One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 20 Captive And Interrogation

Chapter 20 Captive and Interrogation

"Hold on! There's a snake on your right!"

"Damn! Help me get it out of the way!"

"Okay! Done!"

"God! I'm so fed up! How many snakes are there on this broken island? We have encountered seventeen or eight snakes in less than an hour after we landed on the island."

"Don't complain, you should know that this is the order of the bloody captain, and no one can disobey it."

"Of course I know this is the captain's order! But the question is, with only two hundred people in our area, can we really find four guys who deliberately hid on such a big island?"

"Perhaps. I've heard hobgoblins and ogres have a good sense of smell, and orc hunters are good at tracking."


The three human pirates talked to each other while throwing the snake that had just been hacked into the distance.

It can be seen that it is different from those who have not undergone combat training.

They generally have at least one or two fighter ranks.

And he is very good at using the machete, a weapon that is widely loved by pirates.

Especially the moment he slashed at the poisonous snake, his movements were fast and precise, without any hesitation at all.

After confirming that there was no second wave of pirates within a radius of 50 to 100 meters, Zuo Si immediately gestured for the leopard to approach.

The latter understood, and his whole body crawled in the grass, approaching the target slowly from behind with light hands and feet.

When approaching less than ten meters behind one of the unlucky ones, Reid finally launched a deadly sneak attack.

It suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front, then jumped up, opened its bloody mouth and bit the target's neck fiercely.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of a broken spine, the human pirate fell to the ground with a plop without even seeing the attacker, losing his ability to move.

Blood spewed out along the opening torn apart by the fangs, obviously hurting the main artery.

The big cat that succeeded in one blow didn't bother to fight, it turned around and jumped into the grass and bushes and disappeared without a trace.

Because the whole process happened so quickly, when the other two pirates turned around, they only saw a fuzzy yellow shadow and their companions twitching in a pool of blood.

"Damn! What was that just now?"

The shorter pirate immediately raised his scimitar and stared ahead vigilantly.

Another pirate next to him squatted down, checked the condition of his companion and the bite marks left on his neck, and replied with a look of horror: "It should be some kind of large beast that is good at stealth and sneak attacks and is extremely fast. Rick was bitten by it." Broken neck and dead."

"What? Beast? How is this possible! If it is a beast, shouldn't it be dragged away and eaten after killing the prey? But after the thing killed Rick, it ran away without stopping for a second. This is not in line with Common sense!" The short pirate put forward a different point of view.

When the two human pirates were arguing about what killed their companions, Zuo Si took out a roll of strong rope from his satchel and threw it directly at each other's feet.


The two ends of the rope seem to come alive, climbing and winding along the feet of nearby targets at an extremely fast speed.

In less than three to five seconds, the two pirates were tied from head to toe into rice dumplings.

Even his mouth was tightly bound, and he could only make a whining sound while struggling.

There is no doubt that this is not an ordinary rope, but an [activated rope] with low-level magic effects attached.

Although the spell level is not high, even many apprentices can cast it.

But as long as it is used properly, it can completely bind and capture enemies that are much stronger than itself.

However, unlike mages who can only cast spells for a short period of time, the [Activation Rope] that Zuo Si took out is a permanent magic item, and the material used is not hemp rope that is easily broken by powerful creatures. Straw rope.

It is a kind of rope with extremely high strength and toughness after repeated processing and strengthening with animal tendons.

Once tied up, there will be a situation where the struggle becomes tighter.

Let alone two mere human pirates, it would take a little effort to break them with a powerful ogre.

After confirming that the pirates were no longer a threat, Zuo Si slowly came out of his hiding place, carefully confiscating sharp weapons including machetes and daggers hidden in boots.

Immediately afterwards, he took off the other party's decorations such as earrings, rings, and amulets.

The reason for this is mainly to prevent the jewelry worn may contain magical items.

Although the possibility of ordinary pirates owning magic items is infinitely close to zero.

The above habits are all experiences that Zuo Si summed up bit by bit through blood and tears in the high tower of the floating city.

He will never forget that when he was arresting an apprentice who was stealing things, the other party was already tied up, but he still shot a frost ray from the ring, almost freezing himself to death.

Since then, little trinkets such as rings, earrings, and amulets that are easily overlooked have become the focus of attention.

Unfortunately, the gold and silver products, precious stones, and pearls worn by these pirates are just decorations.

Probably the most valuable is a rare blue pearl inlaid on the necklace.

This kind of small thing formed after years of magic infiltration is not only a jewelry that is loved by nobles and wealthy businessmen, but also a high-quality material for making magic items.

If it is made into [Mana Regeneration Pearl], it can be sold for at least a thousand gold coins.

Looking at the blue pearl emitting a charming halo under the sunlight, Zuo Si muttered in a rather puzzled tone: "For a group of pirates who make a living by plundering, having such valuable belongings Isn't it a bit outrageous?"


The leopard also got out of the bushes at some point, and kept licking the blood on its mouth and teeth with its tongue.

Seeing this scene, the two guys who were tied up by the [Activation Rope] were so frightened that their legs went limp, and they almost peed on their pants, with a panicked expression on their faces.

No matter how stupid they are at this moment, they almost understand what happened.

But Zuo Si didn't care about the reaction of the captives, maintaining a nonchalant attitude and said to the two: "I believe you have already understood your situation.

Now it is up to me to announce the rules of the game, all you have to do is abide by them 100%, and there must be absolutely no violation.

First, don't make any shouts, or I'll let the big cat bite your throats off immediately.

Second, I will answer whatever I ask, without any concealment.

Otherwise, I will cut off your fingers and toes one by one, and cut off your nose and lips.

Third, I will interrogate you separately.

You know what happens when the same question gets two very different answers.

In the end, of the two of you, I will only allow the one with the most information to live, while the other will be killed.

How about it, it's very simple and easy to understand, isn't it? "

For a moment, both pirates saw shock and fear in each other's eyes.

They couldn't believe that a human boy who looked about ten years old would have such a vicious and meticulous mind.

Because according to this rule, no one dares to conceal any information.

Not only that!

They will also do everything they can to tell them all they know, in exchange for the only chance to come down.

But after a short silence, the two pirates scrambled to be the first to be interrogated before the other, squirming like worms.

From this moment on, the relationship between them has changed from former companions to competitors and endless enemies.

After all, you don't expect a group of robbers who live by robbery to have any noble sentiments of self-sacrifice.

Pirates have always lived only for themselves!

(end of this chapter)

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