One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 19 "Blood Hand" Hallett

Chapter 19 "Blood Hand" Hallett

Without the command of the captain, first mate, and bosun, it is naturally impossible for the remaining illiterate sailors who may not even know the words to organize effective resistance.

Not to mention organized resistance, many of them were frightened and jumped into the sea, trying to reach the beach by swimming across the shallow water.

But in the end, without exception, they were shot and killed by crossbow arrows.

Generally, the swimming speed of human beings in the sea will hardly exceed the limit of 100 meters per minute.

One minute is enough for several rounds of crossbow arrows.

In addition, the tide was just in time for ebb, and the corpses and dark red blood quickly stained the sea red.

As for the remaining guys who did not jump into the sea and tried to resist, after being hacked to death seven or eight people, they all knelt on the ground and chose to surrender.

After all, the number of pirates is more than two hundred, and among them are vicious and terrifying monsters like hobgoblins and ogres.

The former are not chaotic, stupid, timid, and destructive vermin like their goblin kin.

They are militarists (anti-harmony) nationalists who are about the same size as human beings or slightly taller, proficient in various weapons and armor, and can be ordered to prohibit them.

Hobgoblins have a very strict hierarchy within them.

Some human rulers of the evil camp even recruit them as officers to join their army in order to improve the combat effectiveness and obedience of the soldiers.

As for the latter ogre, just being tall and strong like a titan is enough to make the humans who face it feel hopeless.

These guys who will treat any creature they encounter as rations are three meters tall and weigh more than one hundred and fifty kilograms.

Just the destructive force produced by the smashing of the stick can easily kill a strong horse.

Looking at the young sailor on the deck of the merchant ship with only limbs left, his torso almost turned into a pool of rotten flesh, and only one kidney that flew out, he knew that the power of the ogre was definitely not something ordinary people could compete with.

While the captured sailors were squatting on the deck tremblingly waiting for the verdict of fate, the pirate captain "Blood Hand" Harlett finally appeared.

Unlike the grim and hideous face in the rumors, he looks very handsome, about forty years old, with clean short hair and a goatee.

The whole gives people a feeling of maturity, vicissitudes and wisdom.

Hallett was wearing a white shirt made by Amn and a dark blue captain's coat.

On the leg is a pair of black pants of unknown material.

On the feet are a pair of brown waterproof leather boots.

Wearing a three-cornered hat.

Most importantly, the two weapons hanging from this pirate captain's belt are very special.

One is a scimitar that looks very luxurious, and the end of the handle is inlaid with a gleaming blue gem the size of a quail egg;

The other handle is the opposite, an inconspicuous dagger, dark and non-reflective.

If nothing else, they should all be magic weapons.

The moment Harlett stepped on the deck of the merchant ship, all the pirates, no matter if they were humans, orcs, hobgoblins, or those not-so-intelligent ogres, raised their hands and shouted loudly in Common Tongue.

"Welcome to the great Captain Bloody!"

"Under your leadership! We once again successfully caught prey at sea!"

"You are the supreme ruler of this sea! The uncrowned king!"


There is no doubt that this man has completely won the support of his subordinates.

Some guys even adore him and take pride in obeying his every command.

Hallett has long been familiar with this kind of small scene, and immediately nodded in satisfaction: "You guys did a good job! Now, bring the son of the owner of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce. I can't wait to hear him know the truth. , wailing in pain and despair."

"Uh... Captain, we have searched the entire ship, but we have not found the son of the owner of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce. Not to mention him, even the captain, first mate and bosun of this merchant ship are gone. "A hobgoblin explained cautiously.

"What? You mean they ran away!" Hallett's eyes flashed a chilling light for an instant.

The hobgoblin didn't answer this question by himself, but grabbed a captured sailor out of the crowd, pulled his hair and threatened viciously: "If you don't want to die, repeat what you just said .Remember, just one mistake and I'll cut your tongue out."

"Don't... don't kill me! Don't cut my tongue either! The owner, captain, mate and bosun left us in a small boat when the ship ran aground. They should be hiding in the bushes on the island by now .”

The human sailor was obviously terrified, shaking out everything he knew.

Especially when it comes to the captain, his face is full of anger and hatred.

"Abandoning the merchant ship and valuable cargo and fleeing to the island? It seems that the target this time is smarter and more decisive than we expected." Hallett commented, stroking the beard on his chin.

"Captain, what should we do now? Go to the island and search?" The hobgoblin asked in an uncertain tone.

After all, the cargo just under his feet is already worth a lot.

He even wanted to take the ship and the goods back and sell them to black market dealers, and then get his own share of the money to drink and have fun.

If you went to the island to search, it would be extremely difficult to find four people who were hiding with just over 200 pirates.

Maybe a few days of searching will turn up nothing.

But Hallett responded without thinking: "Of course I have to go to the island!

Do you know how huge assets the Roldan Chamber of Commerce, which has been passed down for generations, has?

Do you know how many merchant ships they have and how many trade lines they control?

The income obtained from this ticket is not comparable to a mere shipment of goods.

Some people were left to guard the captives and ships, and all the rest went to the island.

Even if you dig three feet, find Bernard. "

Following the command of the "Blood Hand" captain, the pirates jumped into the boats and paddled vigorously, rushing towards the beach not far away.

No one realized at all that they were not alone on the island, and the four guys who had escaped from the merchant ship.

There is also a planeswalker and the creatures he summons.


"Businessmen? Pirates? Chasing and fighting at sea? Interesting..."

Zuo Si, who was hiding in the bushes, saw everything that happened just now, with an expression of interest on her immature face.

He was not in a hurry to contact the first four people who landed in a small boat, nor did he rush to attack the pirates, but planned to find out the truth behind it first.

To put it simply, it is to hide in the dark and watch a good show.

When the time is right, decide to show up to help one of them, and then leave this desolate uninhabited island by boat with the wind.

After drawing up the action plan, Zuo Si stretched out his hand and lightly touched the leopard lying behind him, and said in a polar voice, "Let's go, Rhett. It's time for hunting. Let's take a few captives first. Clarify the identity and purpose of the two groups of people."


The leopard let out a low growl, and its two yellow eyes revealed excitement and anticipation.

Although it didn't understand the meaning of the whole sentence, it understood the word "hunting".

One person and one leopard quickly disappeared in the dense woods, weeds and bushes.

After a while, three human pirates who got together and searched around were spotted.

(end of this chapter)

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