Chapter 23 Magic Ritual

Magic rituals are a more complex, harder to learn and manipulate power than simply casting spells.

But at the same time, the effects and power it can produce are far greater than magic in the general sense.

Many mages can only stop at some of the simplest and most rudimentary magic rituals of summoning, restraint, prophecy and foreign world detection throughout their lives.

But Zuosi is different!

Ever since he got the profession of "creator", he knew that he couldn't cast spells through spells and gestures like other apprentices in the tower, so he put all his energy into learning the obscure magic rituals.

Because this is the only way he can cast spells besides making magic items and using scrolls.

Some subversive combinations of runes, even the necromancer - Ashtar couldn't help but praise a few words.

Compared with the caution and prudence of traditional spellcasters, Zuo Si is better at using his unique perspective of a traveler to maximize the power of magic rituals from another angle.

Moreover, the several magic rituals that have been improved by him usually do not require hours, or even days, weeks of arrangement and repeated inspection.

In less than half an hour, all the preparations were completed around the beach where the pirates lit the bonfire.

When the low-pitched incantation sounded, the eyeball soaked in the antiseptic solution and carrying the optic nerve suddenly flew into the air in an anti-gravity manner, floating still about 30 meters away from the pirate's head.

"It's done!"

Seeing the bone meal completely disappeared under the feet, and those valuable black agate gemstones that turned into transparent gravel, Zuo Si's eyes showed a trace of pity for these pirates.

Because he knew that these vicious guys would soon die in the most painful and desperate way.

After completing the magic ceremony, Zuo Si immediately carefully returned to the previous hiding place and joined the soldiers and leopards he summoned.

On the other side of the beach, the tired and hungry pirates had already started to gobble up food.

In particular, a few giant ogres almost ate the whole pot of ricin-rich sea offal soup by themselves.

However, "Blood Hand" Hallett did not eat the food served by his hand, but just silently drank the wine in the glass, and took two bites of the grilled fish in front of him from time to time.

After about seven or eight minutes, he suddenly asked the hobgoblin beside him: "Have all our people returned?"

"No! There are still twenty-five people who haven't come back." The latter hastily gave an exact number.

"Twenty-five didn't come back?"

Hallett frowned subconsciously, as if sensing something was wrong.

In his opinion, hunting down the four lost dogs who fled from the merchant ship, at best losing two or three men is the limit.

The hobgoblin nodded quickly: "That's right! Most of them are humans and a few half-orcs. Bonn and Mark under me are also missing. Obviously, either there are any dangerous creatures on this island, or the businessman There are some powerful magic items on him. But don’t worry, I have sent two teams to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon.”

"Very good! You really didn't disappoint me. After this business is over, I will choose to retire behind the scenes and let you inherit the title of Bloody Hand and continue to gallop across the sea."

A look of satisfaction appeared on Hallett's face, and by the way, he made a heartwarming promise to his deputy who had followed him for many years.

"Thank you for your generosity and trust! Don't worry, even if I inherit the title of Bloody Hand, I will still regard you as the eternal captain and offer my loyalty." The hobgoblin knelt on one knee and trembled excitedly.

You know he has been waiting for this moment for three full years.

Many of the pirates who lived in the Nelanthir Islands may not be able to live for more than three years.

Even though the hobgoblin couldn't figure out why the unpredictable "Blood Hand" captain in front of him would give up the prestige he had built and choose to retreat behind the scenes.

But this does not prevent him from imagining that after he inherits the title of "Blood Hand", he will continue to expand his team and form a huge fleet that can plunder the entire west coast of Ferenc.

Even become the co-owner recognized by all the pirates in this sea area - the Pirate King!

Hallett noticed the ambition revealed in the eyes of his subordinates, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a playful and playful smile.

It seems to be mocking the other party's overreach, and it seems to be expecting something.

But this expression only lasted for less than a second or two before disappearing.

After the pirates gobbled up their stomachs, they soon gathered together to drink, fight, wrestle, gamble, and swear words that demeaned each other.

For them who live in the boring sea all year round, the above are the only entertainment activities.

Especially the bare-handed fights and wrestling can maximize the violence factor in the hearts of these evil camp guys and make them feel unparalleled happiness.

And generally speaking, the two parties participating in the fight will not really kill each other.

At most, a few bones are broken, or the face is covered with blood and the consciousness is blurred.

Since ricin is a poison with a relatively slow onset, coupled with the sensory stimulation caused by alcohol and fighting, no one in the entire camp showed any symptoms after three and a half hours.

Except, of course, the half-orc cook who spilled ricin crystals into the soup pot with his own hands.

At this moment, the poor creature was already lying on the place where the supplies were piled up, coughing up blood and vomiting, while turning into a jet fighter and running uncontrollably, his throat was sore and burning, as if he had been burned by fire.

Urine also changes from its normal white or yellow color to a frightening dark red.

The severe pain that spread from his stomach to his whole body made him unable to shout out the word "help" at all, and he just broke out in a constant sweat.

No need to ask, I know that the big handful of high-purity ricin that this guy swallowed before has had an effect, so the poison is released earlier than others, and many vital organs are failing at an extremely fast rate.

If no one is treated, it is estimated that he will die in a short time.

But it was a pity that the attention of all the pirates was attracted by the wonderful fight that was being staged, and no one noticed the situation of the half-orc cook at all.

The moment his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness, a burst of chaotic footsteps suddenly came from the dark jungle in the distance.

Immediately following a team of eight hobgoblins and two ogres, escorting four human captives strung together with ropes, appeared within everyone's sight.

The four human captives were none other than Captain Bass, Chief Mate, Bosun and Bernard who had abandoned the merchant ship and sailors and sneaked ashore in a small boat to hide.

The hobgoblin in the lead walked ahead triumphantly, grinning and showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth: "Captain! Look what I brought you!"

Hallett laughed happily: "Hahahaha! Good job! You will get the reward you deserve, I promise. Also, tell me where you found these guys?"

"Hey! It's a coincidence! These four guys are tired, hungry, and thirsty because they have been hiding in XZ for a whole day. They want to run to the lake to replenish some water while it is dark, and touch a few bird eggs by the way. To fill the hunger. It just happened to be discovered and caught by us."

While saying these words, the leader hobgoblin tugged on the rope, causing the four weak captives to fall to their knees in front of their own captain with a plop.

Among them, the boatswain, who obviously resisted fiercely during the process of being captured, had both arms drooping weakly.

Visually, it was either dislocated, or a bone was twisted.

After all, there are two powerful ogres in the hunting team, and it is impossible for ordinary humans to be their opponents.

In contrast, Bernard, the heir to the chamber of great value, was unharmed.

But after seeing the vicious captain "Blood Hand" with his own eyes, he immediately began to tremble violently uncontrollably, his eyes filled with despair.

If it is an ordinary pirate, it may be possible to return home safely by paying a ransom after being captured.

But Hallett is obviously not an ordinary pirate, let alone the trivial ransom...

(end of this chapter)

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