One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 22 There Are Many Ways To Kill, And It Is Not Necessary To Fight

Chapter 22 There are many ways to kill, and it is not necessary to fight

The disappearance of more than two dozen humans, half-orcs, and hobgoblins was undoubtedly inconspicuous to a group of pirates with more than two hundred people scattered throughout the island.

However, as dusk came and the sun slowly set towards the sea level in the west, the situation changed a little.

I saw those guys who were still searching in the woods, grass and bushes in twos and threes, gathering at a very fast speed towards the beach where they landed and stored the boat.

After a while, a huge bonfire piled up with logs was lit.

After resting for a day, the soldier stood on the top of the mountain, looked at the scene in the distance, and immediately turned back to the cave and said to his summoner: "Master, those pirates are gathering in one place. I don't think it will take long before they will find out Many companions are missing."

"Oh? Have you finally started to gather together?"

Zuo Si's eyes lit up slightly, and even the hand stirring the cauldron stopped.

This so-called "crucible" was created by him using metal weapons such as scimitars and long swords in the hands of the killed pirates, and using the creator's [shaping] ability.

As for the viscous paste stirred with water in the pot, it is some plant seeds that have been crushed and added with a little water.

And this plant has a very famous name on the earth, called castor bean.

On the way back to the cave on the top of the mountain, Zuo Si accidentally found these plants growing on the mountainside. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he thought of a method that could quickly make a large number of pirates lose their combat effectiveness and even die.

That is poisoning!

Castor seeds are known to contain a highly toxic substance called ricinin.

As little as a fraction of a milligram is required to cause the painful death of a strong grown man.

Even in Faerun, which is full of various mysterious powers, magic and divine arts, it is not difficult and troublesome to relieve and eliminate ricin.

Perhaps [antidote] can do it, and so can magic spells such as [slow down poison] and [neutralize poison].

But its scarcity determines that none of the above methods can get rid of more than 200 poisoned pirates at once.

There are many ways to kill, and it is not necessary to fight.

This is one of the most valuable lessons Zuo Si learned from the Necromancer Ashtar.

After a whole afternoon of busy work, he first gathered a large number of castor seeds together by means of simple and primitive methods such as crushing, adding water, and stirring.

Then use the [Refining] ability to get crystals with higher purity.

High-purity ricin has been obtained in doses sufficient to kill thousands of people.

Now, the only thing missing is a chance for the pirates to gather together to eat and rest.

The soldier was obviously very clear about his master's plan, and nodded immediately: "Yes! Judging from the current scale, they have already gathered more than a hundred people. It is estimated that in about forty minutes, the remaining pirates will come and go. Arriving one after another. And that happened to be when the sun sets and night really falls.”

"In that case, let's add some ingredients to the guests' dinner."

With that said, Zuo Si stood up and used [Refining] on the crucible.


A small handful of crystal powder flew out of the turbid liquid, and fell precisely into the glass jar beside it.

After finishing all this, he carefully picked up the jar and took the lead to walk down the mountain to the beach where the bonfire was lit.

The summoned soldiers and leopards followed closely behind.

In about half an hour, the two arrived behind the bushes near the beach and hid behind the leopard.

Since the sun has only the last twilight left at this moment, the visibility of the surrounding environment is extremely extreme.

But for those hobgoblins and half-orcs with [dark vision], these are not too big a problem.

Even in the darkest night, these humanoid creatures can clearly see everything within a range of eighteen to twenty meters ahead.


At the moment these guys are busy carrying wine and food down from the stranded ship.

Coupled with the fact that the pirates keep coming back from the jungle to join them, the scene looks very chaotic.

Zuo Si was keenly aware of this, and immediately ordered the soldiers who had put on pirate costumes beside them: "Now! Sneak in and add some ricin to their stewing pots, wine barrels and fresh water. Remember Hold on, if anyone asks you who you are, use the name Asted."


The soldier took the glass jar and hid it in his arms, then pretended to walk towards the campfire.

I don't know if it's because the human pirates are not familiar with monsters like hobgoblins, orcs, and ogres, or because they spend too much energy walking through the dense forest and searching during the day, and they don't have the mood to pay attention to the companions coming and going around them.

In short, the soldiers did not arouse anyone's suspicion along the way, so they arrived at the place where the supplies were piled up without incident.

Just when he was about to take out the jar in his arms and start poisoning, the orc who was cooking next to him suddenly shouted loudly: "Hey! Human boy! What are you doing?"


The soldier who kept digging out froze.

He was extremely nervous, and his other hand was subconsciously pressed on the handle of the scimitar, his mind was full of thoughts on how to kill the other pirates without alarming them.

But the half-orc cook didn't notice this, but walked over directly, snatched the jar full of ricin crystals from the soldier's arms, unscrewed it carelessly, grabbed a handful and put it in his mouth to taste.

After a few seconds from Hongan, he grinned and mocked: "Aha! A jar of expensive spices. You bastard, you dare to steal condiments for everyone's cooking. You are really impatient .”

Incense... Spices?


The soldier who was about to rampage to kill the last second was dumbfounded.

He really didn't know how to describe the stupidity of the half-orc in front of him, and his terrible taste.

You must know that high-purity ricin is a crystal with a slightly bitter taste, and it should not be associated with spices and condiments no matter how you look at it.

But then, the cook's operation made him even more dumbfounded.

The half-orc took the crystals full of ricin, sprinkled a handful in each soup pot, and threw the empty glass jar on the ground until it was all used up, cursing viciously: "Go away! Dirty, despicable offal! If I see you stealing anything again, even if it's a glass of wine or a mouthful of salt, I'll wring your head off and throw it into a pot to feed those ogres. They're never picky eaters anyway! "

"Yes... I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it again next time."

Resisting the urge to burst out laughing on the spot, the soldier quickly pretended to be panicked, turned around and ran into the dark woods.

I'm afraid that if I run too slowly, the other party will see the distorted expression on my face because of the suppressed smile.

The half-orc chef, who thought he had done a good deed, spat in the direction of his escape, and then triumphantly continued to pick up the spoon and stir the stew and sea soup in the pot.

After the soldiers returned to the hiding place and told the whole story, Zuo Si couldn't hold back anymore.

He laughed and complained: "Okay. Now we have good news and bad news. The good news is that the toxin content in those meals and soups, even if the toxicity subsides after being boiled, is enough to bring down the strongest ogres. The bad news is that if some pirates just drink alcohol and eat grilled fish, then they won't get poisoned."

"What are we going to do next? Are we just waiting here for those pirates to poison us?" the soldier asked curiously.

"No! Of course not. Remember those zombies roaming the foothills and mountainsides? It's time to put them to use. You and Red wait here, and I'm going to use this time to set up a little magic ritual .”

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si took out some bone powder, a few black agates, and an eyeball soaked in embalming solution with nerve tissue from the satchel.

It can be seen from the materials alone that this is definitely a necromancer magic ritual.

After all, after studying with Asta for so long, he has the best understanding of necromancy magic and the highest proficiency in mastering it.

(end of this chapter)

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