultural background, and its moral values ​​were even weaker to almost none.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it might be "laugh at the poor but not at the prostitute".

As long as you can earn enough money and go ashore to launder your name, no matter what methods you used or how many crazy things you did before, you will eventually be praised by the people around you.

Some children from poor families even publicly stated that their dream when they grow up is to be a "shadow thief".

Bernard nodded lightly: "That's true. If that's the case, I'll make a trip tomorrow to buy the Crane Hotel, and then hire someone to tear down the old parts for reconstruction and decoration. I believe at most half In a month or so, Chef Welby can conquer the entire high society of Ascatella with his unique oriental dishes."

"It's not urgent. Because there is a small hidden danger in that hotel that needs to be dealt with first." Zuo Si interrupted the other party's imagination with a smile.

"Hidden danger?" Bernard blinked in confusion.

Zuo Si explained meaningfully: "There is a hidden secret door in the back wall of the lobby on the first floor of the Crane Hotel. Behind the secret door is the secret residence of a lich. I have to get rid of this lich first. Then we can remodel and decorate with peace of mind.”

"Witch... Lich?!!"

Bernard's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he was instantly frightened into a cold sweat.

He has been to this hotel more than once, and he is sitting near the bar in the lobby on the first floor.

The merchant shuddered at the thought of being so close to the dreaded lich.

At this moment, Bernard finally realized why Zuo Si would emphasize that Askatra was not safe.

It turns out that even this kind of place with a lot of people is hiding a terrible Lich, not to mention the inaccessible places like sewers, abandoned houses and warehouses.

Seeing the uneasy look on the businessman's face, Zuo Si immediately comforted him: "Relax. I will be fully prepared when I do it. He can't make any waves."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. By the way, where's Isadora? Hasn't she been pestering you for the past few days?" Bernard asked in surprise.

He still remembers clearly that this little sister who possesses spiritual power has been by Zuo Si's side ever since he went home that day and dealt with his insane father.

And it seemed that he was afraid that the other party would leave him and run away, and he was inseparable every day whether he was going out or sleeping, and he became unreasonable as if possessed by a demon.

But what surprised Bernard even more was that Zuo Si showed extremely high tolerance for Isadora, and did not show the slightest bit of boredom.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, he always felt that it must have something to do with his sister's rare psychic talent.

"Isadora is in the upstairs room right now, debating with another fragment of her personality in order to dig deeper into her potential."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and gave the answer openly.

According to his observations and tests over the past few days, it is basically certain that although this girl has not undergone any systematic training, she has trained seven or eight kinds of psionic powers with her incredible talent, and the psionic power points necessary to use the abilities are also very high. Not low.

There is no doubt that this is a true genius.

At a young age, he has the power that many people can't match.

It's hard to imagine how powerful and difficult she will become in another ten or twenty years.

"Debating with fragments of my own personality?" Bernard froze for a moment.

"This is a unique training method for psions. It seems that many mages like to increase their perception of the magic net through meditation. The training method of psions is to constantly debate with the personality fragments generated deep in their subconscious. Every time they win a debate , the personality fragment will completely disappear and become part of the Psion's power."

Zuo Si explained meaningfully.

"Then won't this cause mental problems? For example, split personality or something?" Bernard asked nervously.

Zuo Si nodded with a serious face: "It's entirely possible, and the possibility is not low.

In rare cases, too many debates have been lost, and as a result, the main personality is replaced by a growing and formed second personality.

In this world, no way of gaining strength is safe, even the simplest and most brutal warrior training may lead to death.

This is why I told you before, be prepared to never meet Isadora in this life.

Because it is very likely that she is not the Isadora you know, but a second personality grown from fragments.

In addition, psions must constantly dig into the darkest corners of their hearts, which normal people may never want to touch.

This also means that their personalities will become less and less like their previous selves as their strength grows. "

Just when Bernard was about to say something, he suddenly found that Isadora ran down the stairs suddenly, completely ignoring her own existence, and threw herself into Zuo Si's arms and said coquettishly: "Sous, I just now Added a power point through exercise."

"Well done. You really are the best." Zuo Si praised the girl while stroking the girl's hair.

"Then today's reward?"

Isadora raised her head, staring into two big eyes full of expectation.

Without further ado, Zuo Si held up the girl's face, kissed her forehead lightly, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you satisfied now?"


Isadora blushed, her whole body trembling uncontrollably from excitement, and it took more than ten seconds to calm down slowly, her eyes revealing incomparable intoxication and satisfaction.

"Now obediently go upstairs and stay for a while, I have something to discuss with your big brother." Zuo Si whispered in the girl's ear.

The latter didn't resist at all, just like a docile kitten, it walked lightly and disappeared around the corner of the second floor.

Bernard watched this scene dumbfounded, and tentatively asked: "What... what's going on? I mean, how did you manage to make Isadora obedient?"

"Remember what I said, psions are all idealists through and through? When they are willing to trust a person, they will show unreserved trust. Isadora is in such a state now. Her My childhood was too lonely and too dark, so I was so eager to find someone of my own kind. In her eyes, I was that kind.”

Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

In fact, apart from mind flayers, which can keep themselves absolutely ruthless and rational, psions of other races are more or less neurotic.

Because the latter cannot be as absolutely ruthless and rational as a mind flayer, they will always be troubled by complex emotions, desires, and impulses.

"Then what will Isadora look like in the future?" Bernard continued to ask.

Zuo Si shook his head and replied: "I don't know. Maybe it will slowly change back to a normal person with the passage of time, or it may remain in this state for a lifetime, until the day of death. But I promise, it will Let her be as happy as possible."

"Hey—I hope everything will go in a good direction."

After sighing slightly, Bernard quickly stood up and turned to leave the family mansion.

You must know that he is a very busy person now, and he has no extra time and energy to waste on family and family.

As for Zuo Si, about 20 minutes after the businessman left, he took the three of them and set off to the Copper Crown Hotel in the slum, intending to feel the atmosphere there and see if he could get some useful information by the way.

Bernard's family residence is in the administrative district, located at the northeast end of the city, next to the temple area.

If you want to go to the slums at the southern end, you need to cross the chaotic bridge area in the middle.

The reason why it is said to be chaotic is because this place is close to the river, not only there are a large number of ships and people coming and going, but it is also one of the main areas where shadow thieves are active.

Moreover, Zuo Si's first stop when he came to Askatla was the bridge area, so he knew very well how dangerous this place was.

In just a few minutes, the group drove away two malicious pickpockets, and by the way dealt with four robbers who were trying to rush out from the alley to rob.

As for the guards...

I'm sorry, the guards don't come to this kind of place to be on duty, at most they stand guard at the entrances and exits on both sides.

Unless there is a vicious case, such as a serial conspiracy, they will not be nosy.

When you pass through the bridge area safely, you will soon see a large area of ​​dense and low-rise shantytowns.

A large number of old houses are closely arranged with almost no gaps, and some of them have almost lost the paint on the outer walls, which look like spots one after another from a distance.

Next to these old houses, there are countless wooden houses and shacks built with discarded planks and rags.

Along the way, there were so many beggars who were bare-chested and only wearing shorts.

Of course, it is different from those beggars in Calimport who are completely unable to work.

Most of the beggars in Askatra are able-bodied people who are used to getting something for nothing.

For the merchants of Amn had a habit of displaying their wealth to those around them by making charitable donations.

But this is not out of good intentions, but out of a psychology of showing off and showing financial power.

This has led to many beggars even if they don't do anything, they can live on the food donated by charity every day.

Some beggars even try to get everyone who passes by them to take out a few coins through deception, intimidation, and moral kidnapping.

Then take these coins and go to the tavern to get drunk.

"The stares of these beggars make me sick!"

Alena glared viciously at the middle-aged beggar who was squinting in the corner, her mood obviously began to become a little irritable.

Because she knew what these bastards were thinking, she wished she could throw a fireball and burn everyone to death.

"Calm down, there is no need to have the same knowledge as these self-willed scum."

Zuo Si calmed down his grumpy entourage.

"Hey! If you want to teach them a lesson, I have a way." A smirk appeared on the half-orc Rhett's face.

Alena hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?"

"It's very simple! When you get to the tavern, you just need to throw a few silver coins to those drunken drunkards, and they will be more than happy to help you beat these scumbags."

"Hire someone to beat them?"

"Yes! Believe me, it's a lot more fun than doing it yourself."

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Under the whispered conspiracy of these two restless elements, a group of people finally walked into the gate of the Copper Crown Hotel.

The first thing that catches the eye is the bonfire that is more than ten meters long in the center of the hall on the first floor.

On the bonfire, there are some iron shelves, as well as broths, stews, or large pieces of grilled meat and fish that are being cooked on the shelves.

Around the huge campfire, three dozen tables are loosely arranged.

Most of the customers are sitting around the table happily drinking wine and enjoying delicious food, and from time to time discussing what happened in and out of the city recently.

"This is the Copper Crown Hotel? It looks pretty good." Alena commented with great interest.

"What is that round iron cage over there for?" Rhett asked curiously.

Zuo Si replied with a smile: "It's a small arena. It can not only allow customers who have conflicts to settle personal grievances, but also conduct animal fighting and gambling. See those caged dogs in the corner?" ? If you are willing to spend a few gold coins, the person in charge will put two dogs in and let them bite each other until one of them dies."

"Choose one of the two dogs to bet on winning or losing? It's interesting!" Rhett's eyes shone slightly.

After all, he didn't have many hobbies. Apart from drinking and fighting, he only had gambling.

"Master, can we play two games?" Alena tentatively whispered eagerly.

"Yes. But be careful not to get drunk or cause trouble for me." Zuo Si issued a warning in a stern tone.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he found that when Alena and Rhett got together, it was always easy to cause some problems.

Alena quickly patted her chest and promised: "I swear! Only eat, drink and have fun! Never cause trouble!"

In this way, the two "fun people" first ran to the bar to order some wine and appetizers, then ran to the table next to the small arena and sat down, joining the ranks of the gambling army, and those who did not know who they were from the locals The guy who is still an outsider cheers for the dog he bet on with his voice hoarse.

Once you win, you will immediately scream excitedly.

If you lose, you will curse without hesitation.

Zuo Si didn't understand at all, how could they be so devoted to a bet of just a few gold coins at a time.

Just when he was about to find a place far away to sit down, Wilmes, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked, "Can I join them?"


Zuo Si looked up and down at the red dragon maintaining the human form, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Could it be that you want to use your ability to cheat and win their pitiful bets?"

"Master, you guessed it right, that's what she thinks."

Qiwu spoke the truth through a spiritual connection at a critical moment.

"You really think so?!"

Zuo Si was startled instantly.

Those who are gambling may not be worth a hundred guineas for all their wagers put together.

But here there is a shameless red dragon who doesn't even intend to let go of this little money.

There is no bottom line!

Wilmes, whose inner thoughts were exposed, seemed a little annoyed, and ground his teeth to argue: "Isn't a gold coin money? I'm not as rich as you! Earn one is one!"

"Don't make trouble! Didn't I give you part of the treasure of the dracolich before?"

Zuo Si rolled her eyes angrily.

"Not enough! I want more! More! I want to be the richest red dragon in Faerun!"

There was a greedy light in Wilmes' eyes.

"Forget it. Don't be ashamed. Even if you don't feel ashamed, I do."

Zuo Si resolutely rejected Red Dragon's idea of ​​cheating in this small amount of gambling.

Although his current reputation has been almost completely ruined by the propaganda of Talona Church, his image is basically a frightening and frightening destroyer.

But even so, it is a hundred times better than the voter who said that the goddess of poison and disease - "Sir Sous" cheated in the gambling of a few gold coins.

In the end, under Zuo Si's strong pressure, Wilmes's little fortune-making plan went bankrupt before it even started. He seemed full of resentment, and ordered a large amount of barbecue in one go.

Judging from the posture, it seems that he intends to make up for the "loss" in this way.

Zuo Si didn't bother to bother with this guy, and while tasting the unique barbecue of the restaurant, he listened to other guests talking about the strange things that happened in Askatla recently.

Since he is already a voter, he is not afraid of any toxins or diseases at all, so he is much more courageous than before when eating, and even tasted grilled lizard skewers.

"Hey! Have you heard? Recently, in the few shops in the Woking mall area, you can always hear weird noises coming from the ground at night."

"Underground? Weird noise? Could it be some monster in the sewer?"

"Yesterday, a group of adventurers accepted a mission issued by one of the shops and went into the sewer to explore, but none of them came back in the end."

"Damn! They didn't encounter a troll, did they? We encountered one when we went in last time. As a result, there was no spellcaster in the team, and there was no thing that could make fire. No matter how hard we tried to kill them, we couldn't kill them. Get out."

"What?! There are trolls in the sewer?"

"It's not just trolls! I've also seen a large group of slime monsters!"

"Damn it! I swear that I will never go into a dangerous sewer again in my life. That place is a hundred times more terrifying than the wild forest."

"By the way! Apart from the weird noise from Woking Mall, I heard that the cemetery area has not been peaceful recently. The bodies of a few elves living on the edge of the city were just discovered not long ago. It is said that the blood from all over their bodies has been sucked dry. And there are two very obvious teeth marks on the neck."

"My God! Vampires? There are vampires in Askatra? What are the priests of the temple and the paladins of the Burning Heart Knights doing? Aren't they the best at purifying these undead creatures?"

"The devil knows what they're doing. Maybe they can't find the vampire's hiding place."


Eerie noises in the ground floor of the Woking mall precinct?

Are there vampires near the cemetery?

These two news immediately made Zuo Si realize that Irenicus and Badi have probably already arrived in this city.

The sound means that Irenicus is building his own underground laboratory and base, and the blood-drained elf corpse means that Buddy is looking for a suitable target and then transforming it into a vampire descendant.

"It seems that Askatra will inevitably become more and more dangerous from now on, I have to be prepared."

Zuo Si couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Just when he was about to continue to listen to other news, a waitress in revealing clothes walked up to him and placed a word on the table.

"The masked man in the corner asked me to give it to you."

"The masked man?"

Zuo Si took the note casually, raised her head and looked in the direction the woman was pointing at, and sure enough, she found a masked man covered in a black cloak.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that this figure looked a little familiar.

Out of curiosity, Zuo Si quickly opened the note and found that there was only one sentence written on it:

Long time no see, my dear apprentice.



Zuo Si felt as if his head had exploded suddenly, his face was full of expressions of shock and disbelief.

Because there is only one person who can speak to him in this tone.

That is Ashtar, the Necromancer.

Without any hesitation!

Zuo Si stood up directly and walked towards the other party.

When the masked man saw it, he immediately got up and walked outside the Copper Crown Hotel.

In this way, the two continued walking along the narrow and dirty alleys of the slums, and stopped until they reached the door of a dilapidated old house.

" it really you?" Zuo Si narrowed her eyes and tentatively asked.

"Who else could it be?"

As he said that, the masked man took off his hood and mask, revealing an extremely old but rebellious and cold face.

He is none other than the necromancer who crossed over from another world.

Especially those eyes, which no longer have any breath of life.

This also means that he has successfully transformed himself into a lich.

"I don't understand... When did you come to Faerun?"

Zuo Si's mind is obviously a little confused now.

Because without the help of his planeswalker spark, it would be impossible for the other party to complete the cross-plane and cross-crystal wall teleportation just by relying on that huge door.

Asta let out a creepy deep laugh: "Hehehehe, of course when I ordered you to open the portal for the last time, I used illusion magic to deceive your vision and hearing, making you think that I have returned to myself room. But in fact, I have brought everything I need and came directly to this world.”

"Illusion magic? So that's it! The you I saw at that time was just a false phantom created by magic." Zuo Si had a sudden realization expression on his face.

In this way, he finally understood why his mentor appeared in this world.

Asta nodded slightly: "That's right! Remember how I taught you? A mage always only believes in himself, otherwise once he places his hope and trust on others, he may be betrayed."

"So you're guarding against me."

Zuo Si bluntly stated the other party's motives for doing so.

"You are very smart, as always, and this is what I admire the most about you. And...I recently heard that you have become the chosen one of the world's goddess of poison and plague, and even destroyed a world with plague?"

When he said these words, Asta's tone obviously became a little weird.

After all, he has been looking down on Zuo Si all this time.

It never occurred to me that this relationship would one day be reversed.

Zuo Si was keenly aware of this, and responded directly: "Yes. I am a voter of Talona. As for destroying the Al magic civilization with the plague, it was actually just an accident."

"How is the Floating Void City of Plantia now?" Asta asked in a very calm tone.

"Almost everyone is dead, there are resurrected undead creatures everywhere, only a few lucky ones are left hiding in the mage's tower and don't know how long they can last. Not only the floating city of Plantia, but also those of other floating cities The situation is the same, even the towns and villages on the ground. The magic civilization created by you Al people is over, and the entire continent is shrouded in a raging plague. I escaped with great difficulty."

Zuo Si briefly introduced the situation.

He was very clear about the character of the necromancer in front of him, so he didn't feel that the other party would do anything to him because of it.

"How did you do it? Is it the power given to you by that goddess?"

As Zuo Si expected, after hearing the tragic situation in his hometown, instead of showing anger, anger, or even wanting to kill, Asta showed a strong desire for research and exploration.

Because there are no creatures like gods in the world of Al people.

So he is full of curiosity about God, if possible, it is best to get one and dissect it.

(end of this chapter)

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