One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 21 Confirming The Location

Chapter 21 Confirming the location





"Why did you choose to be a pirate?"

"I offended the local Thieves Guild in my hometown, so I can only go to sea to try my luck."

"How many people are on your pirate ship, and who is the captain?"

"There are two hundred and forty-seven of us in total, and the captain is the great Bloody Hand—Hallet."

"You seem to adore your captain?"

"Of course! Your Excellency Hallett is the most famous, generous, and most worthy captain in the entire Sea of ​​Swords. All the pirates in the Nelanther Islands are proud to be on his ship."

"Oh? Tell me about your captain in detail. And why he ordered you to go to this deserted island to hunt down the four fugitives even though he had successfully captured the merchant ship."


Under Zuo Si's meticulous interrogation, the pirate captive quickly explained everything he knew.

Moreover, for the same question, there was almost no big difference in the answers of the two people who were interrogated separately.

There is no doubt that this is very different from what he expected to be a simple pirate robbing a businessman.

Especially the behavior of "Blood Hand" Hallett is not like a simple pirate at all.

It's more like building a huge intelligence network and influence in the name of pirates.

According to the information about the mainland of Faerun collected by the necromancer-Astar from various captives, Zuo Si probably knows that the Nelanthal Islands are located in the southwest of the mainland, and are composed of thousands of nameless islands, large and small.

Crossing the Strait of Essevier to the east is the peninsula extending from the border between the Amn Empire and the Kingdom of Tethyr.

At the southern tip of the peninsula, there are some scattered islands without names, and a place nicknamed "Racing Channel" by passing ships.

As for the origin of the name, it is naturally because of the rampant and rampant pirate activities around the Neilanser Islands.

All merchant ships are likely to be targeted, followed and chased by pirates when passing through the route from the Racing Strait to the Esserville Strait, thus forming a "racing race" in which the front is desperately running and the rear is desperately chasing.

Although the Amn side has sent the navy many times to clean up, but with little success.

Often the warships came, and the pirates disappeared.

When the warship left, the pirates appeared again.

"It turns out that this small island is right next to the Racing Channel, not far from the capital of Amn—Askatla..."

After knowing her approximate location, Zuo Si was visibly relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that the island he teleported over was far away from the mainland, and there might not be ships passing by for weeks, months, or even years.

Compared to this vital information, the pirate captain "Bloody Hand" Hallett, who acts strangely, and the fleeing heir of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce are secondary.

However, considering the threat that more than 200 pirates, including hobgoblins and ogres, might pose to him, Zuo Si decided to act first.

At least reduce the number of pirates first.

Especially those who are headed towards the cave near the top of the mountain.

"Red! Kill them!"

Zuo Si gave the order to kill without hesitation.

He had no intention of letting go of any captive from the very beginning.

The decent announcements and rules before were just to extract more valuable information from human pirates.

After all, there are more than two hundred vicious and murderous gangsters!

And Zuo Si has only one person, and a small number of summoned creatures.

In a frontal battle, he has no chance of winning.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Seeing the leopard walking towards them with its mouth full of fangs, the two human pirates twisted their bodies like crazy, as if they were asking "why didn't they keep their promise".

But unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't intend to answer any questions.

He had already cultivated a "heart of stone" in the tower of the floating city for nearly two years.

In the blink of an eye, the alive and kicking captive turned into a dead corpse lying on the ground.

After biting off the enemy's neck, the big cat stretched out its tongue and licked the blood on its lips, as if waiting for the next command.

"Come on, Rhett. It's time to greet our pirate guests and let them know who is the master of this island."

After saying this, Zuo Si took out the [Manipulate Dead Corpse] wand from the satchel, aimed at the three corpses on the ground, and successively released the spells stored inside.

The effect of this four-ring necromantic magic is just like its name. It can transform a relatively complete corpse into a zombie, or discard the flesh and blood wrapped outside, leaving only the skeleton inside.

Although in the eyes of the necromancer-Asta, these low-level undead without wisdom are not even qualified to be cannon fodder for themselves.

But for a group of pirates who are generally superstitious and have low combat power, it can still cause some panic and damage.

After a while, three zombies made from pirate corpses crawled up from the ground tremblingly.

But except for the last awakened one, the first two quickly escaped the control of the caster.

Because with Zuo Si's current spellcasting level, it's not enough to control so many undead creatures at once.

Seeing that the two zombies wanted to jump towards him, he immediately manipulated the zombie he controlled to throw them down, then released the control, took the big cat and left at an extremely fast speed.

By the time the three zombies got up from the ground again, one person and one leopard had disappeared without a trace.

Losing their target, they immediately began to wander around aimlessly.

Needless to ask, Zuo Si created these undead creatures in order to cause as much trouble as possible for the pirates running around the island.

Maybe during the day, it's not too difficult to kill a few slow-moving zombies.

But once the sky gets dark, these undead who have [Dark Vision] and can sense nearby living things will become the deadliest sneak attackers and killers.

What's more, what Zuo Si wants to create is not just three or five skeletons or zombies.

Instead, he was going to use half of the forty rounds stored in the wand in his hand.

Sneak attack, killing, transforming undead...

In the next hour or so, he cooperated with the leopard without much effort and killed all the pirates around the cave on the top of the mountain.

no way!

Who made these pirates too careless, and didn't feel that there was anything on the island that threatened them.

So they spread out from the moment they landed, and drilled into the dense woods, grass and bushes in small groups.

No more than four people per team.

Moreover, the distance between the teams can range from more than 100 meters to more than 200 meters.

In many cases, even if a team finds that another team has been attacked and wants to rush to rescue, it will be more than ten seconds later.

Ten seconds was enough for Zuo Si to kill all the enemies in front of him, and then use the corpses to transform a few zombies into the next battle.

Although the profession of Creator is not strictly suitable for combat, it is better to stay in the tower to create various magic items and wonders.

But who to compare with!

Compared with those high-level mages who can call wind and rain, and can release spells such as lightning, fire, acid, and poisonous clouds, the profession of creator is of course much inferior.

But if compared with a group of illiterate pirates, Zuo Si can find more than a dozen different ways to kill each other.

This is the gap between knowledge and wisdom.

What's more, now the enemy is in the open, but he is in the dark...

(end of this chapter)

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